Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 347: The Resistance

Chapter 347: The Resistance

John on the other hand who had just disappeared with a guy was now in a huge room. This room was dark but there was enough light to see that there were people present in the room. John could see several figures clearly.

And surprisingly he knew some of the figures present in the room. There was

Luke Cage ( from marvel Netflix series, his powers consist of tough skin. It is said that no bullet could penetrate his body. He was a result of experimentation).


Moon Knight (new marvel series of a man who has multiple personalities and his powers comes from the Egyptian God Khonsu. You can watch the upcoming series to know more about him).

Mockingbird ( An agent of SHIELD from Agents of SHIELD tv series but recently in the Hawkeye series it is said that the wife of Hawkeye is the Mockingbird) and also some faces who John didn't have any idea about.

And then he saw the person who brought him here. A man who wore a black cloak over his body. After looking at him closely John knew who he was.

Cloak (From marvel cloak and dagger series. His powers come from dark dimension. Not the same dark dimension as Dormammu. He has enhanced strength, phasing powers like Vision and teleportation).

But what really looked odd to his eyes was the costume of Clint. It was ridiculous to say the least. John thought when he read the comics that the portrayal of Hawkeye in that ridiculous suit was just a mockery. But now when he saw this, the universe just mocked John in return. John wanted to cry after seeing such a costume.

Clint on the other hand took out his bow and arrow and pointed at John.

"Oye Legolas. It was this guy who brought me here. Why are you pointing arrows at me? I am the victim here. Is that how you treat victims?" John said pointing at Cloak

"I didn't bring you. It was him who brought you here. You are under our hands now." Clint said.

"Seriously, your costume is already nauseating for me." John mumbled and then a spear appeared behind him. Before Hawkeye could process how a spear appeared out of nowhere it travelled in fast speed and hit his bow. The force was so huge it threw the bow away from his hand.

Luke Cage and others immediately got vigilant when that spear stuck Clint's bow. And the spear that was stuck crumbled into dust before vanishing.

Everyone couldn't even understand what just happened. Surprisingly it was Cloak who didn't mean to take any action.

"Cloak, who in God's name did you bring? Why is he here?" Luke asked.

"He soloed 4 high level Agents of SHIELD and 4 sentinels like it was nothing. And I felt he could help us. So I brought him here." Cloak said in a mild tone.

Clint, who had just lost his bow, took out his knife. He ran to John to tackle him only to hit a transparent shield. His face got plastered on the shield and it looked funny. This shield too was one of the weapons on John's Gate of Babylon.

"Clint, can you stop with your ridiculous behavior? You are making the Resistance look bad." John said as he went and sat on a nearby chair. Luke and others just looked at all of this. They didn't go and tackle John because from the movement of the spear they could tell that John could have killed Clint easily but he chose not to do so.

Even though Cloak just said that he won by a margin against the high level of SHIELD agents, it wasn't satisfactory enough for this new person who they haven't seen the face of the person.

Luke, who was the leader of the Avengers, now feared that his new person was a spy of SHIELD and whatever Cloak saw was just theatrics. But he knew that if John was a spy it was already too late. Cloak had already brought him and Sentinels would be coming any moment.

"Avengers, secure the perimeter. Cloak, Clint, Mark. We need to take this guy down. He is probably a spy." Luke said. They hadn't been able to process what just happened and he was a little pissed off by seeing the non nonchalance of John.

John who just got to sit on the chair heard this.

"What the hell is wrong with you all? Are you guys dumb or something? If I was a spy do you think you all would have survived? Jesus! I just came to this universe and all I am listening to is me being an invader, a spy, a liar... Where are the good men? Can't a man just sit in peace?"John said.

"It was Cloak who brought me here, not the other way round. I could have easily survived their onslaught and maybe just make the SHIELD vanish from the Earth for good. Trust me, almost no power on Earth can defeat me if I really wanted to. Instead of focusing on me you should focus on your own team. Your team is so small that SHIELD doesn't even care about you."


"That moment when you see a move that I portrayed in the book has been used in the movie. Got to say that it did 'put a smile on my face'"

Watch the movie. It's good!!


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