Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 590 - Going back to country X

Chapter 590 - Going back to country X

She is about to call her mother in law but someone knocked her bedroom door.

Jean frowned and reluctantly made her way to the door. No one would actually disturb her at this time because this is her sleeping time....

If anyone would disturb her sleep Scott will be very infuriated. He really don’t want his wife to throw some tantrums on him and ask him to come back to coax her back to sleep.

It was three to four maids and they are holding some boxes n their hands. With one look Jean understood what they are....

"Who sent this?" jean asked them as they placed those boxes on the table.

"Mr. Summers asked us to deliver these boxes, Missus. A delivery boy just handed these to the security" they politely answered and went back.

Before anyone could bring anything inside the villa they were thoroughly checked and scanned. Once they make sure that nothing harmful was inside it is only when they allow anything in to the villa.

After maids made their way out oh her suite Jean opened the boxes just to get shocked by what she saw. Her husband is vey considering and caring. Not even a single matter related to her will escape his mind....

Inside the boxes are the various party wear gowns of different type and various colours. Those would fit her big baby bump and she can comfortably wear them to her brother’s engagement.

But what she wonders is.... how did Scott arrange all these in such a short time? Jeff just called him an hour back and talked about the engagement they are planning in country X.

He would have guessed that something like this would pop up and would have asked his cousin Daisy to prepare these before handed.

Jean chuckled with delight and excitedly went to check each and every one of that dress. She is now very excited for hr twin’s engagement.

After trying almost all of them with help of her maids, Jean picked up five dresses of different colours. She couldn’t make a choice what to wear, so she decided to ask her husband to make a choice for her. After changing back into her normal dress Jean lied down on the bed.

She is tired....

Though they didn’t do anything last night and luckily Scott agreed to ’only sleep’ Jean was not that tired. But after all these dressing sessions she couldn’t help but feel tired.

She is about to go back to her dream land when some one knocked the door again. This time she didn’t frown but excitedly opened the door.

More surprises are yet to come....and she is excited to open all those and try. As she didn’t have anything much to do these are the only things that would help her to kill the time.

This time the boxes didn’t have any dresses but shoes. All of the shoes her husband sent her are heelless and soft. Just like always he was so cautious of her shoes.

But what amazed most was the fact that it contained only five pair of shoes and they are the perfect match to the dresses she selected.

Was he that sure that she will only select these dresses?

Or does he know about her this much that he could really guess it this accurate....

Jean felt like she is the happiest person. Having Scott in her life is the best thing that has ever happened to her...

Without him and his support she wouldn’t have gotten to where she is now....

Even after two months, her craze in the people haven’t decreased. She is now a role model for many young women.

Though she wanted to give him a surprise that would make him very happy and satisfied, but with this little brat coming in between them she simply couldn’t give him what he wants....

However, Scott is always understanding that he didn’t pester her much. They only kiss, hug and snuggle while sleeping.

Jean smiled happily and covered herself with blanket before sleeping peacefully. She will be going out of the country that too after two months. Moreover, it is her favourite place and her home where she had lived with Scott almost for two years.


Scott came back at evening and Jean is still sleeping. The dresses she tried are still left on the couch and the shoes are still on the table. He chuckled and caressed her hair before pecking her lips.

When Jeff called him to tell about his engagement, Scott is not at all surprised because Iris predicted this. She already told Scott that this would happen and Scott arranged everything before handed. This is how Scott prepared everything his pregnant wife wanted.

Later he got freshened up and went downstairs to help his friends cook dinner.

"Bro, at last you are taking my little sister to a vacation" Nathan chuckled.

"We will come back just a day before his engagement. I think Jean really needs some time out of here." Raymond said.

"I am taking Jean to country X tomorrow. Her grandparents would be coming too" Scott said.

"The house you both will be staying now is the same house where Jean parents have stayed. In fact that was the same house where Sophia had stayed when she was pregnant. It will be good for Jean to stay in the same place" Raymond said.

"Hmm.....tell me about it" Jean who just woke up and came downstairs asked.

"You woke up" Scott chuckled and stood up to hug her.

Jean hugged him as soon as he took her into his arms. "Thank you so much." She kissed him and snuggled into his embrace.

"As long as you are happy." Scott pecked her lips.

Jean wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again.

"*cough*....*cough*" Raymond and Nathan coughed at the same time. Jean giglled and gave a hug to both of her brothers.

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