Chapter 718: Unwanted Scary Call



Back at Star City, everyone seemed to have been mindful of their businesses but who knows, deep down, not all that glitters was gold and not all things are seen are as they are.

Ever since Chairman Zhang was hospitalized, things had gone on a low-key for him and his family.

Bai Qing Mei was most taken aback by what had happened but there was nothing more she could do at this point. It was obvious Ye Cheng wasn’t looking to play the good cop anymore.

As scary as that was, knowing him and to what length he could go for the one he loved, she knew danger was lurking.

Seated in her luxuriously designed room, Bai Qing Mei swiped left on her iPad, going through a series of the fashion lines to see the latest outfits.


“Sigh, why can’t I put my mind down on anything? Is it because I feel uneasy just being alone in the house?” She thought out loud.

Her breathing hitched a bit, as she felt eyes on her. Her head snapped to the left, while her ever-sharp eyes scanned around looking for anything suspicious.


To her surprise, all the lights in the house went out. Unfortunately, for her, it was evening and her grandfather was still at the hospital waiting to be discharged.

To make matters worse, her mother had left to handle her grandfather’s company during these crises and had informed her she would be sleeping at a hotel close by.

Regardless of what was happening, she managed to brace herself and touched the screen of her iPad.

The second the light came on, she saw a shadow flash by in her room and her heart flew into her mouth.

Her jaw dropped with no words falling out of her mouth still. By now all that was left of her breathing were shallow short bursts as she stilled completely.

She waited a minute but there was no longer any movement in the room. At the very same time, the screen light on her iPad went on. She looked down quickly and pressed the button on the screen.

The second she did that and lifted her head, Bai Qing Mei came face to face with a masked man.

“Aaaahhh!” She leaned back in fright, flinging her iPad luckily to the side as it once more went back off.

She felt her heart beat only increase further. Her breathing hitched more than a beat and her face became hot.

She reached to her side, hoping to find anything to use as a weapon but she couldn’t even reach for her pillows.

Her brain felt numb just recalling the blood stains on the joker face mask he was putting on.


“Ahhh!” She squealed again and quickly grabbed her iPad, scurrying her way back to her head bboard as she brought up her knees to her chest, hugging the device.

The sound of her laboured breathing could be heard clearly in the room while her sharp eyes roamed about, hoping for this nightmare to go away.

Seconds turned into minutes and soon five minutes had gone. She had not heard any other noise. All that remained was her breathing in the eerie dark room.

“Huizhong,” she whispered almost in tears. She pulled back, trying to put on the iPad screen again and this time she quickly put on the flashlight before using it to check everywhere in the room but found nothing.

Just as she was about to step down from the bed, a sudden call came through the telephone.

She jolted up, throwing the iPad on the ground. Good thing she had a rug around her bed, spreading out a bit to the glass table in front of it, or else her screen would have gotten severely damaged.

Thankfully, the flashlight was still on, so she was not totally helpless.


She jumped on the bed again, hugging her knees tightly while the sound of the telephone rang continuously.

“No, no, no.” Bai Qing Mei chanted to herself, hoping it would stop but it kept on ringing.

The next thing she knew she felt a presence close to her and stilled. It felt as though four eyes were watching her and her brain was about to give up when she felt something cold press against her neck.


She swallowed hard, but kept her body stiff and waited.

“I would not let that call end if I were you.” The deep baritone voice only added more to her fright as it spoke in a soft demonic tone.

Ring! Ring!

“Once it goes off, be sure that this knife would pierce through your neck.”

He did not need to give another instruction before Bai Qing Mei leaned to the other side and reached for the telephone close to her bedside table and answered it with shaky fingers.

As much as she knew she was bad and treated people anyhow, never had she been the one in the bullying state.

This was new and the first. She saw her life flash before her eyes and it scared her tremendously.

“Hello,” she answered with a shaky voice.

“That took you long enough. I never thought he would be that patient though. I expected you to be dead by now.”

A devilish chuckle followed after before he suddenly became serious as though all of that didn’t just happen.

This time she was actually frightened to the core. Who had she offended? What did she do to deserve being hunted like this?

“You are wondering who I am right? Worry not. I am your worst nightmare, Bai Qing Mei.”

“Who... are... you?” She swallowed hard again. Her brain tried to understand if it was all a joke but it couldn’t.

“This is a warning, expect more of this and know that the second you pick up your phone from your drawer and call the cops, your grandfather would die.”

“Lies. Do you think you can get close to my grandfather like that? Hmm, I know you are bluffing.”

“Indeed, you do not know nor do you know. However, take a good look at your iPad.” Immediately her iPad was dropped on her thigh, shocking her that the person was still there.

She unlocked it and instantly, a video popped on the screen. It showed her grandfather in the hospital with a male nurse with him.

The nurse looked up at the camera and picked up a syringe. He shook it before winking at the camera and heading for her grandfather.

“No!” She screamed and looked around. Once more she felt as though she was the only one in the room but she knew better.

With shaky hands and answered the call again. “Please do not.”

“Well, you know what is at risk. Behave like a good girl and you won’t cross my radar. Cross my radar and I would smash you and your family up.”

She nodded her head earnestly like a little child and peered into the screen more as tears began to well up in her eyes. “Please.”

“That would be all for now. Remember, we are watching you and even your mother and lousy boyfriend.”


Beep! Beep!

“Remember,” she heard the first voice whisper and soon she was left alone with light returning to the room. She could no longer hold it in and burst into tears.

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