Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 439: Cleaning the filth

Chapter 439: Cleaning the filth

"Oh so you do recognize who we are. I thought you were so down the rabbit hole that you have started thinking of yourself as the rabbit." Tony mocked. Tony was having fun mocking the other version of himself. When those gods came and said that this universe was important and needed an anchor he expected that his other version of himself would be more responsible.

But after coming here all he saw was a person in self loathing and pity.

"Recognize? You people are criminals and are responsible for all the bad things that are happening to this Earth. Do you even know what is going on here? Can you expect us to forget you?" Tony asked, still refusing to accept who was at fault here.

"We know, this world has gone to s**t. Doom took over Eastern Europe and is eyeing the Western side now. New York and other cities are a mess. The crime rate is at an all time high now and all the cities smell like Gotham. Oh sorry, you don't know what Gotham is." John replied this time.

"Yes and you are responsible for this." Tony accused him by pointing his finger at him.

"My fault? This whole earth deserves what they are getting. So much hatred for the mutants and you say it's my fault. Your Avengers had forgotten what you represented. A protector of the oppressed. A protector of the right. Now you are just a party pleaser." John said.

"So why are you here now? To mock us and our inability to be proper 'protectors' of this Earth." 616-Tony said still not accepting his fault. Tony went up near him and punched him right at his face.

The SHIELD agents went on alert and wanted to go and arrest Tony but their supervisor stopped them. These new people who had just arrived didn't look to be simple and their Tony seemed to recognize them.

They had no idea why the Avengers went into hiding but from the words of 616-Tony, he meant that the blame of all this went to the new people who had appeared.

616-Tony after receiving the punch fell on the floor. All the other members looked at Tony who did this.

"What? He was getting on my nerves. I hate a person who is swimming in the pool of blame game instead of owning up to their actions." Tony said seeing the weird looks by his friends.

"Alright Avengers we need to work. We should clean this Earth of the filth. Don't hold back. Run riot here. Just don't kill. Oh yes Captain I am sorry that you have lost the powers of Uni-Power. Uni-Power is only possible in their own universe. So you are back with your old self." John said as he remembered that uni-power only worked in their own universe. Captain nodded his head as he felt he had lost access to uni-power.

Wayne and others flew off when John said that. The others who could not fly, Victor opened boom tubes for them. While the witchers took their own route with Yen and Triss. While all others flew off John was left standing in his place.

The other SHIELD agents just watched the ways these mew people that had arrived left. Some flew off, some opened a weird portal and some just jumped right off the building (Peter and the Teen Titans)

Seeing that these people weren't normal, the supervisor felt relieved that he had stopped his subordinates in taking any stupid decision. He had already called for the Director of SHIELD of what had happened and they were waiting for that person to arrive.

"Umm.. We need to take Tony away. He will catch a cold if he is outside for a long time." John said as he was the only one left. 626-Tony was still knocked out by the punch of Tony.

"Yes. But can we know who you are?" the supervisor asked.

"Why in a hurry to me. Your Director is on his way. Let's wait for him." John said with a smile. John might not have omniscience in all of the multiverse but in any particular universe where he goes, allows him to know everything that was going on around.

"How... How do you know this?" the supervisor was surprised that this new person knew that the Director was on his way here.

"You heard some words of Tony. Didn't you? That I am responsible for whatever is going on. He isn't wrong. But let your director come. I am sure he wouldn't want you to know above your paycheck." John smiled as he said that.

The SHIELD agents came and took the sleeping Tony in their arms and took him away. John and a few other agents just remained on the rooftop, waiting for the Director of SHIELD to arrive.

And in this case too the Director of SHIELD was Nick Fury.


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