Chapter 140 - You Care About Her



"Oh and the weekend is still on, right?"

A small blush crept up her face as she recalled what he was talking about. She gave him a silent nod before replying, trying her best not to let her shyness show. "Sure."

She smiled at Jack and excused herself from the office. Ye Cheng saw her out with his gaze and as soon as the door to his office closed, he blinked and returned his attention to the last person in his office.

He met Jack grinning from ear to ear and he felt like punching his handsome face to stop it. "And what are you grinning widely for?"

"Nothing. Can’t I smile anymore?" His brows raised with a smirk appearing on his face and replacing the grin.

Ye Cheng felt like cursing him but he decided against it and ignore him as that obviously would pain him more.

"Hey." Jack found himself calling out to him after about two minutes of Ye Cheng keeping him silent. "Michael." A pair of cold eyes looked at him. They had certain darkness in them that gave the onlookers a sound warning not to engage.

But this was Yi Wang Lei, he would most definitely engage.

"Look at me all you want, your eyes won’t bore holes in my chest."

"Tsk, there are more than one ways to tame those scissors mouth of yours." Ye Cheng threatened, making the latter gulp hard. "Last warning, stop calling me Michael."

"What, it is such a cute name. I recall how much you loved it back then when your mother called you or when you were still a kid."

"Like hell, you weren’t a kid too. Unlike you, I love my Chinese name more and Michael is reserved only for her and no one else."

"Keep deceiving yourself. Anyways, show me to my office so I can resume work. Back in the states, I do not lazy around as you do."

The next glare shot at him, made him swallow his words and apologize. He knew Ye Cheng better than anyone, well not as much as his mother though, but amongst the three friends, he knew him more and that was why Ye Cheng had him head the company’s branch over there.

"Go and ask Han Qing Qing for direction. I have babysitted you long enough, Wang Lei."

"Fine. Who wants a grumpy you anyways. I can ask Li Jing for her..."

"Don’t you dare!"

"Don’t be a buzz kill. She would be so much hospitable than you are."

"I said leave her be. I do not want to see you near her."

"Tsk, you have finally brought it out. Just what I wanted to see. You care about her."

"Yes, she is a friend and a worker."

"No, more than that."

"I am afraid you saw wrong. I can no longer love anyone else." His expression changed and his indifferent coldness replaced that lovely smile that was there once, making him look like an ice-cold Lord.

"Don’t be like that. You had it wrong with Qing Mei, doesn’t mean it is the end of life." Jack tried to make him see things from a different perspective but Ye Cheng already had his mind made up.

"Mother warned me but I ignored. I should have..."

Before he could complete his sentence, Jack cut in, interrupting him. "So you can wait for her? Ye Cheng, please. Have a life already. She is nowhere to be..."

"Not another word."

"Fine. Have it your way." His friend mirrored his expression. The atmosphere in the office suddenly became tense like an intense wordless battle was going on. "Know this, while you beat yourself up, know that love still waits."

"Wang Lei there is no love."

Ignoring him, his friend added. "Anyways, you know me I am too busy to bother with such. Play time’s over. I would be off now."

"Okay."Jack looked at him one more time and shook his head before taking his leave.

They had all grown up and he saw his friend suffer in the loneliness of a promise no one knew if it would be made or not.

He deserved better but he was too stubborn to yield and loved his mother too much to go against her wishes.

Now he would rather live in the past and hold on to a promise passed down than live his life. He sure was a lost cause, Jack thought as he left.

For Ye Cheng, the way out of his hurt was shutting everyone and everything out for good.

It was better this way.

Love all, trust a few and do wrong to none. That was his slogan and his watchword. It had kept him going but it failed him this time.

Regardless, he was going through with it though. Have a few friends and love less.

Li Jing was just a friend he cared for because she had saved his life and she was also good. There was nothing more and the kiss meant nothing, just a way to protect her. Those were his thoughts.

But we all know better. Only time will tell and heal up closed wounds.


~Mr Yu Xiaowen’s Office~

In the big office, Yu Xiaowen sat down on one of his cushions, relaxing and drinking wine when a thought popped into his head but he smiled at his drink and picked up his phone, sending a message to someone then later dropped it back.

A few minutes later, his phone buzzed and a knowing smile formed on his lips again. Answering the call he spoke. "Hello, Ru Mei Xing."

"Good morning, Mr Yu. Are you in the office?" Her sweet voice assaulted his ears, bringing back memories of their time together.

"Yes, why?"

"Nothing much. Have you been able to do what we discussed?"

"No. There is an event coming but the problem is the big fish."

"But I did what you wanted. You should make this happen.

"Ru Mei Xing, I never promised you anything. It was all on a probability."

"But I..."

"You would have to do better than that if you want to convince me you are serious and want to be the top reporter."

"Fine. I am coming over."

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