Chapter 391: Soul stone

"Sir, you said you have stopped the emergence of their species on the Indian Ocean. But we have never seen any footage of that." that same reporter asked again, totally neglecting the fact that his first question offended Tony a bit.

"Not all fights we fight are shown to the public. Some are very gory." Tony said with a little annoying tone.

"So you admit that the Avengers are just a vigilante group working without any jurisdiction." the reporter said.

"The governments tried controlling us last time. And before they could do so they had a meltdown themselves. I will tell you this now. Avengers and Teen Titans are private organisations. If you can find any speck of fault against us you are welcome to ask questions and even put on trial. But come with proper evidence otherwise Umbrella will destroy the life of the person who accused us."

"We have done nothing but elevate our civilization to the highest level possible in the shortest time. The least we can expect is gratitude." Tony said and then without saying any more. He was a little annoyed by the question of the reporters.

He went backstage and started walking towards his home which was nearby.

"People never change. Do they?" came a voice from behind when Tony was walking away.

"No they don't." Tony knew who was talking. It was John. He had come to see how the press conference was going on but that reporter's questions were specifically meant for cross examining the Avengers and their actions.

"Who do you think is behind all of this?" John asked.

"Few days ago, Pepper told me that we have encountered bureaucracy in many things and our delivery of services has become slow. So I had to ask GAIA to look into it. Turns out it is the US military. Specifically Secretary of State Ross." Tony said.

"Is it? It seems like he hasn't learnt his lesson last time. I will have to show him something else to back off. We can't allow ourselves to be distracted at this moment." John said.

"You threatened Ross?" Tony's mouth was wide open when he said that. He didn't expect a gentleman like John could go and threaten the Secretary of State.

"What? I threaten people too." John admitted.

"That is a new one. But yes it seems like your threatening isn't enough. Don't speak of this in front of Steve and Clark. They will hound you for that." Tony added at the end. John just shrugged his shoulders at that.

"But the economy is going haywire with all of this going on with Umbrella. How do you think we will control it?" John asked.

"Mars is habitable now. So now we can send more people there and try to control the economy. And maybe after all of the Black Winter ends we can send people to distant planets." Tony said.

"Yes, that can be done too." John said.

"How is the Pokemon world being handled now? It's been more than a year now." John asked.

"GAIA said that everything is under control. SHIELD and Steve's League have been handling this part. The gym competitions have started and people are more involved in all of this. There has been harmony. But of course there are bad elements. Avengers have been on the lookout." Tony said.

"That's good. I am sorry. I haven't been around lately so I have been neglecting the situation of Earth for a long time." John said with guilt in his voice. He really hadn't been around lately with all the travelling in the multiverse and doing everything possible to get help for fighting.

"It's all fine. We all have been working hard in our own areas. Trying to improve." Tony said.

"We will need to gather the infinity stones. For galactus to feed upon." John said.

"I hope he keeps his promise." Tony said.

"Galactus is known for keeping his promise. So let's see what happens at the end."

John and Tony then went their own ways. John needed to go to Oa and direct the ninjas to bring out the Aether. Vision needed a surgery which will be done by Banner and Strange as they are the most qualified people to bring out the mind stone.

But here the headache was the soul stone which was Voromir. John didn't know how he should get that. He needed someone to sacrifice for it. All he could think about was taking two convicts who were deep lovers. That was the only feasible solution.

But John was not sure if it would work. This was one of the reasons he always avoided the thing of stones. And if one stone got destroyed all the other stones needed to be destroyed or else there would be a huge imbalance in the universe.

He needed to see if his theory of using convicts was possible. If not, he really had no idea of how he would get the soul stone.


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