Chapter 220: Assemble

Victor opened boom tubes only to be welcomed by an army of robots in the distance. Nobody expected that as GAIA and Victor had been meticulous in scanning everything but Ultron still was able to make an army of robots like in the original world. The only difference was that instead of a flying city they have a world engine to defend against.

"What a welcoming party." Hal said.

"We need to get the civilians out. Magic people, it's your area. Ciri, Pietro, Flash and Hal keep everybody safe. Wanda make them leave their home. Triss, Yen and Victor open portals away from this place. Vision you will have contact with Ultron while we protect you." Wayne said.

"Ultron thinks humanity needs to evolve to survive the future. We can show that humans could defend well without any help. It's about the morale of humanity and the team." Steve said

"Godspeed people." John said and he finally transformed into phoenix as he didn't need to hide here anymore. People would never know his true identity anyway. John flew away to meet the army of robots.

"Can't let him hog all the spotlight now. Can we?" Tony said as vibranium armor covered his body. Wayne too switched on the hellbat armor and flew away. Natasha and others made a run to meet the army of robots. This time even Hulk joined as Banner too came. They needed an army smasher and Hulk was perfect for it.

John flew into the horde of robots while Flash and others helped in evacuation. This was a massive scene to see as many heroes flew and ran as they confronted the army. Vision too helped in this regard. It was his first time but he was pretty good at fighting the enemies with his mind stone laser and strength.

Ultron didn't expect to see John's phoenix power and even Vision. This surprised him but he still continued on landing the world engine. The world engine finally came to a stop and levitated over the city as it switched on the world engine. The robots were flying and protecting the world engine.

"Ultron. Did you come back to die?" John asked one of the robots.

"John, I have moved beyond your understanding." Ultron replied.

"Really now? Let's see if you understand my power." John said as he directly used hot flames to blast a number of robots. Vision, Thor and Diana all joined it and made their long distance moves. These robots weren't made of vibranium so it was pretty easy to kill them.

Ultron had already started the world engine. Others knew they had less time now as they would have to stop Ultron.

"Vision fly towards the engine. Tony and I will protect you. John and others clear the path for us. Can't let it turn to Metropolis again. I have lived through that once." Wayne said.

"Gladly. Yen you better give us good news." John said over FOCUS.

"We have moved people from the center of the city but it's taking time." Yen replied.

"Good, carry on. Vision, go." John said as he started throwing small fire bullets to the robots to open the path. Each small bullet exploded as it touched the robots. The explosions were huge. Diana and Thor too joined this assault. The witchers, Steve, Oliver, Clint, Natasha, Arthur, Hulk and Mera were responsible for ground defence.

As the world engine had already started the process of terraforming there was a change in gravity. Even though there wasn't another world engine it still affected them.

What really surprised John was that Fury came over with it's hellicarrier. Apparently one helicarrier was nearby Sokovia and once they got the news they flew over. Victor and other directly sent the saved people to the helicarrier while many ninjas too joined the fight.

It became easier for John now as he went full crazy in his attack. He didn't hold back anymore as he used his sharp claws to rip apart the robots while using his wings to blow fire to them.

Vision finally was able to reach the world engine and touched the surface of the spaceship.

"It will take time. I need a couple of minutes to purge him. Protect me." Vision said.

"Sure. Do your work." Tony said as he started flying around. He used his iron alchemy to make sharp weapons out of robots in his hands and assaulted them. Wayne stayed close to Vision so that he wasn't sneak attacked.

"It's working. Vision is purging Ultron away from the Internet." GAIA said. GAIA basically replaced Friday for both Wayne and Tony. Since GAIA was more intelligent and even had emotions Tony didn't bother to replace Jarvis. Tony even said that he would bring the main server of her's to earth so that she could be protected always and place a subsidiary AI on Mars to keep Mars working like always.

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