770 The Annoying Truth



Earlier on, she had been shocked by how Lin Qi was acting unaffected even though cold sweat broke out from the side of her face.

And even now, she could not believe the chance they had but she was playing hard to get with the officer when things were already bad for them.

There was no way she wasn’t doing this on purpose, Lin Xuilan believed.

In terms of wealth, even though she had her husband there for her, she could not compare to Lin Qi who was well-to-do in all aspects.

“It was Kim Fan,” Liu Xiulan added. She ignored all side glares she got from Lin Qi and focused on the officer. “The one you want is Kim Fan.”

Feigning ignorance, he glanced at Lin Qi waiting for her confirmatory answer but got nothing.

“Is she saying the truth or you chose to still play the innocent card game?”


Lin Qi frowned even more. To her she was sure she could get a good deal with him through this but her sister-in law decided to thwart her plans.

Folding her arms underneath her chest, Lin Qi relaxed against the chair and shut her eyes slowly.

“I do not have all day. Do not think you are the diva you once were?” He cautioned.

“Why?” She scoffed to his hearing. “Scared I would throw you out once I regain my power and status?”

She lifted her head just in time to meet his scrutinized gaze.

“I am not here for games. It would do you and I with Mrs Lin here a good time if you say the truth. Else I would make it that her sentence is light and you get the bitter end of it all.”

Lin Win breathed sharply and nodded.

“He is the one”

“Now was that do hard?” She snickered, turning her face away from his mocking eyes. “Anyways, just him?”

“Were you expecting an army?” Lin Qi fired.

“For someone who has lost all, you sure have a wrong manner of approach.”

Her veins popped out at the side of her head and she was about retaliating when. Liu Xiulan intervened.

“We have told you the truth. What would you do to help us?”

“Hmm.” He seemed thoughtful for a couple of minutes while trying to distract them from his lie and make them tense at the same time.

“Tsk. So you know, like I said, he cajoled us. He was the one who brought the plan. If there’s anyone who should go down it should be him,” Lin Qi spat sharply.

“Is that all?”

She had thought the officer would be happy to hear the news but to her dismay, he seemed bored and distinct rested as though he never believed a word she said.

“Are you really an officer of the law? How can you act so disinterested like this?”

He chuckled mildly and leaned against the table while supporting his jaw with his palm. “He said you were going to say that,” the officer mentioned calmly while alternating between the two ladies.

Still their faces remained calm as though they did not hear him.

“Kim Fan, he knew you were going to pin the blame on him and has already given us the full story.”

Lin Qi’s anger was ignited as she clenched her fingers into hard fists under her bossom.

“What? You think I would believe the words of a liar, kidnapper and who knows what other skeletons you have hidden in your closest, so easily?” He scoffed again, allow his irritation not go unnoticed.

“You still want to deny things? I wonder what other excuse or lies you would come up with next. Oh wait I know, you were forced to do things at gun point right?”

Her anger was greatly kindled as her body shook tremendously.

“Tsk, you messed with the wrong girl this time, Lin Qi. You may have gotten away with the past actions you took. But this time, you offended someone even greater.”

She bit the inside of her lips, trying her best to control herself from doing anyhow.

“You offended her husband, Ye Cheng. He wants you two to hang for this.”

“Damn you!” Lin Qi slammed her fist against the table, glaring sharply at him.

Not satisfied with bmthe anger growing inside of her, she snapped her head to the side. “And you, hope you are glad. He told on us.”

“No. He never joined you in the first place,” the officer interjected.

Her gaze darkened as realization finally dawned on him. “He played us and turned on us.”

“No. He asked me to tell you, you never even were a player in this game. You lost before it began.”

She clenched her jaw, having her frown smear her beautiful face with he flips tugged downward.

“Your problem was first going against who he had eyes for. Secondly you underestimated his character and hoped he would be petty enough to hurt the lady he loved just for money. We have all evidences of your conversations. And Li Jing has sent in evidences of your previous actions.”

Just listening to him blabber about what she did and did not do made Lin Qi’s blood to boil. Never in her life had she known embarrassment like this before in her life.

“Aaaarrrrhhhhh!!” She hollered she turned around as she brushed her hands over her hair.

Several thoughts ran through her mind.

Everyt6until now had been carefully planned without her knowledge.

She who thought she took people as pawns was actually a pawn in somebody’s game.

A game she had begun but lost the wheels of control to another right after.

It was devastating for her. She knew who Ye Cheng was without anyone telling her and how much he cherished Li Jing.

If they could survive his wrath then there was hope.

However, not just that but Li Jing had those who cared for her. Her grandfather who cherished her the most, her uncles, those busy bodies who would do anything to protect her as a good will and redemption for not saving her mother.

‘I’m doomed if Lin Zian and Liqin gets to find out. What do we do?’ Lin Qi pondered inwardly.

Knock! Knock!


Ignoring who the visitor would be, Lin Qi kept her face towards the wall when the door opened and the visitor greeted.

“Good day, Officer.”


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