Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 483: Starting again

Chapter 483: Starting again

Meanwhile Darkseid went to Oa to kill all the guardians and green lanterns, while Batman took the helm of finishing Earth once and for all. Lois' plan was successful but it came at huge cost. With multiple deaths of both heroes and villains and even the all powerful Swamp thing was axed.

But when the group of Clark, Damian, Constantine, Raven and Ertrigon reached Apokolips they witnessed the shock of their lives.

Starfire, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman were the first enemies they faced. During the war, they were captured, made into cyborgs and were brainwashed to fight for Darkseid.

They fought but at the end Constantine was able to use the lasso of truth to help bring Wonder Woman's memories back. After she was back, she was devastated by what he saw and took the role of holding their old teammates back while allowing the rest to finish their mission.

They finally found Cyborg and Flash. Flash was forced to run so that he could generate power for Apokolips while Cyborg was the controller of Boom tubes. Constantine was finally able to free him using techno-magic.

But in the meantime Darkseid was back with Batman. And Damian had to confront his father. Though his father at the end recognized him, Darkseid got angry seeing that he lost his confidante and used an omega beam on Damian.

Almost killing him.

Raven, who was already in love with Damian, got mad and ended up releasing Trigon. Trigon took over the body of Superman and then killed Constantine for imprisoning him.

It was in death that Constantine got to know that he was forced to leave by Z as it was the plan of Batman from the beginning. Batman made a contingency if their assault failed. And that was leaving Constantine from the battlefield. Z did magic on him to make him leave.

And since Z was behind this whole plan she used her magic to bring him back from the dead.

"I will sue you for harassment next time you treat her badly." Mordo said as he looked at Constantine. For this movie many of Kamar Taj too came and Constantine had been a part of Kamar Taj for sometime now as Z had joined them as the Master of London Sanctum.

Constantine shrugged his shoulders accepting the words of Mordo. Z just laid his head on his shoulder with a sweet smile. She was really happy with everything here and had a normal life. Well, except for the occasional fights against evil creatures.

Constantine after coming back to life freed Superman from the control of Trigon who was having a huge fight against Darkeid. But the fight continued even after Trigon was taken out. Superman was really angry with whatever happened and went on a rampage against Darkseid.

But fighting wasn't the main problem here. Killing Darkseid was!!

He was too powerful.

Cyborg finally suggested that they should leave and he would open a boom tube for all. But another problem arose. And that was keeping Darkseid on Apokolips when the planet would be blown apart.

And then the solution came. In the form of Trigon who was trapped. Constantine released Trigon. Trigon again took the place of Superman to fight Darkseid. And funnily, he said the same thing to Raven as he said during his sacrifice against Black Winter.

Damian who was sitting with Raven hugged her as he did that sacrifice.

The Justice League was back on Earth while Apokolips exploded killing everyone. But in the end Earth wasn't able to escape its destiny as the core of the Earth was destabilised due to terraforming for a lot of time.

Constantine finally said to Flash.

"You know what you have to do mate! Clear the board. Start again."

"Another Flashpoint... I can't.. I promised Iris.."

"Some of the changes might be shite.. we might make the same mistakes.. But bloody hell I am sure that it would be much better than what we got now."

Flash after much contemplation got up and bent his knees. He had decided. He was going to create another Flashpoint. The movie ended with a bright light with the Justice League watching and understanding that their story would end here and everything would start new.

"Nice to know that if we ever fuck up, there is Barry." Yen said with a nervous laugh. Everybody had a grave face with what they saw. They saw how such a small decision turned out to be a nightmare for everyone.

Killings, deaths in billions. They had seen a genocidal maniac but had never seen such a person. Thanos now looked like an angel compared to Darkseid who thought of nothing but destruction.

"If I ever see him, I will wipe him away with my own eyes." Clark said as he clenched his fist. he blamed himself for whatever happened.

"Whatever is done is gone. We have started the slate totally new. Haven't we?" John said as he felt a little guilty of installing the Apokolips War memory in all of them.

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