Chapter 25: The prelude

The whole year of 2007 went by and nothing much happened in this regard. All the villages and their countries settled as they were. They actually didn't have to move from their places. And there were just subtle changes in the environment. And all the Kages with the help of the Lords of respective countries brought peace back to the nations. Only the trade matters were just affected a bit but the countries handled it well while giving sufficient relief to the masses.

John knew this was the last year of peace. In the last few months John tried everything possible to amass more influence on the world. Working on animated movies and giving ideas to Google, Facebook, Twitter and all the companies he had under him. He even attended the shareholders meeting of Amazon and proposed some of his ideas. His idea of online marketing while cooperating with local shops and dealers was greatly appreciated by the board. Even though the execution of the idea would take time to implement but at least the process had started.

By now John had enough influence on the whole world and had done so much charity that no governments dare to stop his influence or restrict him via arbitrary laws as such process would massively back fire, as the general public won't accept sanctions against him. And on other side, even though his valuation had risen to 80 billion US dollars he never tried to influence any governments and gladly accepted all the laws of various countries while conducting his business.

Thus John was loved by all as opposed to Tony as he was hated in many countries. Being an arms dealer does have a huge downside. There had been even debates on the fact of who was more influential among the two.

Kevin had already started filming the movie that John had asked for and it would release by the mid of May, 2008. John was looking forward for the debut of the movie as that movie was important in his grand plans.

On New Year's eve John took his family to long vacation. He even asked Valentina to bring her two children and her husband to the trip. John always wanted to go to Maldives in his previous life and live in a resort. So he planned accordingly and stayed over for two weeks there.

They enjoyed the place immensely and had ample rest.

"Dad this year will be the beginning of a new era. An era that earth has never seen before. You should ready yourself mentally to face it." John said to his father suddenly while they were sitting beside the pool and gazing at the sunset.

Jameson stared at him for few seconds. He knew by now that his son was special and since he has mentioned it meant that there is some truth to what was mentioning.

"What do you want me to do?" Jameson asked.

"It's better to find a new home and a new headquarter for Daily Bugle in New York. And make it as far as possible from Stark Tower." John said.

"Stark Tower? Is Tony also somebody special with super powers? I knew it. This arms dealer was definitely selling arms secretly outside" Jameson said agitatedly. John was surprised by his words but being the head of a huge news agency it was possible he got some news of arms being sold to terrorists outside.

"Special? Well you can say that but you guessed it wrong. Anyways just do what I say and don't worry about anything. And please pay attention to weird news from now and don't overlook anything. You might be surprised" John said.

"Alright kid. I hope you can stay safe. I have no idea what kind of era you are talking about but I hope we can pave over it safely." Jameson said with some concern. John just smiled and didn't say anything.

Valentina's kids were very young. A boy of 8 year old and a girl of 5 years. Her husband Jorge was an amiable hispanic man who worked as a Mexican restaurant owner at New York. The two kids were named Valeria and Matias. John was thinking to give their family some sort of protection in the future. Her connection with him had already made them sitting on a boat with high waves.

"When the time is right I will just take them to the world of Naruto for safety. That would be much better." John though to himself.

Soon they came back after spending a good time and all went back to their lives as usual. Valentina and Jorge thanked John immensely for providing them with such a trip as it was like a dream for them.

April 20th, 2008

There was suddenly news and some videos being shared on the internet that there was a monster spotted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil wrecking havoc. Jameson had specially asked his employers to pay attention to weird news. As soon as he got the news he went home and told John about it.

"So it has started. Dad stay away from Harlem from now and always ready a team near Harlem to shoot any unusual scene in the next 2 months. You will get a surprise" John said a smirk.

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