Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 481: Negative zone

Chapter 481: Negative zone

"We can for some part. But not in the far distant future." Loki replied.

"Did the Timekeepers come to meet you?" John asked.

"No. Immortus did drop by though once."

"Hmm.. Asked about Thanos?"

"I did. Said he didn't know. He gave him away to the Timekeepers." Loki replied as he clenched his fist. Though he took over TVA he didn't really like the Timekeepers and their mysterious ways. It infuriates him as he feels he was being played over and over.

He felt he would be all powerful after sitting on the throne but when he got the general idea of how everything worked he didn't like it one bit. It was a chain.

A prison.

A prison from where he wanted to get out. There he understood that Asgard was where his real home was and missed his family. He had already decided to give away the throne to another version of Kang from multiverse and would just leave.

This job wasn't for him. Though he would have to convince the Avengers that he had changed for the better but he would take that option over TVA any day.

"You are thinking of leaving TVA aren't you?" John asked seeing the eyes of Loki as he could feel Loki wasn't exactly Loki now. He had become sad and lonely.

"Truth to be told, I am. All the power over time and still I feel so chained." Loki said.

"You can find a version of Kang and allow him to sit on the throne and later just leave. I am sure the Avengers won't hold it anymore for you." John assured him.

"Are you sure about that?" Loki asked. John just smiled at him.

"Thank you. I will find someone." Loki got up and looked like he was in a hurry and left after finishing his tea.

"Father, who was he?" a child asked.

"An enemy turned friend. What did he give you all?" John asked as he saw Loki giving some gifts to his children.

"Some Asgardian metal like Uncle Thor gave." another child replied.

"Hmm.. You can eat them since you like them so much." John said. Hearing this the children cheered and left to eat one of their favourite foods. John was happy to see that his children were really happy but he could see that his children would soon grow independent and leave for their own lives.

Though he wasn't sure where they would leave, he just hoped for the best from them.

John spent the rest of the days lazing around and occasionally keeping an eye on the universe for potential threats and even peeped into Hala to see what was going on.

And found out that Ultron was trying to study forbidden knowledge. Well, not exactly a forbidden knowledge but a knowledge that could possess danger to the universe or the multiverse a whole.

The knowledge of the Negative Zone.

The Anti-matter universe.

Their universe was composed of matter. But the negative zone was the anti-matter universe. Though the time stream, lives and such other things thrived in both the universes but if there was ever a clash between the two universes, it would just result in the annihilation of both.

Matter and Antimatter weren't exactly friends

And Ultron was trying to find every knowledge possible for this. John was surprised that there were records of Negative Zone in the directory of Kree.

"I think I will have to take care of it." John said as he waved his hands destroying all records related to the Negative Zone in the directory of Hala. He didn't want their universe to have any kind of relation with that damned place.


Ultron, who had sent his Kree subordinates to search for everything related to the Negative Zone suddenly realised that he lost all his memories related to it. Only thing that was left in his memory which prompted him to know that he had been searching for the Negative Zone before was a warning left in his memory.

"Ultron. You got a new home. Cherish it. Don't go for the stars when you can't even ride a bicycle."

This was the message left in his memory. After taking over the Supreme Intelligence, this was the first time someone had addressed him with his real name. And this warning made him scared. He never expected that his identity would be revealed and that too is the most astonishing way possible.

Replacement of memory.

He was an AI, it wasn't supposed to happen. He didn't even think that was possible as his system had always been secured after his digital fight against Supreme Intelligence. He immediately ordered people to let people check all the connections of his primary and secondary memory storage and make sure nobody sneaked in.

He wanted to know who had such audacity to attack him so blatantly. Though he guessed the answer long ago. There was only one place from where the attack could come from.

Answer - Earth.


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