591 The power of destruction

Having succeeded in his attack, link quickly teleported to the location of the flash dagger. He then hung throat cutter on his waist and picked up the flash dagger on the ground.

He used his Qi blade and flash dagger to slash Tulu’s armor. The two blades of light flashed across Tulu’s armor and exploded.


Tulu did not react in time and was played by Link’s agility. Enraged, he swung his axe in a half-moon arc, creating a strong wind that swept up everything within a five-foot-radius.

link seized the opportunity to attack, but he was sent flying by the axe’s aura.

Tulu took advantage of Link’s “loss of control.” He stepped on meteor and swung his axe, ready to follow up with another attack.

Link opened his parachute in mid-air and stabilized himself. Then, he used his power boots to generate a jet of air to help him push forward.

Link and Tulu faced each other, ready for an earth-shattering clash.

the players who were watching the battle from afar held their breaths as they watched the two men approach each other. they did not even dare to breathe.


The two collided. Link’s cyclone blade and flash dagger blocked Tulu’s axe.

It was as if a pause button had been pressed on the screen. They didn’t fly back, nor did the two of them retreat. There was only a silent struggle between the two.

Tulu’s gray skin exploded and his meridians dried up.

Its three to four-meter-long body was like a mountain pressing down on him as it resisted the heavy axe.

Under the pressure of the axe and the high-energy particle beam, a sizzling sound could be heard as a finger-deep gash appeared on the axe. On the other hand, the high-energy particle beam on Link’s gas blade was also becoming unstable due to the compression. Blue flames started appearing at the compressed position.

Tulu shouted, increasing his strength. He wanted to crush link to death.

However, link was also someone who had a backup plan. His lips curled into a smile as if his plan had succeeded.

The Warbringer focused on close combat, and its main attacks were heavy axes, secret techniques from other planets, and some other physical skills.

On the other hand, link had a wide variety of attacks that were impossible to guard against. As long as he got close, he had a hundred ways to deal damage.

Link whistled, and three whistle arrows flew out from his sleeve. They were aimed at Tulu’s eyes.

Tulu quickly tilted his head when the arrow was about to hit him. The arrow hit his helmet and bounced off.

As soon as Tulu turned around, he saw one of Link’s arms suddenly turn purple-black, and a sticky liquid climbed up the arm. It quickly wrapped around the dagger and climbed up his axe!

Tulu clenched his heavy axe, and the black Lightning on his arm became more and more violent.

even so, after the purplish-black sticky substance was struck by the lightning, a hole was blasted out. then, it slowly recovered and continued to climb up in its own way. very quickly, it covered the entire heavy axe.

When the demonized symbiotic demon touched Tulu, Tulu immediately sensed that the ‘mud’ in front of him was an extremely evil dark creature. He felt that the monster was devouring his blood and energy. At the same time, the black Lightning on his arm and heavy axe gradually weakened, and the effect of the lightning enhancement disappeared!

In order to avoid more serious damage, Tulu raised one of his legs and stomped down.

Link’s eyes brightened. If Tulu had managed to land that kick, he would have lost at least half of his HP.

The iconic crowd control skill of the Warbringer-trample!

All targets within a 10-meter radius will be stunned for 10 seconds.

it was the simplest and most brutal, but extremely useful crowd control skill.

without a heavy axe, link couldn’t replicate the space splitter.

However, he had legs, and copying trample would be a piece of cake.

Just as Tulu lifted his leg, link activated the legendary spell [ Mirror Man ] and lifted his leg as well.

Tulu’s eyes flashed with surprise. Link’s current actions and state were clearly his clone.


When Tulu’s huge hoof landed on the ground, it carried a huge amount of kinetic energy, and the hard ground rippled.

A fraction of a second later, Link’s feet touched the ground at the same time, and the ground rippled again.

the two bursts of energy collided with each other, and the ripples on the ground were immediately thrown into chaos. the energy that had nowhere to vent tore the ground apart, and countless cracks appeared.

The two players at the center of the shockwave were both stunned by each other’s stomp.

However, the arrow still had its own consciousness in the air, and it quickly shot toward Tulu’s face. As soon as they reached Tulu, a pulse of energy suddenly gushed out of the jewel in the center of his helmet and flicked the three arrows to the ground. There were still some residual shock currents.

The demonized symbiotic demon wasn’t affected by the dizziness at all, and it took advantage of this time to feast and absorb Tulu’s life and energy.

Tulu was wearing an alien armor, and his skin was as hard as rock, giving him high resistance.

In his opinion, even though link had imitated his skills, it was only for show. The actual effect was definitely not as powerful as the original.

However, before he could think further, link had already removed the stun.

The three weapons-the air blade, flash dagger, and throat crusher-took turns attacking Tulu. With the help of the flash dagger, link quickly moved around Tulu and dealt a lot of damage in two seconds with the special effect of his weapon.

Tulu was stunned.

Trample was clearly the skill he was most proud of, and in terms of proficiency, this person from a low-leveled civilization was definitely not his match. But why was it that the other party’s stun effect was so much lower than his? There were only two possibilities. One, link had high resistance and was able to resist a portion of the stun. Secondly, Link’s trample skill was more powerful, and the stun duration was longer!

But Tulu couldn’t accept either explanation.

It was then that Tulu realized that link was surrounded by two streams of death aura. They seemed to be strengthening link.

As soon as the stun effect ended, link immediately put away his sword and landed in the distance where he had flashed his dagger.

However, Tulu didn’t chase after him in anger. Instead, he reached out and aimed at Link’s position, casting a spell.

Link suddenly felt something strange above his head. A black shadow appeared above his head, followed by a skeletal face. It opened its mouth and roared down.

Link saw this and ignored it. He continued to use his flash dagger to quickly move towards King Kong and shazock.

This move was the only alien secret technique that the Warbringer had mastered-devour, devouring an enemy’s buff.

This was because this skill used eye-lock, and the casting distance was very far. Once it locked on, there was no way to remove it other than blocking the other party’s eyes. Even if one used [ Shadowmeld ] to hide in an alternate dimension, they wouldn’t be able to block the effect of this skill.

Moreover, Link’s two stacks of [ Blood Rage ] were meant to attract Tulu’s devouring. Now that he’d used [ devour ] to erase them, link could finally relax.

Using his flash dagger, he quickly moved to King Kong and shazok’s position and finished off the four vanguards with low health. Link now had four more stacks of Blood Rage.

Tulu’s HP had dropped by 8000, leaving him with only 42000.

On the other hand, Lin Ke had used his skills and equipment to absorb a lot of damage, and his HP had only dropped by around 2000.

Of course, Link’s main goal was not the war Messenger’s HP, but his energy.

Because of the continuous use of skills and the cleansing from the demonized symbiotic demon, Tulu only had 2400 points of energy left, which was more than half.

As long as he used up all his energy, Tulu would only be a small fry.

This was also a method that players had developed to deal with Warbringer in the past. As long as he exhausted his energy and became ‘kidney weak’, he could only use his heavy axe to slash at it, greatly reducing the threat and damage.

After being repeatedly suppressed and toyed with by link, Tulu’s blood-red eyes seemed to be on fire.

He had to kill link today! no one could stop him from saying that!

Tulu raised his axe and charged at link again.

This time, he held the axe with both hands and bent over like a bull.

The ground rumbled, and the players standing outside the slums could feel the earth shaking.

The battle between the two was exciting. Not only was link not at a disadvantage against the war Messenger, but he also gained the upper hand.

Shazock carried two blades and walked up to link. “master, i’ll help you this time.”

King Kong twirled a flower stick and looked at the few remaining Army vanguards in the slum. He knocked on the ground with sky-shaking.”Old dragon, let’s go. Follow me and take care of these monsters!”

The God of tentacles broke out of the ground again, right under the Vajra’s feet. It carried the Vajra and headed toward the remaining vanguards.

Link glanced at the wind power around shazock. The guy had accumulated a lot of rage points from the battle earlier and was now fully enraged.

“This seems to be the first time we’ve fought side by side,” said link, the corners of his lips curling up.

Shazok opened his mouth wide, and the two blades in his hands whistled through the air as he charged after link.

With shazock joining, there would be someone to help link. The pressure on link was greatly reduced.

the shazock was a level 50 leader and was link’s highest-level pet so far. although it was still far from being comparable to the warbringer, the shazock’s skills could still be of great help to link.

Shazok held his sword and jumped into the ground, disappearing without a trace.

Link exchanged blows with Tulu again. Link first released the damage absorbed by his nano battle suit and dealt a wave of damage.

Next was the close combat between the two of them.

Tulu’s axe swung wildly, and every time it was swung, the wind and thunder roared.

On the other hand, Link’s weapons were all melee weapons except the magic box pistol. They were like toothpicks compared to the axe.

however, link still had the advantage with his various traps, small displacement, and various skills.

In order to create more damage, he took some damage and fought with his life on the line.

The reason link was so confident was because of the muscle-bone strengthening Scripture. One stamina point could be converted into five health points. Even though he had been fighting for a long time, his stamina points were still above 2000. In other words, he could still exchange it for 10000 health points.

Link also wanted to use Tulu as a benchmark to test his own strength. As a small leader of an alien invasion, if link could kill Tulu, it would mean that he had surpassed the ceiling of the current version. It would be a satisfactory result for him in version 1.0.

As the two of them fought, shazock suddenly emerged from the ground with his sword. The blade glinted coldly as he aimed at Tulu’s Achilles tendon.

The battle blade only left two shallow marks on the green-gray skin.

“Bastard, die!”

Tulu turned around and looked at shazok, his eyes full of killing intent.

He turned his hand around and struck down with his heavy axe.

Shazock didn’t Dodge. Instead, he activated the power of earth, and the Earth’s origin substance appeared beneath his feet, covering his entire body.

Link took advantage of this gap to charge up his power and use his strongest move-apocalypse!

the heavy axe landed on shazock’s body, and a loud clang rang out. the sound waves quickly spread out, deafening the ears.

sparks appeared on the axe, and a few cracks appeared on it. although shazok had blocked the axe, he was still sent flying like a kite with a broken string.

Tulu took all the damage from the power of earth, and the force was transferred to his arm through the axe.

A high damage of-3377 points appeared above his head.

However, that wasn’t the end of it. Tulu’s chest was wide open, and he was in so much pain that he had no time to defend himself.

The ground under Link’s feet exploded into countless pillars, spreading outwards with the two of them as the center. The houses within a 200-meter radius were blown up and filled with sand and gravel.


With four stacks of [ Blood Rage ], Apocalypse’s damage had increased significantly. Tulu did not have any defense at all, so the damage dealt by the skill was quite high.

Link and shazok worked together and dealt over 8000 damage!

The players standing in the distance were dumbfounded.

He had thought that Tulu’s damage and skills were already terrifying enough, but it seemed that he had to rely on link to see the bigger picture.

The range of this move was 200 meters, and earth pillars appeared in almost every meter. It was an all-rounded killing move.

Tulu flew into a rage out of humiliation. He had been injured, and there were purple blood stains on his mouth, nose, and mouth.

“Die, all of you, die!”

Tulu raised his hand, and purple energy appeared around it.

Immediately, link felt the soul in his body tremble. He looked at his body and found that it was in an abnormal state-broken soul.

[ shattered soul: weaken the target, causing the target to receive an additional 30% damage. Lasts for 3 minutes. ]

Tulu raised his heavy axe. His body was wrapped in Black Lightning, and his armor cracked.

Link had just taken two steps forward when he was struck by a bolt of Black Lightning. He instantly lost more than 2000 HP, and his expression changed.

He recognized that Tulu was about to use his ultimate skill, [ power of destruction ]!

the dark clouds in the sky formed a vortex that hovered above tulu’s head.

His heavy axe and his greenish-gray body were already covered in dense black Lightning, making him impervious to all attacks.

once this move was used, the entire slum would be reduced to ruins!

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