605 Two stars in one arrow

Of the five-person team, other than the nameless soldier who was not a mutant, the other four were mutants from the wasteland gang.

After the failure of the last assassination mission, the five of them had been recruited by link. After a period of rest, they had been working in the Shudu military and participated in many missions. Their chemistry had improved a lot, and they had become famous. They were almost like military Star groups.

When the five of them received Link’s order to enter the Colosseum, they were still in shock.

After joining the freedom Federation for so many days, they had finally received the summons of the head of state. If not for today’s order, they would have thought that link had forgotten about them.

the five of them stood in front of link with their backs straight, their gazes fearless.

When they had fought link, he had only been the leader of the Shudu. However, in just a few months, he had become the leader of the freedom Federation and controlled more than half of the wasteland. The five of them also rejoiced that they had chosen to follow the right person.

“I called you here to give you an important mission.”

Upon hearing that it was an important mission, the five of them’s eyes lit up. Although it had been half a year since he joined the wasteland, he had been under the jurisdiction of the military since he surrendered. Most of the missions he carried out were mainly from the military. Now that link had personally mentioned an important mission, what did this mean? it meant that their hard work all this time was in the eyes of the ruler. For the ruler to give them a mission personally, it meant that they were finally recognized. This was a transformation from being demoted to being valued.

The captain of the Suicide Squad, the nameless warrior, was the first to step forward. He cupped his fists and said, ” “Head of state, if you have any missions, just give them to me. We’ve been in Shandu for more than half a year, and we’ve been under the care of the head of state, but there’s nothing we can do to repay him for saving our lives. No matter what the mission is, the five of us will not decline!”

the other four took a step forward. their determined gazes told link that the five of them would advance and retreat together.

link chuckled. ” as expected of the suicide squad, ” he complimented. ” it was just a joke before. now, it’s really a flag of the military. ”

after saying that, link’s expression changed. he said sternly, the mission I’m giving you this time is very important and dangerous. But in the whole of Shatu, only you are qualified to take on this mission.

The five of them looked at each other and saw the excitement in each other’s eyes.

the truth was out. they had finally entered the core circle of the freedom federation and could now receive important missions.

“Head of state, tell us about the mission. We’re all ready!” The nameless warrior once again expressed his loyalty and confidence. He asked for battle!

“This mission shouldn’t be too difficult for the four of you. I’m only worried about the impersonator.” Link paused for a moment before announcing the mission. I need the five of you to go to the scattered land and find a way to meet the leader of the Brotherhood. Hand him the invitation to the advancement banquet and invite him to come to the sand City to comprehend the advancement knowledge and improve his strength to fight against the alien planet together.

Upon hearing this mission, the five of them were all shocked.

Because the entire wasteland had been promoting the search for advanced knowledge for the past two days, it could be said to have triggered a wave of enthusiasm for the search for advanced knowledge. Now, things about advanced knowledge, artifacts, and sarbuck were still the topics of discussion after meals. Now that the advanced knowledge had been discovered, they were even preparing to invite guests.

however, after hearing that they were going to invite the leader of the brotherhood, ivan, the expression of the suicide squad members also changed several times.

The Brotherhood in the scattered land had always wanted to get rid of the old humans and let the future be the world of mutated humans. Although they were all mutated humans, they had too many extreme ideas. Eliminating all ordinary people was equivalent to eliminating more than 98% of the wasteland’s population. What was the difference between this and the machinery faith?

Under the influence of this ideology, the five of them finally understood why the head of state said that he was only worried about the captain’s nameless soldier, who was also the imposter. It was because the four of them were mutants, and only the captain was an ordinary person. no one could guarantee what would happen if an ordinary person went to the brotherhood, which was hostile to ordinary people.

Who would have thought that the nameless warrior would accept Link’s mission without even thinking?”Don’t worry, head of state. I’ll complete the mission!”

Link nodded slightly. This mission was difficult. Others might not understand why he wanted the Suicide Squad to complete it, but Ivan would definitely understand Link’s intentions. He was not even sure if Ivan would agree to it.

when you complete the mission and return in triumph, you will also be given the opportunity to study advanced knowledge as a reward. This will be of great benefit to you.

link’s words made their eyes light up. Advanced knowledge didn’t need to be explained. Even a four or five-year-old child on the street would be able to explain it. As long as they completed the mission, they would be able to study advanced knowledge like Ivan. This reward was irresistible to anyone with a goal.

As he watched the Suicide Squad members leave the office in excitement, link focused his attention back on the guidelines.

The invitation list for the advancement banquet had already come out. In order to avoid a crowd, they could invite them now.

the longer the alien was stationed in essia, the stronger it would be. link couldn’t sleep well.

The earlier these top combatants could obtain advanced knowledge and break through their shackles, the higher their chances of winning would be.

He would start from the first person.

Link picked up his phone and dialed a number. A moment later, a slightly hoarse and magnetic male voice came out of the phone.”Why did you call me all of a sudden?”

“Where are you now? Why is the wind so strong?” Link only knew that John had been entrusted by penny to monitor The Platinum Hotel and the people who had tried to sabotage the drug Alliance in shadu. He didn’t know the exact location. When she heard the sound of the wind over the phone, she became even more curious.

John was holding a phone in one hand and a bottle of soda in the other. He was wearing sunglasses and looking down at the entire city. He said leisurely, ” “At the top of the TV station tower. by the way, you went to the library this morning, right? i felt a strong aura coming from the direction of the library this morning, but it gradually subsided. have you advanced?”

Link didn’t hide anything and said, ” yes, there are two things I called you about today. One of them is this. I’ve been promoted.

John stood up from the top of the TV tower and drank the soda with a straw in his mouth. He felt the coagulated blood gradually loosen, and his will to fight returned.

“What about the other one?” John asked curiously, suppressing his fighting spirit.

“I’ve found the advanced knowledge, and I’ve already comprehended a lot. It’s your turn now. Don’t even think about rejecting me. If you don’t watch, there’s no need for us to fight. I’m afraid I won’t win fair and square. it’s at the animal arena, come quickly.” Link’s tone was arrogant. It was as if he had just seen the advanced knowledge and was invincible.

John was amused when he heard this.’What a guy! He’s already so cocky after getting the advanced knowledge. It seems that he hasn’t been suppressed for too long?’

then you wait, five minutes.

John hung up the phone and could not help but smile. he had already seen through everything. in order to take care of his emotions, this kid actually used a goading method, afraid that he would refuse to comprehend the advanced knowledge. it was also a good intention.

John jumped down from the top of the TV tower, his body as fast as a Dragon, and he quickly swam between the cities.

A few minutes later, John arrived at the Colosseum. Under Link’s lead, they arrived at the library storage of the transport ship.

John wasn’t actually interested in advanced knowledge. After all, he had improved his strength through actual combat and assassination. However, he couldn’t reject Link’s kind intentions. Based on his understanding of link, if he really didn’t look at the advanced knowledge, link would find a reason not to practice with him. Therefore, she decided to go along with his wishes and look at this thing.

However, he was shocked when he saw it.

After reading the advanced knowledge, John couldn’t help but take a deep breath and sigh. “I thought that I had already reached the ceiling in terms of assassination and had no possibility of further improvement. However, after reading the advanced knowledge, I realized that there’s always someone better.”

John looked at link with a complicated expression and said, ” I need to sort out some of my thoughts. Let’s talk about the fight later.

link’s lips curled up. he crossed his arms in front of his chest and smiled as if his plan had succeeded.

In his previous life, John had died early and had always appeared as a historical figure. In this life, John had become one of the main characters of the wasteland. Now that he had obtained the advanced knowledge, his breakthrough was unstoppable. Link was curious how John had improved.

then you’d better hurry up. In a few days, I’ll be preparing to attack the alien army. Link said with a smile.

John nodded and quickly left the scene.

the more one reached the ‘peak’, the more intense the reaction would be when they saw advanced knowledge. They had thought that they would be unable to improve after reaching the ceiling, but after seeing the advanced knowledge, they felt like they had opened the door to a whole new world and could not stop themselves.

After dealing with John, link returned to his office and was about to call silver hand when he received a call.

After picking it up, before link could speak, an excited voice came from the other side. “Head of state, the sky Eye satellite and rocket have been successfully developed!”

Link’s mind buzzed and went blank for a moment.

Then, he was overjoyed. Helen’s news came at the right time.

“are you still at the air base? I’ll be right there.”

After getting Helen’s confirmation, link didn’t rest for a moment. He personally drove the car to the shadu Air Force Base.

When he arrived at the underground Research room not far from the launch pad, link saw the unassembled rocket and the successfully developed Sky Eye satellite.

To add on, it was still a double star.

Helen had a bright smile on her face. The first thing she said when she saw link was, ” “Head of state, I didn’t fail to live up to your hopes and trust!”

Ever since link had assigned her this task, Helen had been working on it. She had even moved from Shenmu City to the Air Force base. She had not left the research room at all. Penny fulfilled all of Helen’s requests. He provided her with funds and materials. He was the first to respond to any request and gave her support.

Sure enough, Helen didn’t disappoint. She overcame several problems in a short period of time and successfully built the sky Eye satellite and the propulsion rocket. The propulsion rocket also went through several test flights and solved many potential problems.

Even link could not help but sigh. As expected of the future mother Goddess of machinery.

In his previous life, Helen was able to self-study and become successful even in difficult situations. She took one step at a time using her machinery to take revenge and reached the top of the wasteland machinery industry. In this life, she had Link’s full support, so she didn’t have to worry about money, materials, and equipment. Her potential was even more terrifying.

Link rubbed Helen’s head lovingly and said seriously, ” you’ve worked hard during this period of time. I represent the entire freedom Federation to express my gratitude to you!

the strong woman who was always vigorous and decisive at work seemed to have returned to her childlike state. her eyes curved into crescents as she enjoyed link’s praise.”It’s no trouble at all. The head of state trusts me so much and has given me such an important task, so I must not disappoint him! Although I can’t go to the battlefield myself, I still need to use my own strength to protect the wasteland!”

going to the battlefield is a small matter, ” link laughed heartily. your inventions are enough to fight against 100000 soldiers!

Link wasn’t bragging. Helen’s improved new energy weapon was the only weapon that could be used in large quantities against alien invaders. And now, the two heavenly eye satellites and the rocket on them, once lifted off and entered orbit, the three satellites could form an all-weather, full-coverage signal area, which was of great benefit to the development of the entire wasteland. They could also monitor the movements of foreign planets on the wasteland at all times.

Link wasn’t bragging about the 100000 soldiers.

Helen giggled, and her eyes were filled with joy.

“When can the rockets and satellites be launched?”

the rocket can be assembled now. The weather is suitable for launch for the next week. It can be launched tomorrow morning at the earliest. Helen knew the importance of this matter to the wasteland, so at the beginning of the rocket design, she made some modifications to the design and made the interior into a structure that could launch two satellites at once.

Link nodded his head again and said,”After the launch, you, Dave, and Dr. Ludwig, the three of you will go to the Colosseum. I’ve successfully found the advanced knowledge, and there’s even more advanced knowledge from the universe in it. I think you’ll definitely be inspired after reading it. ”

Helen was stunned for a moment, and then her cheekbones couldn’t help but rise. you found advanced knowledge? ”

After receiving Link’s confirmation, Helen immediately said that she would complete the rocket launch mission the next morning. Then, she would immediately look at the class advancement knowledge and transform it into power against the alien planet.

Lin Ke also said that he would personally come to watch the launch the next morning.

Just as he stepped out of the air Force base, link received another call from Benjamin.

ruler, Essia’s alien army has started to send out shadow hounds and alien demons to expand.

Link’s heart sank when he heard the news. What was meant to come had come.

P.S: ” ah, I’ve been taking wedding photos all day yesterday. I feel like I’m half dead. I haven’t recovered yet.

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