Chapter 510 Ambition and Hypocrisy

Zhuang Shuyu called Shi Muxue, firstly to seek comfort, and secondly to tell her about Jiang Ershao and Shiqian.

But Shi Muxue didn't answer her call.

Actually, after Shi Muxue met Jiang Zhao, she became aware of Shi Muxue's ambition and hypocrisy, but she has been unwilling to admit that she misjudged someone again.

So I have been deceiving myself and others.

Shiqian humiliated Shi Muxue in public many times, how could Shi Muxue not hold grudges in her heart.

It's just pretending to be kind.

Zhuang Shuyu sneered suddenly, since that was the case, she would not talk about Shi Qian and Jiang Ci.

Let Shi Muxue and Shi Qian fight, neither of them is a fuel-efficient lamp, and it would be best if both lose.

However, it is very likely that Shi Muxue will end up tragically.


Shi Qian left school early and went to the business center.

After getting off the bus, she was about to walk towards the JE building when she suddenly noticed a flower shop across the street.

Shi Qian thought for a while, then walked to the flower shop across the street.

A few minutes later, Shi Qian came out of the flower shop holding a large bouquet of roses, and returned to the JE Group building again.

The front desk lady on the first floor and several male staff who just came out of the building looked at Shi Qian who was holding flowers.

Shi Qian didn't care, and walked in calmly.

The front desk has met Shiqian several times and did not stop him.

Several male staff behind them discussed in low voices.

"Who is that girl? An employee of the group? She's so pretty."

"I don't know, since I'm young, I shouldn't be an employee. I really want to get to know him."

"He still holds roses in his hand, he probably came to find a boyfriend. I don't know which man is so happy!"

"So what, beautiful women are the resources of the whole society, everyone has a chance."

The front desk lady glanced at the male staff.

Fortunately, the president couldn't hear this, otherwise this guy is finished!

Slowly passed the access control and entered the elevator. The elevator slowly went up and soon arrived at the president area of ??the high-level businessman Sizhan.

Shi Qian just got out of the elevator holding 99 roses.

On the opposite side, Shang Sizhan, Bei Mingyue and another strange man were walking towards them.

Looking at the three of them, Shi Qian immediately stopped in his tracks.

Unexpectedly, Bei Mingyue would be there, and there was a strange man she had never seen before.

The eyes of the three of them also fell on her.

Shang Sizhan looked at the girl holding flowers with his long and narrow eyes, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and strode up to her: "Why are you here?"

Shi smiled slightly: "I'm here to find you." Then, he glanced at Bei Mingyue and the strange man behind Shang Sizhan, and asked again: "Do you have something to go out?"

Shang Sizhan said solemnly: "No, I just sent them to the elevator."

Bei Mingyue: "."

Won't your conscience hurt when you speak like this?


In her impression, Shang Sizhan didn't seem to be so polite, and even sent the guests to the elevator.

"Of course." Then, Shang Sizhan turned to look at Bei Mingyue and the two, and said again: "The elevator is here, you two go first, I won't see you off."

Bei Mingyue: "."

Looking at Shang Sizhan with disgust, Shang Sizhan obviously wanted to go out with them.

As a result, when the little woman Shi Qian came, this guy immediately changed his mind.

There is also Shiqian who even came to Shang Sizhan holding flowers, it seems that the relationship between the two is indeed very good.

This wave of dog food came really unexpectedly.

The man next to him chuckled and replied, "Okay, then let's go first."

Bei Mingyue walked up to Shi Qian, smiled and said, "Xiao Qianqian, it's quite romantic."

Shi smiled lightly: "It's okay."

Afterwards, Bei Mingyue and the man entered the elevator and left.

Shi Qian held the roses and handed them to Shang Si Zhan, and said with a smile, "Master Zhan, send you flowers."

Shang Sizhan didn't take the flowers, but took her hand and strode towards the office.

(end of this chapter)

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