
Chapter 875 Strange!

Chapter 875 Strange!

"Speak." Michael seemed unhappy, almost like a gangster.

"David." Tyrion said softly, "Right now when you exchange for items you'll discover 1 Fifth element equates to about 7 or 8 points right?"

"Hm." David nodded.

"But let me tell you, the things within the treasure trove can only use points. Core members under the Eternal level, they can only rely on the Divine Chaos bridge, Fantasy ocean, Eternal altar and taking on missions to acquire points. The points are extremely valuable." Tyrion emphasized, "Of course, you still think…as long as you have money, you can buy these treasures in the real world right?"

David couldn't help but nod.


With enough money, he could buy any treasure within the auctions.

"You are wrong." Tyrion shook his head. "The auctions are separated into basic, mid and high level. Universe Sector auctions are all basic level and the lowest requirement is a 3 star client. The high level auctions however require at least a 5 star client! Simply preparing for it requires many years. Hence it takes very very long before a high level auction occurs. And within these auctions…you won't necessarily get what you want!"

"However, the treasure trove is different! Everything you need is available there."

"A few high level items, are rarely seen even in the high level auctions, because the 5 major powers do not wish to circulate these extremely rare items." Tyrion said, "However, all these items are usually available in the treasure trove."

"The further you get, the more obvious the importance of the treasure trove becomes."

"However, exchanging for items in the treasure trove relies solely on points." Tyrion sighed, "And the points are hard to acquire. Anyone under Eternal level cannot use money to exchange for points. And after becoming Eternal…only then can one use money to exchange for points. The rule for Eternals of the virtual Universe Corp is…1 Fifth element for 1 point!"

David was shocked.

"I've said what I needed to, you make your own choices." Tyrion said.

"Tyrion is right." Beside, the gold bearded dwarf nodded. "A few rare items can't be bought at all outside. Hence the points are extremely valuable! However, David you are currently only Cosmos level, the things you need can be bought outside as well. You have no need to waste your points. If you help me buy them, I'll give you cash…5 points for 1 Fifth element. It's very worth it."

Breaking through however was very difficult. To nurture his body alone to Platinum…the price alone gave him a headache, as it would require about 120k points in total.

"Buying the Time Space scribbles requires points, nurturing my body requires points, upgrading my dragon gene requires points, and on top of that they all need such huge amounts of it." David thought, "At least currently my stress level still isn't that elevated."


David had barely enough point to use at the moment. He didn't need to nurturing his body requires points, upgrading his dragon gene at the moment.


Within classroom 2, over a 100 absolute beginning members bowed respectfully.

"Hm." A 30m tall demon god Eternal walked into the room. His entire body was almost like metal, with 3 horns on his head. With a rumble, "Blood as strong as the sun and iron and as sorft as water, it's flexible, unstoppable! Space holds within it all sorts of things and their energies. When time stops space is all that is in the universe!"


This Eternal didn't allow anyone to speak at all during his classes, and he would always start the classes with those symbolic words about blood as soft as water and as hard as sun , space encompassing everything! This violent tempered and wild being with a weird temperament, still had many members that enjoyed his lessons.

This Eternal explained to the class. With a wave of his hand, origin laws could be seen floating in its path.

"It's that way."

"Ah." David carefully listened, occasionally realizing something important, sometimes nodding and at other times frowning.

After a while…

The class ended.

David turned and was taken aback. Tyrion who was beside him had suddenly vanished.

"Ah? Usually even if he leaves the virtual universe, he would say goodbye." David was curious, "It's weird that he left halfway?" At this time, David tried to call Tyrion, however…

"It's cut off?"

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