Chapter 245: New logos

Everybody understood now why Wanda was favored by John and witches. She was basically a hidden weapon for them that they could use when the situations become dire.

"Let's forget about all that now. Every power comes at a cost. Now, Arceus will arrive first in a few days. What do you propose we should do to welcome him?" John asked. Everybody contemplated it and all wanted to leave a good impression on the God of Pokemon, the Pokemon who possessed all the types known to man.

"Umbrella within these two weeks can establish ranches by buying lands, start constructing gyms and establish Pokemon centers all around the globe. This will take time but that will be a start." Victor said as everybody started pitching their ideas.

"We can change the logos of Avengers and even SHIELD according to the Pokemon, like Avengers will have the mascot of Victini, SHIELD will be represented by Zamazenta and Zacian, Umbrella will have the logo of Mew so on and so forth." Wayne said.

"That's a nice idea." John said as he really liked it.

"We can negotiate with Arceus for sending the Pokemons to their respective climate regions, like ice type Pokemon to snowy regions. Oh yeah John when the world is merged will the islands be merged too? I don't think Earth has enough space for that?" Diana asked.

"I am not sure if there will be the islands. Maybe one or two will arrive." John said as he wasn't sure if he would bring the islands or not as he hasn't decided yet.

"Hmm let's talk with Arceus, maybe he can tell us what will arrive and what not." Steve said.

"We will have to control the people. This will take a long time to calm the public. We will have a lot to do in the upcoming weeks." Tony said.

"Yes. I will keep an eye on all the bad factors and people who will profit in this chaos." John reminded everyone.

"Yes. Thank God SHIELD has infiltrated deeply into the world now. Steve, you better help us." Hal said.

"Worry not. I will take care of the other side."

"The rules of the people getting Pokemon will be like the original. Only kids who cross the age of 14 can be official trainers and take part in battles. The rules will be exactly like the previous world." Diana said.

As they were discussing, all the Professors came back after exploring the Ring and all of them were excited by seeing such a huge satellite.

"How was it, Professors? Do you like the place here?" Wayne asked.

"It's amazing. I have decided to make my laboratory here. If you allow me to." Professor Oak said.

"Why not? This place is huge. You can make a bigger ranch here and we would love it." Tony said.

"It's settled then. The other Professors are more excited about exploring the Earth."

They all then shared their ideas and spoke about negotiating with Arceus about the arrival of Pokemons. All the Professors got excited when they came to know that they might meet Arceus. They thus decided to join in this negotiation too as they also represent humanity.

The whole discussion went on a full day, while Fury was having a brainstorming session with the World Council. He finally said what world was going to arrive and the members were taken aback. They knew they had to act fast and since they had very little time, they needed to inform the governments to brace themselves for the upcoming storm.

When the governments came to know they were in uproar. They never expected such a world to arrive in a matter of weeks. They knew they had to act fast and make a good impression because the Pokemons are really powerful and humanity won't survive if the Pokemons ever revolted.

Fury had to console everyone saying that the Pokemons' behavior will be like the anime. They would be friendly, provided humans are kind to it. Now they had a massive task ahead and each government got to work to welcome the new visitors.

The Naruto world itself was a headache and now an almost a same powerful world was going to arrive and they had to brace themselves again for a weirder world.

The next day Umbrella changed their logo to Mew. The Avengers' organization changed their logo to Victini in their website which was maintained by Felicity. Even Disney changed their logo from the iconic castle to Pikachu.

This sudden change from three large organizations surprised many people. They didn't understand what was going on, and there were serious debates on the internet of what was going on. And in a week the rumors started to float around that Pokemons were going to arrive in their world like the Ring appeared.

Apparently this leaked from some employees of various governments around the globe. Many hid their identities and declared on forums that the governments were getting ready to welcome the visitors.


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