Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 204: Augmented Reality

Chapter 204: Augmented Reality

John left after that while Bruce and others got busy researching this new extremis virus and nanotechnology combination. Some of the greatest minds on Earth were behind this so John was sure they would be able to figure something out.

John had work too as he had two movies to launch and also new animes. And even John had been behind the Justice League Unlimited. So he was working closely with the animation department of Disney.

The first movie was set to be released by June so John still had time. Meanwhile, the first spaceship to be traveling to Mars by June too so there was still time for that. Soon the first month of 2015 ended. And February was the release of a new game that John had ordered CD Projekt RED to work upon long time ago. This new game would help in terraforming Mars in a more beautiful and unique way.

The game was soon released and it was the story of a girl who goes on a journey to stop an evil cultist group in taking over a planet by making the other living things corrupted. The only thing weird about the world was that the animals weren't exactly living animals but mechanical animals.

Yes. The game was Horizon Zero Dawn.

There were machines here instead of animals who helped in maintaining the ecosystem and the balance. Since Mars didn't have any animals John had thought of placing the whole new technology and factories that made the mechanical animals there. That would be a huge attraction from all around the world thus making people more interested in the game and gaining more fan values.

John also knew that this would invoke the greed of the governments but for that he had already started infiltrating the League and SHIELD everywhere. Wayne too followed the plan of John and had been silently helping in this. Fury who had a persecution delusion also supported this. He didn't want another incident like New York War where the nukes were sent.

"If the governments still resists, I will deal with them personally." John thought.

Soon by the mid of February the game was out and like the previous two games, this game was an instant hit. People loved it by it's colorful and vivid game-play. And even the story was great as they showed how future technology and relying on machines too much could lead to the destruction.

After the game was released he directly contacted the spaceships there and said a new ecosystem similar to Cybertron would arrive in Mars. The transformers there were instantly excited about it. John only needed to send the required plants and seeds for that. John had already planned to send them.

John again traveled to Jurassic Park to give a heads up to them about the new world. After he reached he was surprised to see that all of them were working on the extremis- nanotech still.

"Still working on all of these?" John asked.

"Yes. The extremis virus really has a potential." Wayne said.

"Anyways guys. Have you played the new game?" John asked.

"Yes. Don't tell me their technology would be arriving." Banner said with excitement.

"Yes." John said after bringing out the FOCUS device after extracting from the system. It was an augmented reality device that responded to human's directions. It could be used for communication and are placed in the ear.

John handed over FOCUS to Tony. He put it on and it immediately a hologram projection in front of him. FOCUS started scanning all the things nearby and even projected the details in front.

"This is great. Such a small device for hologram projection. This will be another addition to Umbrella this year." Tony said with excitement.

"I am not here for FOCUS. I am here to tell you that Mars will receive all the technology from the game. The factories that the machines will be made be merged soon. We need to send seeds and plants to Mars to let their transition smoother. They will slowly start managing the ecosystem which would allow us not to care about the balance of nature there." John said.

"We will need to make Mars our exclusive territory so that governments don't come after us." Wayne said as he could already imagine being hounded by many governments together.

"Yes. Don't worry about that. We will handle it. We can't stop the transition anyways. We can only brace ourselves. Bruce you better start pushing for new laws that will help us against it the incursion of foreign elements in Mars."

"I will talk to the world council about it." Wayne said. Tony had already opened FOCUS from inside and started working on it. Banner and Ryan were interested in it too.

"Extract the GAIA AI and factories for making the machines to maintain the ecological balance in Mars."



Total fan value required 400 million]

"Do it."


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