Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 257: Battle for the universe

Chapter 257: Battle for the universe

Warning (No spoilers) - The story is set in such a way that some might be able to guess the enemies and even the story for those who had read comics (though the story won't follow the comics exactly and will have many elements outside the comics too). If you have, then please don't come to comments section and spoil for others. It will just destroy your immersion in the story if you just google it. Enjoy

Thank you.


As John said that, all the Avengers appeared out of nowhere. Some weren't even in good clothes. Geralt was even half naked in a bath suit. Everybody was surprised about how they all got teleported and that too in a different place without their consent. Only to see many weird looking men and women with magical rings and shields.

John's magic allowed him to teleport people from one place to another whenever he needed to do so.

"What the hell?" Pietro screamed.

"Don't ask. There will be people coming out now out of that cracked glass in the air. They are powerful beyond your imagination. And no matter what, don't let them speak their language. Even if you die, don't let them speak. Because if we allow them that, our universe will be destroyed." John said without even allowing anyone to voice any protest.

"Are you kidding me?" Tony asked.

"No." John replied with a dignified face. As he said that the cracked glass in the air finally broke and out came three weird looking men. They had black overcoats on their bodies. But what was most eye-catching about them was their huge masks.

Their masks were golden in color with pointed sides and had one huge eye drawn on them. They understood that it was a fake eye because there wasn't any hole in it. John didn't even speak with them for a second and directly attacked.

Others too followed John as they trusted him. Since he said that these people were dangerous they all attacked followed by John. Tony and Wayne put on the nano armor while Triss and Yen used their magic to attack. Everybody used their strongest moves at the same time.

All of their attacks came together and hit them. There was a huge explosion. After a second the dust settled but what surprised them was that nothing happened to the three of them. And at this moment they understood that they would have to be more serious with this fight.

Banner transformed into Hulk while Flash and Pietro got ready to run at full speeds to hit them. As they got ready to attack one among the three spoke a letter using a language they had no idea about. Then another man proceeded to speak another letter which like the previous one had no idea about.

"Nooo..." John screamed and directly used fire magic to hit the last of the three which hadn't spoken yet. The fire magic was so huge that the third person was thrown away many metres. John even used flame alchemy while adding the power of philosopher's stone in it which he had kept on the amulet of Anubis. This day was one of those days he needed to use the philosopher's stone.

The person who was hit by fire got up again. Even after such a huge fire attack it failed to kill him but it did burn away his overcoat and his mask. Now everyone got to see the person's face for the first time. The person was bald and human looking but what was astonishing was that he didn't have any eye. He only had a weird black symbol on his forehead. His mouth looked like it was stitched to the face like the Joker's.

"What are you all spacing out? Do you all want to die? This is the battle for your lives and everybody in this universe. Attack." John shouted.

Everybody didn't hold back any more and used magic, technology and everything they had at the arsenal to attack all the three. Since they couldn't kill so easily they all used their strongest magic. Even the Ancient One looked serious and participated in the fight.

John used magic and alchemy with the help of a philosopher's stone to attack. He didn't hold back at all. Other's too followed his lead and attacked. Batman used the hellbat armor while Tony used his bleeding edge. Flash and Pietro ran around and hit the trio whenever there was an opening. Wanda used telekinesis to lift one of them up and tackled him to the ground. Triss and Yen used magic. While Aquaman and others used weapons to stab them.

Ciri was successful in removing the mask of another guy and this person too looked almost the same as the other guy who was unmasked.

"Who the hell are they? Why are they so powerful?" Tony asked as he sent a missile to one of them. He had just spoken a letter and from John's attack they understood that all needed to focus on stopping the other two from speaking another letter.

And this time all came together to stop another guy from speaking another letter which they were successful to do so. Even though their attack didn't kill them, it stopped them from speaking another letter. But before they could rejoice, 4 other guys who had the same outfit as the other three emerged from the broken glass in the air.


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