Chapter 250: A new movie

They all were more interested in the affair of Wayne but he didn't speak much about it. Everybody looked sullen when Bruce just left without saying much.

"Alright guys, you can ask the son when he arrives. Now let's go back." John said and vanished and appeared in Fate Tower. Now he needed to think which Pokemon he would prefer.

"An Audino would be perfect to keep everything clean here. She could help in cooking too and even be helpful in healing purposes. I will just put Victini at the Hall of Justice which would guarantee that we will never be out of power. After all, the rumor of 'winning luck' isn't just for show." John thought.

"I will pick whatever Pokemons I like later when I come across them. For now let me search for Audino."

John searched in the system for a location of Audino. After finding it he vanished. The next moment he was in a forest in Japan where he saw an Audino nearby eating a berry. The Audino turned her head to look at John. Being a summon of John each Pokemon would feel close to him. So the Audino was very happy to see him.

She directly went and gave him a hug. John really felt good by that hug as he felt that his loneliness at home would go away now.

"Do you wish to come with me? There will be enough food and you will be able to eat whatever you want." John said. As usual he has given free will to the Pokemons too. He wanted everybody to have their own path. If this Audino denied he would go find another Audino.

But this Audino understood what John meant and immediately nodded her head with excitement as she was happy to accompany him. John smiled and the next moment he vanished with her.

After reaching home, he got a call from Dad asking about his health and everything. And after much talking his Dad finally said the reason for his call.

"Son, can I get a Pokemon?" Jameson asked in a low voice. John laughed as he felt his father was too shy to ask him about it.

"Of course Dad. Which one do you want?" John asked.

"I want a Vulpix. They look super cuddly and cute." Jameson said. John felt weird as he never thought his father would love such cute things.

"Okay. Let Umbrella release the Pokeballs. I will take you to one." John replied.

"Thank you son." Jameson said. After speaking for a few more minutes they ended the call.

Audino settled well at the Tower of Fate. Even though this wasn't an apt place for living, it was better than living in the forest. After the initial excitement the people were slowly adapting to Pokemons living on Earth.

By the end of August the Pokeballs were finally out. Produced by the Umbrella Corporation, Pepper had to work overtime to bring out these Pokeballs fast. The moment the balls were in market people barged into the company's shops to buy them. Pepper knew this would happen so she ordered a huge quantity of them.

Tony and others went Pokemon hunting after taking Pokemon catching lessons from Professor Oak. Even Vision joined in this hunt. John wanted to see what Pokemons they would catch. Recently he had seen that Vision and Wanda had been getting pretty close to each other and since the school was in the Ring, Vision would spend his time there.

A whole month went by after that and it was time for the movie to be out. Everybody came for the movie as usual, only this time they came with Pokemons. Even some of the audience who came for the premiere had pokemons. Now having pokemons was a sign of pride for people. Due to encouragement from the government and the pokemons having weird power, the public loved them.

Like always, SHIELD and the League still kept an eye over everything. GAIA made a subsidiary AI to always monitor the Pokemons so that no harm would be done to them or people. The general public felt more secured with the arrival of Pokemon as now they finally have a defense if any kind of alien threat comes. The governments also made sure that all Pokemon were treated well and people just don't horde Pokemon just for fun's sake.

No person could possess more than 4 Pokemons as that was the limit and should come for evaluation every year to the Pokemon hospitals to check their health.

John was happy to see such changes. Tony and others too had arrived. They had been running around the whole month to catch Pokemons and now they were here with huge smiles. Even Wayne had a smile on his face signifying that he too had a successful hunt.

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