680 Raising the first flag of the uprising

Li Wei had ” hunted ” a day ago and had brought back a lot of spoils.

After he returned, Leavy’s previous gloominess was replaced by a cheerful one, and he began to work with Cecil. everyone thought that after staying on the mountain for two days, li wei had thought things through, and they all felt that it was a blessing for the village.

The two most outstanding young men of the village had abandoned their former enmity and cooperated fully. What problem could not be solved?

With Cecil’s charisma and prestige, coupled with Li Wei’s wisdom and brilliant ideas, the future development of the village would not be a problem.

The village had been built 30 years ago by a group of elderly people, and it had always been a paradise-like place. Far away from the dust along the coast, it was hidden between the forest and the mountains. But now that the guards had suddenly come looking for him, all kinds of possibilities flashed through Cecil’s mind, and he was at a loss for what to do.

Cecil didn’t doubt Li Wei’s judgment at all, and went to the village to find the village chief as soon as possible.

When the players saw the guards, they looked at each other and asked for an explanation.

When they were on their way up, bombing chicken had already arranged for the illusion vines to clear the footprints along the way. Logically speaking, the guards should not have chased them all the way here. However, this was the first time that this “Shangri-La” had received a group of guards, and both the players and the survivors were extremely shocked.

Taking the lead, Li Wei stepped forward and asked in a humble manner, ” “May I ask what business do you have in the village?”

li wei and the leader of the guards exchanged a look. the leader waved his armored hand with an expressionless face and said, ” hiding a fugitive! It’s a heinous crime! Arrest him!

with a surprised expression, li wei immediately explained, ” “Officers, this is all a misunderstanding!”

But the guards didn’t give him a chance to say anything. They immediately used the Amethyst Chain to lock him up.

At the same time, he looked at the other people who were busy farming and the six players mixed in the crowd.

The people in the village had never seen such a battle before. More than 20 fully armed guards came up and suppressed it with force, directly scaring them out of their wits.

they only had hoes and sickles in their hands, while the guards in front of them all had violet stone-enhanced weapons and armor. the cold eyes under the helmets looked fierce and evil, and the aura on their bodies was like that of a god of death.

Thirty years of peaceful life had made them forget how to fight. Hunting in the mountain forest was still fine, but fighting head-on with people was still a little boring. In the past, the older generation had fled all the way to the plateau to build a new home. However, as time passed, the stable and peaceful life had worn away their fighting spirit. For many years, the guard station had not found this place, and their hanging hearts had gradually calmed down. They had turned their energy to farming, and had abandoned martial arts and combat skills.

everyone, if you don’t want to die, put down your farming tools, come out of the farmland, and squat on the open space.

Following the order of the guards, all the villagers in the farmland came out, the farming tools in their hands clattering on the ground.

Wind gave the other players a look, indicating that they should also go out. Just as the bombarding chicken was about to follow, Zhui Feng pushed it back to the potato field, ” “Don’t go out. You stay here and act according to the situation.”

The bombarding chicken understood what he meant by ‘play it by ear’. He immediately nodded and buried his head in the farmland, then called for the crow of misfortune.

After a while, the crow of misfortune flew out of the farmland. However, everyone in the guard Regiment was focused on the villagers in front of them and did not notice it at all.

The guards surrounded the villagers, and in the distance, Cecil came late with the old village chief, and the other villagers also rushed over from various places.

“Sir, I think there must be some misunderstanding.” The old village head rubbed his hands, his wrinkled face squeezing together even more because of the smile.

The leader of the guards suddenly raised his hand and pushed the old village chief away. His tone was stern, ” ” what misunderstanding? we’ve been ordered to track down the fugitive. hand over the fugitive! ”

The old village chief glanced at the players who were hanging out with the villagers, and said with a smile, ” ” sir, you must have misunderstood. these are all our own people. there are no fugitives, ” said the villager.

The old village head weighed the pros and cons and decided to save a few players. It wasn’t that they were hard-working, but that they had been caught by the guards. If they took the initiative to confess to the fugitive, the village would not have a good ending for shielding the fugitive. Also, the village had been hidden for nearly 30 years, and now the guards had suddenly come to find them. There was something fishy about this!

“Soldiers, you must be tired from your journey up the mountain. Why don’t you enter the village first? there’s good wine and food in the village to entertain you. It’ll definitely make your trip worthwhile.” The old village chief immediately called out. He thought of a way to divert the guards ‘attention, and then send them away as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the village.

“Don’t give me that! If we’re talking about escapees, you’re all escapees too, so arrest all of you!”

The leader of the guards waved his hand, and the Amethyst Pikes of the soldiers beside him shot out a few probability energy beams, blasting a few fist-sized holes in the ground.

“Don’t think I don’t know that you’re all fugitives. Thirty years ago, in order to avoid being forced into labour, half of the village’s people had gathered to injure soldiers. Then, they had fled all the way into the deep mountains and old forests, disappearing without a trace. Now that you’ve seen us, you still want to deceive us? It seems that you’ve been living in peace for too long that you’ve even forgotten the most basic sense of vigilance!”

Hearing the words of the leader of the guards, the detained Li Wei’s eyes were wide open!

This was different from what he had discussed with the leader of the guards!

The result of his discussion with the head of the guards was to capture the escapees, the village chief, and Cecil, who were protecting them. At that time, the village would no longer have a pillar of support, and he would naturally inherit the position of village chief. but now, the leader of the guards was going to take everyone away. without the villagers, wouldn’t he become a commander with nothing?

The guards took control of all the villagers and arranged for a group of soldiers to enter the village to search for the others.

The villagers were all driven to a wide open space. Then, the leader of the guards turned around, and the soldiers made way for him.

Then, a priest in a blood-red robe with golden threads appeared in front of everyone.

Even the leader of the guards was respectful to this person. you may begin your ritual, Mr. Priest.

The priest in the blood-red robe turned around slowly, holding a white skull magic artifact in his hands. However, the face under the cloak seemed to be covered in a layer of mist, making it impossible to see anything clearly, making it look even more mysterious and terrifying.

at this time, the villagers thought of tyrant’s belief in a cult, which was equated with a cult.

The result was not disappointing. The priest slowly came to the villagers with the White skull magic artifact.

” next, who will be the first person to make a contribution to his majesty’s eternal life? let’s bathe in the glory of blood! ”

The priest of the blood God sect paced back and forth as if he was choosing a suitable sacrifice.

the villagers didn’t even dare to breathe loudly. at this moment, they were all lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

The priest walked in front of the old village chief and suddenly stopped.

the face that could not be seen under the cloak laughed evilly and said in a low voice that seemed to be charged, ” “my kasaya is very big, you just have to bear with it for a while.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the priest of the blood God sect knocked on the skeleton three times. The White skeleton opened its mouth slightly, and the old village chief was suddenly wrapped by a strong suction force. His wrinkled skin was pulled outward by the suction force, and so were his clothes. The most terrifying thing was that under such an exaggerated suction force, blood gradually seeped out of his skin and condensed into drops of blood that flew toward the skull.

A moment later, the blood seemed to be pulled away from his body and quickly gathered in the White skeleton’s mouth. The blood in the village chief’s body was completely sucked out, leaving only his skin, muscles, and bones. He fell to the ground with a bang and became a puddle of meat paste.

All the villagers were stunned, their faces pale with fear.

The village chief that they respected had been turned into a pile of meat in an instant. There was nothing more shocking than seeing it in reality.

there was a wisp of red blood essence flowing in the white skull dharma artifact in the priest’s mouth, but it was still far from being filled.

now, all the remaining villagers knew the fate that they were about to face. Some children couldn’t help but cry, and many adults were so scared that their legs were trembling.

Cecil stared at the pile of rotten flesh on the ground in a daze, his fists clenched tightly, and the veins on his arms bulged.

This should not be the fate of the village!

The players were also a little dumbfounded. This was the first time they had seen the blood God sect’s inhumane consciousness of a live sacrifice. This was the act of completely extracting the blood of a living person and then refining it into blood essence through the White skeletal magic tool.

After living and working with the villagers for two to three days, the players had established a preliminary friendship with the villagers. Seeing the church of the divine blood directly suck the old village chief’s blood essence without any explanation, the players instantly felt blood rush into their brains.

Wind-chasing Wolf glanced around and quickly analyzed the situation.

There were a total of 16 enemies in front of him, and the guards were all level 40 elites.The leader of the guards was a level 50 elite, and so was the priest of the church of the God of Blood.

Wind Chaser had already learned about the purple crystal Spear’s effects from the forums. It had an extremely powerful piercing effect. Even their armor and defenses might not be able to completely resist the energy stream. The priest of the blood God sect seemed to be more of a sorcerer or a curse user, so he was definitely a long-range unit.

A level 40 elite was basically no pressure for players who were already level 60 and had studied advanced knowledge.The only pressure they had now was the head of the guards and the priest of the blood God sect. After all, in the few days of infiltration, other than the players who were captured at the beginning, no one else had any contact with the blood God sect, let alone understand them. Although this guy’s strength was evaluated, he still knew nothing about the specific skills.

right now, they had six people, no, five to be precise.

He was confident that he could deal with the leader of the guards by himself, and he could only leave the rest of the guards to the other four. However, the only thing wind-chasing Wolf was relieved about was the strength of his team. The players who were able to board the mechanical fortress were all top players with rich combat experience. It was difficult for any accidents to happen in such a situation.

The only thing left to worry about was the priest of the blood God sect. And the most suitable one to interfere and interrupt the casting of long-range jobs was none other than Youyou.

Just as wind was thinking about the battle situation, the White skeleton became more and more demonic after sucking the first drop of blood.

The priest of the blood God sect mumbled, ” “The first noble devotee has already offered his blood essence.With this blood essence, you won’t have to worry about time soon, because you’ll all be offering your blood essence kasayas for His Majesty’s eternal life.”

the white skeleton slowly flew into the air and spat out the blood essence that it had just absorbed. the blood essence splattered onto the crowd and fell to the ground.

This caused the villagers to scream and panic.

After the blood essence landed on the ground, it gradually spread into a mysterious mark, enveloping all the villagers in the square.

The villagers felt a strong sense of uneasiness. According to the priest, they would soon have their blood essence sucked away like the village chief.

The crowd began to stir, and their strong desire to live made many people want to walk out of the mark.

However, the soldiers guarding the mark had become the natural chasm between life and death for them. The Amethyst Spears in their hands were constantly aimed at those who wanted to cross the mark. The villagers had no doubt that the moment they stepped out of the mark, the purple energy beams would directly shoot through their heads.

Li Wei was the only villager who was not marked.

At this moment, he looked at the villagers who he had lived with all day and night, wailing in despair. His face was pale, and he did not understand why things had come to this.

The strong desire to live caused several of lifeforms in the imprint to shout, ” “big brother, save us! we’re on your side!”

leader, I went to the guard post with my big brother to look for you the day before yesterday. We’re together, I don’t want to die yet!

following the self-destruction of a few of his men, the villagers stopped struggling. their minds went blank as they stared at lewre’s men in disbelief, then at lewre who was outside the imprint.

Cecil rushed up and grabbed one of them by the collar, shouting, ” “What’s going on? You said you went to the guard post with Li Wei? So, you guys were the ones who attracted them here?”

The Lackey who was grabbed by the collar stuttered, ” “This, this was all boss’s plan. As long as he gets rid of you and the village chief, he’ll be the next village chief. But we really didn’t want to hurt the other villagers! i don’t know how things suddenly turned out like this. please, i don’t want to die!”

Cecil pushed the Lackey away and stared at levy. “So what he said is true? You’re even trying to harm the village chief?”

Lewre shook his head at first, as if he had already given up, and spoke his mind directly, ” “It was that old man who was unfair first. It was clearly you and me who should have chosen one, but he was always biased towards you and suppressed me in public without giving me face. If he had been fair, the current situation would not have happened!”

Cecil’s face was pale, and his tone was filled with disappointment. “Because the village chief wanted you to take over the village from the very beginning! I’m only helping you to be aware of danger and to let you grow! From the beginning to the end, you’ve supported me so that I can help you in the future, Yingluo.”

as if struck by lightning, li wei froze on the spot.

After a long while, he slowly recovered and kept muttering, ” “No, this is impossible. You must be lying to me!” He said.

On the villagers ‘side, tears were streaming down their faces. They did not expect the enemy to be attracted by leve. At the last moment of their lives, they vented their hatred for the ungrateful Wolf.

What ‘ungrateful bastard’,’ beast’, ‘beast’?

At this moment, the blood mark on the ground was completed. The blood mark began to emit a demonic red light, and the living sacrifice’s consciousness began to activate!

“Now!” Wind-chasing Wolf suddenly shouted and took the lead to rush at the guard leader.

A black shadow flashed in the sky, and a pair of gloves fell. Wind-chasing Wolf put on the gloves precisely.

At the same time, a bunch of illusionary vines emerged from under the priest’s feet and wrapped tightly around his hands.

“Charge!” The other players also stood up bravely. Some of the angry young people in the village picked up the Sickles and hammers on the ground and roared as they charged at the guards.

All the roars gathered together to form two words.


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