432 A Sage’s specialization in hand

The players who had just finished their work at the ‘construction site’ and returned to Shenmu City to hand in their quests heard the Wolf Pack howling the moment they walked out of the Military Intelligence Office.

“There’s a situation at the weeping Valley!” After this period of ‘training’, the players had long understood the characteristics of Sand City.

If there’s any big movement, we’ll go first.

Even if he couldn’t get anything out of it, he would at least know some useful information.

In the game, information channels could be transformed into benefits and strength!

Take the [ gunfight hotel ] instance dungeon for example. Now that the average level of the players had increased, they knew how to clear it.

However, ordinary players could only get an ‘excellent’ rating at most, and there was no way to get a ‘perfect’ rating.

Meanwhile, the miracle Guild, Desert Wolf, and Bomb Chicken all knew the perfect evaluation strategy.

As for how Leng Feng got the perfect evaluation strategy when he was killed by a headshot, it was naturally wind-chasing Wolf and fried chicken who told him after they had a discussion. After all, only the three of them had decided to stay. Leng Feng’s early death did not mean that he was not qualified to know about this.

after all, the game had just started. wind could see that lin ke thought highly of leng feng. a hidden strategy for a low-level dungeon in exchange for the help of the northern desert wolf from one of the top ten guilds in china, as well as a friendship with leng feng, wasn’t this a great deal?

When the other players heard the wolves ‘moonhowl, they also had a’ stress reaction’. They immediately put down what they were doing and began to gather under weeping Valley.

The NPCs who did business in Shenmu City had long since gotten used to the Inhumans ‘flustered personalities. They began to organize the items in the store as if the Inhumans had never been there.

this kind of ‘tacit’ cooperation could only be seen in shenmu city.

The players swarmed into the weeping Valley, and saw that almost all the Druids of the moon Shadow Council were out, chanting and releasing the power of nature to calm the wild beasts along the way.

And at the periphery of the beast group, there were wild wolves that glared at them like tigers watching their prey. They released a wild and powerful aura, and the Beast group did not have any thoughts of resisting. On a slightly higher cliff in the valley, a three to four-meter-tall giant wolf caught the players ‘attention. Its eyes were calm and powerful, like a pool of still water, without any fluctuations, and did not have the ruthlessness of other wolves.

This one was the leader of the 100000 wasteland wolves-the wasteland Wolf King.

The players were whispering to each other.

it seems that they are preparing to drive all the hundreds of thousands of wild beasts to the Gobi oasis!

of course. We’ve spent a few days building such a huge natural project just to let these wild beasts live in it.

“It looks like this will be Link’s back garden from now on. He can’t possibly be thinking of taming all the hundreds of thousands of wild beasts here, right?”

the players only thought about it and shivered.

He was the Supreme Leader of the Shatu, the commander of the four armies, and hundreds of thousands of beasts. How could the machinery faith and wasteland gang stop link?

On the other hand, the legendary NPC, the number one assassin on wasteland planet, John, had only appeared during the mission to infiltrate the machinery city. His limelight had been stolen by link, and now, he had disappeared without a trace. It was obvious who the main character was.

“It’s a good thing if we can tame them all. It means that we’ll all have the chance to get pets in the future. With such a large number, the price of the pets will definitely drop!” The player’s eyes were shining with hope.

Soon, the sound of the wasteland Wolf cavalry came from behind.

many players rode their own wild wolves to weeping valley to witness the migration of hundreds of thousands of wild beasts, entering the home that had just been prepared for them.

It was a new home made up of rich resources, three oases, ravines and rivers, and a high-voltage power grid.

” this is too spectacular. hundreds of thousands of wild beasts were actually suppressed by fifty thousand wild wolves. it’s really unbelievable. ”

The player with the slightly lazy voice said in disdain, ” “You have a wasteland Wolf of your own. Don’t you know how strong it is? Without the wild wolves, you can’t even deal with three mechanical zealots. with the wild wolf, he could take on a five-man team by himself. Although these wild beasts look fierce, they have not been strengthened. How can they be the opponent of the wasteland wolves?”

The player scratched his head in embarrassment.

The migration of hundreds of thousands of beasts took a long time, and many players stood on high ground nearby to watch the whole process. Many players approached the warning line and looked at the Druids of the moon Shadow Council who were leading the pacification, hoping that a sudden riot would happen and that the Druids would give them some quests or something.

However, the scene that he had imagined did not happen. Everything was in order.

in howling heights castle, the macaw was singing and dancing in the garden, celebrating the capture of the primary aberration with the five mice and the eight great diamonds.

Meanwhile, link had already washed up and changed into his pajamas.

Sunflower, who was at the head of the bed, also yawned. He put on his sunglasses and fell asleep with his head tilted.

Three different scenes, three completely different ambies.

The next morning.

“Why sleep so long when you’re alive? you’ll naturally sleep long after you die!”

“Ganba, get up and welcome a new day!”

“live every day as if it’s the last day of your life, and live a wonderful life!”

In a daze, link reached out and pressed the sunflower’s head down. The guy was finally done with his Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Link leaned against the bed in a daze for a while before he gradually came back to his senses.

He got out of bed, washed up, and walked out of the bedroom. Breakfast was already on the table, and the soy milk in the cup was still steaming.

looking at the hot soy milk, link couldn’t help but laugh.”It seems like old Jin had a good night’s sleep.”

After breakfast, link called for the driver to head to the Uptown Library.

In the afternoon, he also made an appointment with a transport plane to the death quagmire airdrop. He had to complete the job Mission [ Xuefu wuche ] by morning.

It just so happened that today was the 1st of December. If he came to the city library, he could still get a few more experience books and get a prize.

Link’s schedule was just so ingenious and appropriate.

Because of Link’s sudden visit, the city library had to restart their plan and ask the Inhumans in the library to leave.

the players who had been chased out looked as if they had been interrupted in the middle of their task. all of them had resentful expressions on their faces, but they did not dare to say anything.

After entering the library, link did not look for the librarian. Instead, he went straight to the knowledge altar in the corner.

As soon as he stood in front of the knowledge altar, link received a system notification before he could do anything.

[ it has been detected that you have the required experience points. Do you wish to submit the mission [ Wufu wuchen ]? ]

Link did not hesitate to hand over 6000000 experience points.

Seeing the six-digit experience points in his experience pool instantly fall to a pitiful four-digit number, link felt as if his body had been hollowed out.

However, what followed was a series of system notifications.

[ congratulations, you have received [ Sage (1) ] ]

at the same time, the cold knowledge altar glowed with a golden light, which fell on link.

[ congratulations on obtaining the blessing of the knowledge altar. ]

link opened the system and looked at the introduction of [ sage (1) ].

[ erudite specialization (1): you can ignore the requirements to learn any skill book that is not higher than your own level (restriction requirement: Level 60)

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