Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife



Days after the entrance exam, Harvey University finally released the results.

The sound of the clock's soft 'tick tock' reminded me of a ticking time bomb while I stared at the unopened email on my laptop screen.

Inside the library, I shifted on top of the swivel chair uncomfortably while my wide, unblinking eyes surveyed the words written in bold capital letters saying, 'EXAMINATION RESULTS.'

My fingers flew together in prayer while my eyes began to close. 'Lord, please let me pass the exam, please. I mumbled over and over again.

When my eyes opened, I took a deep intake of breath and used my renewed strength to click on the email. It took me several tries to hit the open button since my sweaty fingers trembled with anxiety.

The contents opened, a long list of students who passed the entrance exam based on their average results came to view.

'This is it, I will find out if I passed the exam or not.' My eyes slanted at the corners in full concentration and my fingers slowly scrolled downward while I searched for my name.

The more I read deeper on the list of names the more my heartbeat intensified. What if my name wasn't written there? What if I didn't pass the examination?

There were too many doubts chaotically swirling inside my thoughts. I pushed it all away then reminded myself to be optimistic.

You worked hard, you stayed up for three consecutive nights studying, you did your best, you have nothing to worry about, Phoenix. Said a part of my brain and I calmed down a bit.

I forced my attention back to the laptop screen and continued to scroll down while my eyes searched for my name. The knot inside my stomach intensified when I reached the last page and saw no Phoenix De Amore written on the lists.

Calm down Phoenix!

Calm down Phoenix!

I repeated the mantra inside my head over and over again but my disoriented self refused to calm down. My panic grew into the size of a monster.

No! It can't be. Perhaps my faulty eyes didn't spot my name. The fonts are small, my eyes are tired, and a bit blurry and there's a huge possibility that I skipped it. There are thousands of students written on the lists, it's difficult to spot one's name.

I scrolled to the very first page. This time, I read the names more slowly. My heart drummed inside my ribcage as I scrolled downward. 'Don't lose hope, you will see your name, keep reading.' I cheered myself. Casually wiping beads of sweat that gathered at the tip of my nose and my forehead.

By the time I reached the last page, all hopes I'd had totally escaped out of my body. Disappointed, my shoulders fell and my mood plunged deep down the ocean floor.

The truth made it clear, I didn't pass the exam even though I did my best. I sighed deeply. I don't know how I will tell my father that I failed the exam. He will surely become disappointed. The thought only adds up to my building worries.

I could retake another exam. Yes! I could do that. The sudden idea gave me huge hope. It's not yet over. I failed the entrance today but I will make sure I will pass it next time. I swear to god and everything I hold sacred.

Giving up isn't my forte. My name is Phoenix after all. Like the said bird who rises from its ashes. I will rise from my failures too. This time I will not just work harder but 'hardest' until I accomplish my goals.

Before I closed my laptop, the note on the bottom of the page caught my attention.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:?The first-ever Student assembly is held tomorrow at 10:00 am sharp. The assembly is mandatory. No one is an exception or you would be penalized with five hours of community service. All students are obligated to attend, especially those students whose names were not written on EXAMINATION RESULTS.

Thank You! Please don't be late.

I closed the lid of the laptop and rose from the swivel chair. I opened the door and closed it behind me. The sound of heavy footsteps echoing from the hallway behind me caught my attention. When I whirled around, it was Ace walking in my direction with quick, long strides.

"You okay?" He asked. A frown scrunched his temples.

"No," I whispered, turned away, and walked ahead of him.

Soon he followed until his pace matched mine and walked beside me down the empty hallway. I could feel him observing me for a moment before he finally spoke. "You didn't pass the exam?" He said the words allowed. It was not a question but a statement.

"My name wasn't written on the list. I guess I failed." I replied with lips pouted.

Ace smiled, it was soft and warm and full of understanding. It wasn't the response I expected from him after he discovered I just failed my exam after all the hard work I did to pass, all my efforts were wasted in vain.

"It's okay Phoenix." His tone softened, almost caressing. I found myself enthralled by the comforts of his soothing voice. I nearly closed my eyes as I listened to it. I noticed that he didn't call me Beatrix but he called me Phoenix instead. "We could always retake the exams. Don't you worry."

"We?" I snapped, shocked to hear he failed too.

"Yes, you see I didn't see my name on the list either which could possibly mean I failed the exam." He sounded so delighted for a man who just failed an exam. How I wish I could be as lively as he.

The thought I wasn't alone to retake the exam made me feel lighter, a heavy burden was lifted from my chest. I started to smile.

"Shall we take the exam at the same time the next time?" My wide, hopeful eyes looked at him while I waited for his response.

"We might be each other's lucky charms." He muttered under his breath but I heard it clearly. "Of course! That would be a great idea. I shall be with you the next time." He added.

The smile on my lips broadened. "Thank you," I mumbled without looking at him in fear he would spot the warm flush spreading on my cheeks.

"Don't thank me. It would be nice to sit next to you so I could ask someone when I needed answers."

I was forced to look at him, a frown crumpled my temples. "No, I will not give you answers. Geniuses don't seek answers from others. They figure the answers alone."

"You're throwing my words back at my face." He let go a hearty chuckle and I found it enchantingly sexy.

"Of course, how am I supposed to fight back if I don't hit back?" The frown on my temples vanished. I was now smiling from ear to ear.

"How about I treat you Ice cream?" He offered.

My mood soared higher. "Ice cream! Sure." I replied eagerly like a kid receiving her first barbie doll. "I will go and change my clothes."

His hands captured my wrist before I could even move a single step. I looked at the hands holding my wrists enthralled by the warmth of his touch.

"You looked great." He complimented with a genuine smile as he surveyed the loose pink shirt and the grey walking shorts I wore.

"Uhm, thanks," I murmured, embarrassed. The pinkish tint on my cheeks turned several shades darker.

"Come." He pulled me towards the staircase.


Ace stopped walking. "I checked Faith Vienne earlier, our daughter is fine." He said as if he could read my thoughts. Every time he mentions her name his tone fills with tenderness and his deep blue eyes brightens. "It occurred to me to bring her too but she's asleep in her crib, inside the nursery room. Elisa and Madam Stella are looking after her. So we need not don't worry."

"Shouldn't we tell Madam Stella and Elisa where we're going?" My gaze shifted to his. Worry filled my eyes.

"Don't worry, I informed them before I even got to you. They are aware we're leaving the house."

Relieved, I allowed him to pull me downstairs. When we reached the bottom, I realized his hands were intimately entwined to mine. I didn't pull away. I took the opportunity to indulge from the exhilarating heat of his palms. It didn't happen all the time. I might as well savor the moment while it lasts.

A black motorcycle waited outside. Ace put a sleek, black helmet on his head before assisting me to fasten the smaller, pink helmet into my head. "Thank you," I murmured when he was finished.

He sat astride on top of the motorcycle. When he was settled, he turned to help me sit behind him. I placed my hands on both his shoulders.

"Don't be embarrassed, we did more than just hold hands before." He said, taking my hands away from his shoulders then placing my palms on the hard muscles of his waist.

Before I could even react, the engine roared to life and my protests were lost to the noise.

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