Chapter 367: Venom (2)

"Venom symbiote? What is that?" Tar-Kel was confused when John asked that. He really didn't know that his black suit that listened to his orders was any kind of symbiote. He got the symbiote by luck in one of his space missions and had been with him ever since.

He didn't even know that the symbiote had consciousness. All he knew was that that symbiote only bonded with him and none other. He even checked this new thing with the medicals if it caused any harm.

He was surprised to know that this symbiote could only bond with him and would make him stronger and faster. It was for this reason, he rose to the team captain of a special team so fast. He was ecstatic about it and since then he had been using the Venom symbiote.

"Oh you sweet summer child. You have no idea what you are dealing with. Do you?" John said with a smile and the next instant the weapons that were sticking out around were again thrown like a projectile.

And this time, the victims were the Kree. The Kree were kind of expecting so they used energy shields to block them. But they were totally disappointed. The shields couldn't even stop the weapons. They all got impaled nonetheless.

This just turned out to be their worst nightmare. They never expected such a thing to happen. Tar-Kel was also on defensive only to see that he wasn't shot. Now he was sure that John wanted something from him but he just didn't know what.

"Who are you? What do you want? Why are you killing us? You have breached the code of conduct. The intergalactic council won't leave you for this." Tar-Kel said. (yes there is an intergalactic council. During the Builders' destruction they showed up. It is like the world council but it belongs to the universe. Kree, Shi'ar, Earth and many have representatives there.)

"Are you not listening to me? I just said my name. Gilgamesh. I want the symbiote that has bonded with you. It's called Venom. And killing you, is just for fun. Since you had done experiments against humans for such a long time, you all should expect retaliation." John said. It was commendable that Tar-Kel didn't break down like the head of the Skrull did after what happened with his colleagues.

Tar-Kel needed to be alive. And he knew retaliating against someone like this guy would be just suicide. Since he wanted something from him, he had a chance to escape alive.

"I don't have any such thing. I don't even know what venom symbiote is." Tar-Kel said.

"You are right. You don't." John said and the next instant he used the omnitrix to transform himself to another kind of alien.

Pesky Dust, a Nemunia.

It's a small fairy-like alien which has high speed and agility. But Pesky Dust can release a special kind of dust that makes his victims fall asleep. This was why he chose this alien to transform because with this dust John could enter the dreams of the sleeping victims and interrogate and extract information.

Since he needed to extract information from Venom he needed to talk with him.

Tar-Kel who saw this new guy just turned into a fairy was taken aback. Before he could understand what was going on, he was shot with a spray of dust from the little fairy's hands.

And suddenly he felt dizzy. He tried keeping himself awake but he slowly fell on the ground. He couldn't even keep his eyelids open.

After a minute or so when Tar-Kel was knocked out totally asleep, he finally used the powers of Pesky Dust to enter his dreams.

Well, the dreams of Venom. And after a minute of struggling to find the consciousness of Venom, he entered it. There was nothing in his consciousness, but just white void.

"He is still sleeping? What a jerk. WAKE UP." John shouted. There was no response.

"Wake the f**k up samurai. We have a planet to burn." John shouted again. And this time there was a response finally. In front of John there was a black goo which slowly formed a humanoid with a white eyes and big jaws. The whole body of it was just pure black.

It was Venom. The actual venom.

"What is it?... Where am I? Who are you?" Venom asked

"My name is John Jameson. Here is your consciousness, or rather your dreams. And I just inserted myself in your dreams. You have been sleeping for a long time."

"Sleeping? I remember getting myself blasted in space with a huge explosion... Wait, how long have I been sleeping?" venom asked in an anxious tone.

"Probably for a year of two. Your body got bonded with a Kree." John replied.

"S**t I just missed a tonne of food." Venom said as all he cared about now was food. He was hungry.

"There are tons of corpses for you outside." John said.


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