662 The secret of the mercenary group

Link led the group to the port of the mechanical fortress and looked down at the two ships that were still fighting.

the mast and sail of the pirate ship had been completely destroyed, and the side of the medium-sized transport ship had also been blown up with a big hole. there were many small aircraft attached to it, and the body of the ship had also been damaged to varying degrees. There were still many threads connecting the two, and it looked like they were still connected.

“Come out and welcome your friends from the universe.” Link clapped his hands, and the tentacles Dragon appeared at the harbor. Its tentacle-filled body moved quickly and wrapped around the pirate ship.

The Pirates on the pirate ship felt their scalps go numb, and a chill ran down their spines.

“W-what is this thing?”

The aliens had seen all kinds of large creatures in the universe, but this centipede-like bug was beyond their imagination. The tentacles had sharp bristles, huge pincers at the mouth part, slender tentacles, and poisonous tentacles at a glance. Just the appearance alone made them feel terrified.

The mercenaries on the medium-sized transport ship next door also saw this scene. Although the terrifying big bug did not climb onto their ship, they felt the same fear at this moment. If he were to be bitten by such a pair of pincers, he would probably be cut in half.

I’ve heard that there are outsiders. The ancient tree loves to welcome its friends. a long, metallic sound slowly rang out, drawing everyone’s attention away from the touch Dragon God. Then, the ground began to shake, and an ancient war tree made of metal slowly walked out. It was holding a steel sapling in its hand, as if it was going to throw it at any time.

as a common race and natural creature in the universe, ancient trees often appeared in some lush and old forests. they were the existences and protectors of nature. However, the ancient tree in front of him was completely made of metal. It did not have any natural energy in its body. When it walked, it made a creaking and twisting sound.

This guy said that he liked to welcome friends, but looking at his posture, he didn’t seem to be friendly at all.

Just when everyone thought that this was the end, more strange creatures that they had never seen before appeared.

The metal spider, the crypt assassin, and the four gargoyles stood around the two ships, forming an independent barrier.

There were monkeys made of metal, Gator-men with the blood of low-level gods, and metal ants, illusionary vines, and invisible killer bees. If there were any patients with trypophobia, they would definitely faint on the spot.

These creatures that had never been seen before were terrifying.

The large creatures had a clear target, but the small and large number of mutated insects gave him goosebumps.

What was scary was that the pirate ship was still sealed, but these vines, ants, and killing bees had come in from somewhere.

These small creatures seemed to be under his command. After entering the spaceship, they formed a line, as if they were welcoming him.

The same situation was happening on the medium transport ship. It looked like a welcoming party, but in fact, the spikes protruding from the tails of the invisible killer bees flying in the air indicated that they were being ” held hostage.

[ please disembark in an orderly manner. Do not have any offensive intentions or actions. Otherwise, it will be regarded as resistance. The Black Throne will activate all means of suppression. Please be careful and do not say that you did not warn us. ]

Link naturally wouldn’t be careless. Although they had disarmed themselves, many of these aliens were pugilist and Esper. They were all strong. If he didn’t suppress them, there might be trouble.

the players and npcs on the black throne also swarmed over. they leaned on the railing and looked at the two ” captured ” spaceships with curiosity.

The pirate ship’s cabin door opened with a whoosh. Steam and pressure burst out from the gap, and then the alien leader and the other aliens walked out. All of their weapons and equipment were disarmed, and even their protective suits were removed. They walked out naked.

the leader of the aliens saw link at first glance, especially the air of superiority he exuded. one look was enough to tell that he was the leader of a high-leveled civilization.

Link and the leader’s eyes met. Link quickly read the leader’s information.

The leader’s power level was only C-, much weaker than Link’s. Many of his subordinates were D-rank, and some were even e-rank, not much different from the players. According to Link’s memories from his previous life, such a force was only average in the entire mowall Galaxy. In the early stages of the game, it would cause a lot of trouble for players, but in the middle stages, it would be a free experience and equipment.

For such an ordinary Raider force to dare intercept a medium-sized transport ship, link would not believe that there was no spy.

This was interesting. Space werewolf kill?

“I’m very curious as to why you’ve returned.” link asked, his hands on the railing.

The leader didn’t say anything. What else could he say? he turned his head away.

Seeing that she didn’t answer, link shrugged helplessly and waved his hand, signaling for them to be locked up.

The mechanical fortress had a special prison for prisoners. It was modified from the previous human energy battery. The syringe was directly connected to the spinal nerve, and the signal was directly connected to the dream Host demon’s body. The dream energy generated by the dream Host demon and the dream energy of the mechanical leader at that time were converted together to strengthen the ability to restrain the mind.

Other than the dream realm prison, the high energy particle prison was also very strong. These were all created by Helen from her advanced knowledge. He had always thought that it was a waste, but now that it could finally be put to use, he was naturally happy. He wanted to see if his masterpiece would be useful to these cosmic lifeforms.

King Kong adjusted the tactical eyepiece on his eye and examined the aliens one by one. He snorted.”A weakling with a combat power of a few hundred!”

King Kong had thought that the universe was filled with strong people, but the aliens in front of him shattered his thoughts. It turned out that the most abundant things in the universe were these weak fish.

Penny the Penguin issued a mission to the players, which was to take turns to guard the prisoners every day. Firstly, he was worried that they would have some way to escape. Secondly, he wanted to give the players something to do. Otherwise, they would be bored out of their minds in the mechanical fortress.

Even the aliens in the medium transport ship were brought out and thrown into the prison.

After that, the members of the mercenary group were brought out, led by Captain batins.

Just like the Raiders, the mercenaries were all dressed in plain clothes and didn’t carry any weapons. But their spirit and energy were completely different from the aliens from before. The Space Pirates knew they had no hope of running away. Their eyes were filled with despair. They hung their heads in low spirits as if they had lost their parents.

On the other hand, the members of the mercenary battle group looked around with curious eyes. Each of them was like a curious baby, wanting to see what was so different about this ship from a higher civilization.

The strange creatures that had appeared first were already an eye-opener for them, and many of them were even beyond their knowledge. it didn’t look like it was formed naturally, but more like a product of some kind of transformation.

captain batins placed one hand on his chest and bowed to link. thank you, leader, for saving us. Everyone in the Battins mercenary group expresses our most sincere gratitude to you.

link raised an eyebrow at the mention of batins. no wonder he felt that the battle mark was familiar.

Oh, I didn’t expect to catch a big fish on the way.

The batins mercenary group wasn’t unknown. Looking at the entire mowall Galaxy, the batins mercenary group could be considered as one of the main pillars.

After witnessing the Dark King’s destructive attack, the batins mercenaries were very respectful to link.

Link raised his hand slightly to signal for them not to be so formal. He said,”I’ve heard of the batins mercenary group. He is considered a pillar of the entire group and has a good reputation.”

Link’s words made the mercenaries overjoyed. He thought to himself, could it be that his mercenary group had become so famous? Even the higher civilizations were paying attention to it?

link looked at batins. this NPC had the same ability rating as him, a c-rank. his pair of wise eyes gave people the feeling that he could see through the future.

In his previous life, link remembered that the batins mercenary group had risen again not long after the players had entered the universe. It was said that he had completed a secret mission and received the appreciation of his financial backer. The team’s strength and equipment had been greatly upgraded, and they had grown from a medium-sized mercenary group to a large-scale mercenary group. Furthermore, they had many outstanding performances in the mowall star system group’s plot.

Link’s eyes glinted. He had entered space early because of the butterfly effect. The appearance of the batins mercenary group in the Fanti system and their coincidental encounter with the aliens was extremely abnormal.

according to the plot, since the batins mercenary group could rise to power in his previous life, he definitely wouldn’t die today. the raiders wouldn’t get their way. in other words, even if he didn’t meet link, he would still be able to escape.

“Don’t tell me that the mission that allowed the batins mercenary group to rise to power is today’s mission?” A bold idea popped up in Link’s mind. He finally understood what King Kong had said before-you and I are fated!

There was no problem with the logical analysis, but whether it was true or not, he still needed to study it.

Their eyes met for a moment, and batins also felt the same energy level surge from link. However, the powerful attack that the Black Throne had just displayed, as well as the fact that it had claimed to be a level-0 civilization on wasteland, made batins subconsciously think that the energy fluctuations were also a disguise. Since he was from a high-leveled civilization and had disguised his background, there must be some secret mission.

batins had been in the universe for many years, and he knew one thing: the less he knew, the safer he would be.

Once he found out about the other’s Secret, he was also destined to be dragged into the vortex of conflict. A battle of this level was not something a small fry like him could participate in.

I’m very sorry for what you’ve been through today, ” said link. you may all follow the designated person to the lounge.

Link saw that batins “mouth was twitching as if he wanted to say something, so he stopped him with a sentence.”We’ll talk about it after everyone has rested.”

After the Raiders and the mercenaries were all taken away, Helen couldn’t help but run to the pirate ship to find out what was going on.

just as she reached the door, link called out to her.

“Helen, you should study the other ship first.”

Helen was taken aback for a moment, but she quickly understood what link was thinking. She quickly ran to the medium-sized transport ship at the side and began to race against time.

Link glanced at the Expeditionary Army and the players beside him.”What are you still doing? hurry up and help!” As he spoke, he randomly picked a quest and gave it to everyone.

The capacity of a medium-sized transport ship was not small, especially since many of the valuable assets of the batins Legion were stored on it. it was even more so for the pirate ship, which stored the wealth of the pirates over the years. All sorts of materials, weapons, equipment, knowledge, and wealth were being brought out.

With the four of them, including ya Jiko, Troy, Helen, and Dave, as well as the various NPCs and players of the Expeditionary Army, it would be a very smooth process to collect the spoils of war.

On the other side, the aliens locked up had all been placed into survival vessels. They still didn’t know what kind of fate they were about to face, but they were already extremely terrified. the room and equipment in front of him did not look like a prison at all. instead, they looked like some kind of container. This made them panic, as if they were going to be made into specimens for collection.

Soon, all the plunderers would enter the dream world and be interrogated by the dream parasite demon. In this kind of dream, the dream sender demon would enter their subconsciousness and explore the deepest secrets in their hearts. there was no need to torture them, they would confess all their secrets in their dreams.

This was Link’s two-pronged approach.

All the secrets on the pirate ship could not be hidden from him. The most important task now was to conduct a comprehensive search of the medium-sized transport ship.

The players found a lot of good things in the process of moving, and they were amazed.

the guild master of the sentimental guild, tang jiu, couldn’t help but drool when he saw the set of the marauder leader’s implant.

“This is a high-end implant! Eyes, nerves, main body, light armor, and engineering syringes. Was this a universe-level mechanic? He’s actually taking the same path as professor Zhao from the machinery faith, modifying his own machinery, but this is obviously much more high-end.”

The other players looked at the weapons of the Raiders and mercenaries and were also envious. They also found many good items in the Arsenal.

Seeing the players and NPCs exclaiming in admiration as if they were looking at a treasure trove, link chuckled and turned to leave.

There was nothing for him to worry about here. He only needed to wait for his subordinates to finish everything and submit the report to him on his desk.

As for what he was going to do now, it was naturally to go to the warehouse of the mechanical fortress, find the two big rats hiding in the dark, and tell them what happened today. Then, he would enjoy their regretful expressions.

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