Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 491: Secrets of the past

Chapter 491: Secrets of the past

"This is whack. Do that again." Deadpool was the first to break the sudden silence that ensued when they all appeared.

But nobody gave attention to that. Because one of them was bleeding and even had a broken leg. John, seeing this, waved his hand to stop the bleeding of the person.

The person bleeding was Tony Stark. His suit which he had always gushed about failed him terribly, as he fell from high up in the air and injured himself. It was fortunate that he had a parachute backup installed which deployed.

But parachuting in a city with long buildings proved to be very fatal for him. At the end he fell hard and broke his leg and some of his ribs. John healed him in a matter of seconds. Since he wasn't affected by the Unmaker, he could do his prime magic with no effort.

Tony, who was unconscious, woke up with a start.

"Please tell me that nobody kissed me!!" those were Tony's first words after he woke up. Seeing that he was doing fine, none of the Avengers paid him heed as they too were confused about what had happened. John meanwhile had healed everybody who had appeared.

But at least they recognized their world's Strange who had his hand lost. They knew that Strange had gone on a very important mission but later nothing was known.

When Unmaker emerged they assumed that he had failed in his mission but now it seemed that this wasn't the case.

"Strange what is going on?" Steve asked.

"We have a situation. And the next decision you all take will determine if this Earth could be saved or not." Strange replied.

And then he proceeded to explain what he had known from Wayne and others, counting everything that had gone down since the emergence of Unmaker and it's demise.

"So you mean to say this speedy guy here can save this planet?" Deadpool said as usual, butting in the middle. He was not named merc with the mouth for nothing.

"Do you even believe this shit? It is scientifically not possible." Tony refused to believe the whole theory. Changing time didn't produce an extra timeline.

This was not what science said,

"Believe. Don't believe it. It's up to you." Clark said as he got a little annoyed by the words of Tony.

"Can he really do that?" Black Panther asked instead, looking at Strange.

"I have seen them fight. They made a joke out of the Unmaker. I don't think they would lie to us on this. There is no reason for this." Strange said.

"Can we give us some privacy so that we can decide on this." Peter asked the other Avengers.

John nodded his head so they stepped back for all of them to decide if they wanted to do the flashpoint. Though almost all of them supported this, they still needed to discuss.

And after 10 minutes of decision with everyone including their universe's Doctor Strange they finally decided to go with the Flashpoint.

But this time, they decided that if Flash travelled in time, more people will be informed of this. Tony, Strange, Reed (Who was dead) and many mutants needed to be involved in this.

"Thank you for your patience. We would like for Mr. Flash here to travel in time and change the story of our universe. We understand that doing this might create a problem for our world, but we are ready to face it. We would be eternally grateful if we are given this chance." Black Panther said in all formality.

They knew that this was basically a favor done to them if Flash made a run, so they needed to let go of their ego and ask for help. Since Tony wasn't going to do that, T'Challa needed to come forward and show his eagerness along with the whole team.

"Alright Barry you are up. We will leave this universe, so that it doesn't effect us. We will come back after an hour to take you back." Clark said.

Barry also got up. He needed to take specific directions for the Avengers and the ways to contact the Avengers of the past. In order to make sure that the Avengers will have time they decided that Barry should go back 2 years back in time.

The Avengers discussed what Barry needed to say to their old self so that they would be convinced. For example, in order to convince Strange, Barry needed to speak the right words and say something of his past. Like his relationship with Clea. (Ruler of Dark Dimension. Dormammu wasn't always the ruler of his dimension)

And such her top level secrets that nobody else would know. Only revealing the top level secrets would allow the Avengers of the past to believe him or at least they hope for it.

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