Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 430: Master Weaver

Chapter 430: Master Weaver

"Daemos." Karn whispered.

"Oh Daemos. The pervert." John, who was looking up, heard Karn say his name.

"Pervert? This is the first time the food has the audacity to talk back." Daemos said in an angry tone as he jumped from the balcony to take a swipe at John. But in mid air itself he was blasted by Tony's thrusters. Now Tony's thrusters were more powerful than the original and with anti-metal derivatives he had added more power to his metal suit.

Daemos was blasted to the place where he came from. To the The upper floor and was slammed at the wall.

"This place needs to be brought down totally. And needs remodelling." Tony suggested not even caring that he had just blasted a man to oblivion.

"Take over the house. Karn, how many more siblings do you have?" Wayne asked.

"Three more. Verna, Morlun and Jennix." Karn replied feebly. He felt a little bit sad that his family would be destroyed by his own hands but he had no other choice.

"Spread out. Kill anything that moves. Well, except for Spider-Man. There might be clones so be on the lookout. None should escape." Clark said as he went to a nearby room to search for others. It was a big house so they needed to check everything

"I will stay here and just keep an eye on everything. I can sense the clones deep inside the home but surprisingly all the others of your family are able to hide from me. Master Weaver must be really something to avoid my detection and even allow others to do so." John said.

"Okay. None should escape. I want this journey to be a happy one. And no Spider-Man should be alone. They aren't easy." Tony said as he flew off to other sections of the house, while Karn and John just stood in the hall silently.

Meanwhile, Daemos, who was blasted away, finally got up after shaking his body. He didn't expect that someone would just have no regard for him and would be pushed back so violently.

When he looked down he saw that only the person who mocked him before was present and rest had disappeared. This gave him a bad premonition. He jumped down with an axe that was in the wall nearby to confront this person.

"Karn!! Did you rebel against us?" Daemos asked, looking at Karn.

"Rebel? Hahaha.. No brother .. I am here to kill you. Rather they are here to kill you. I am just a tour guide to them." Karn replied.

"What a bold mouth!! Let me take that sweet mouth off of my mother's favourite child."Daemos said as he threw his axe at a fast speed at Karn. But before the axe could travel half the distance it vanished in thin air. It felt like it was burnt in a very high temperature, hot enough to burn it down to ashes.

"It's not good to ignore a guest in your own home, Daemos. Didn't Solus teach you manners?" John butted him as his Gate of Babylon opened behind. Both Karn and Daemos were shocked to see so many spear-like weapons sticking out of thin air.

And before he could react or properly ask, 4-5 spears were thrown in the direction of Daemos. He was in alert mode so he was able to dodge the first 2 spears. But he couldn't stop the next three.

It went and directly impaled him to the ground. The spears went straight through he abdomen and chest and the last one through his leg. The spears got stuck to the ground elevating him the air while impaling him. Daemos screamed in pain.

Being an immortal he wouldn't die but the pain was real. The spears didn't allow him to free himself and any small movement would just give him more pain.

"Daemos, never underestimate your enemy." John gave him advice undermining his screams. As John was having fun with Daemos, others were back.

Clark and Wayne both caught two of Karn's siblings. One had his eyes burnt. Thanks to Wayne's heat vision. And Ciri brought the last sibling. That sibling's both hands had gone. Zireael was a pretty nasty sword to begin with. All the three siblings were unconscious. Karn who saw this sighed because he knew that, from now on would be no more the family of inheritors.

Tony was the last one to arrive but he had a weird look on his face.

"What happened? Did you see any disgusting things?" Clark asked, seeing the weird face of TOny.

"No... It's actually something else.. I think I have found the person responsible for bringing the inheritors to the multiverse." Tony said.

"Oh.. So you found Master Weaver? Cool. I need to go and talk to him." John said. Master Weaver was the only person who was responsible for this and he was held here against his will. But then again, his story was complicated and a tragic one.


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