420 Heartless

The team led by Leng Feng advanced very slowly.

Taking into account that dog feed King and panamela were both “newcomers,” Leng Feng did not covet the credit and steadily pushed forward.

“Let’s rest for a while more. We’ll advance after we’ve scouted the path.” After taking care of a giant radioactive spider, the four of them were covered in the green goo from the spider’s explosion.

According to what explosive chicken had said, they were about to become one with the quagmire of death.

Just as panamela was about to scoop some water from the shallow pool to wipe off the disgusting green mucus on her body, Leng Feng quickly stopped her.

“The smell of the spider’s slime can cover the human smell on our bodies. When we enter the forest later, the spiders will treat us as one of their own and will not attack us. if you wash away this mucus, i’m afraid we’ll be eaten alive by the spiders when we go deep into the forest.”

Leng Feng’s words sent a chill down panamela’s spine, and she immediately poured the water back.

On the other side, bombing chicken was crouching on the ground.

But this time, he wasn’t playing with the soil. He was looking at it.

Under the dark green soft soil, there was a small bump of soil that was constantly pushing forward.

This was the magical vine that link had given to the fried chicken as a reward. It was now used to Scout the situation ahead.

With the illusion vine and the [ beast’s eye ] of the exploding chicken, he could explore the way ahead of time without any problems.

After confirming that there was no danger on the ground, the illusionary vine broke out of the ground and climbed up the treetops like a snake. It passed through the leaves and made a rustling sound. It entered the huge connected treetops and investigated the situation on the trees.

After a while, bombarding chicken deactivated his [ beast’s eye ] state and said to the three people beside him, ” ” there are only three giant radioactive spiders 200 meters ahead. should we use the same method to lure them over one by one? ”

Leng Feng carried the military sniper rifle on his shoulder and said in a deep voice, we already know the combat mode of the giant radioactive spiders. With the restriction of the illusionary vines, we will pull two of them over this time!

King gousheng and panamela’s hair stood on end when they heard this.


There was something wrong with this person!

He was the one who said that he was steady, and now he was also the one pulling two tightropes at the same time.

Among the four teams, the most relaxed one was definitely John and King Kong’s team.

The diamond’s pure metal body was completely immune to the gray miasma.

John’s body was as fast as lightning. The giant spiders in the forest were only ” little guys ” to him. To King Kong, these giant spiders were just big toys. It stood there and let the giant spiders bite it. Their mandibles couldn’t even penetrate its metal body. They couldn’t even break its defense, let alone hurt it.

The two of them strolled forward leisurely. Along the way, the ground was filled with giant spiders with their eight legs curled up. Those who knew understood that these giant spiders were all dead, but those who didn’t know would think that they were holding hairy crabs.

this was also why leng feng’s team, who was very close to them, did not encounter any giant spiders in the forest.

All the big heads ran to John and King Kong’s side to die.

Link and the macaw rushed to the radar’s point three and locked onto the three’s position with the sound of gunfire.

“From the sound of the gunshots, the three of them should be fine.”

Link looked at the spiders that were gathering towards the source of the gunshots. He moved quickly and moved through the uneven forest without any discomfort.

“Alright, it’s time to end this.”

Link whistled, and a whistle arrow formed by silver formation wall ants flew out of his sleeve. It began to kill the spiders.

The originally calm ground was arched up, and countless illusionary vines crawled out from the ground, forming a tightly connected inverted net to protect the three people who were gathered together.

“The boss of the hallucinatory vine Taowu is here!” wind recognized the illusion vine at a glance and immediately stopped shooting. he ordered the other two, ” ” stop shooting. don’t hurt the vines. ”

the gunfire suddenly disappeared.

The illusionary vines connected in pairs to form an inverted net with a diameter of two meters, protecting all three of them.

The giant radioactive spiders that were madly attacking from all directions were now crawling on the vines. Their huge tentacles reached into the gaps, trying to push the vines open. some opened their sharp teeth, trying to bite off the vines.

Knowing that link had come, the three’s fear was swept away. In its place was a strong desire to fight for revenge.

the boss is here. It’s time to counterattack. Aim the muzzle at him and kill him!

Wind-chasing Wolf took the lead and changed the magazine of the ” Thunder God ” assault rifle. He then stood up and walked up with the gun in his hand. He directly and violently stuffed the muzzle into the mouth of the giant spider’s jaw.

Tu tu tu tu tu

After a series of concentrated shots, the giant spider’s mouthpart and head were all blown to pieces. The mucus and broken limbs were everywhere. The eight-legged and fat lower half of the limb staggered a few times and fell heavily to the ground. After rolling for a while, the tentacles trembled and contracted together under the effect of the remaining nerves.

Tang Jiu and the Prophet’s eyes brightened, and they also moved forward, using their proudest weapons to launch a general attack on the giant spider, not letting wind chase take the lead. He was even more unwilling to lose this rare opportunity to enjoy the experience alone.

With a wave of his hand, the Black Widow and the invisible killer bees appeared. Together with the silver army ants, Sentry arrows, insects, and arthropods, the ” Zerg ” Army began to put on a grand performance in the death swamp.

The macaw was filming from all directions. Finally, it walked to Link’s side and nudged his leg with its wing.”By the way, is it really a good idea to leave Fu there alone?”

Link crossed his hands in front of his chest and said calmly,”There’s no other way. In order to find the entrance as soon as possible, I can only do this. The quagmire of death has a diameter of tens of kilometers. According to our advancing method, we may not be able to find the entrance to the secret base by tonight. Even if we have sufficient gas masks, it’ll be even darker at night, and it’ll be even more inconvenient for us to move around. We’ll also have to suffer from the harsh environment and the attacks of unknown creatures at any time.”

As link spoke, he thought of the evaluation on AFU’s data card. Do you know what it means to get what you want?

these words were not wrong at all!

“Then aren’t you afraid that Fu will be in danger alone? the quagmire of death is full of danger and all kinds of strange things happen in an endless stream. with fu’s brain, i’m afraid he won’t be able to handle it. ” The macaw was worried.

“you’ve known fu for too long,” link chuckled.”the impression you had from the time when link was helping her is too deep. he was no longer the naïve person he had been when link had helped him. In terms of business, he can manage the Colosseum on his own, and his strength is also incomparable to the past. The most important thing is that Yingluo’s luck seems to have become better.”

“Even if he encounters danger, he has the ability to spiritualise to escape.”

The macaw scratched its waist, still unconvinced. but spiritualism only lasts for a minute. What happens after that? ”

if he encounters any more difficulties in a minute, he’ll have to use a new trump card. Link said with a smile.

“Huh? Fu had a new trump card? No wonder you dared to leave him alone. Link, you didn’t even tell me about such important news. I was worried for a long time.” The macaw vented its anger by punching Link’s leg with its wings.

Soon, the siege of the giant spiders in front of them came to an end. The remaining giant radioactive spiders either fled or stayed where they were to be killed by the Zerg troops.

The ground was covered with the corpses of the giant spiders, as well as the mucus from the exploded abdominal cavity.

Link stood far away and didn’t leave anything behind.

On the other hand, the three people who were protected by the illusionary vine were covered in white and green mucus. Even their black gas masks were dyed white, and their every move was covered in sticky threads. If the Lin group’s chef was present, he might have thought of a new dish-plucked living people.

Zhui Feng, Tang Jiu, and the Prophet were submerged in the sticky liquid, but they were all grinning.

Not only were they not injured, but they had also gained a lot of experience from the battle just now. If they were in a bad state, then so be it!

The illusionary vine slowly retreated and returned to the ground, leaving the disgusting mucus on the surface. It continued to explore.

The ” Zerg Army ” that had been attacking in groups just a moment ago disappeared into thin air with a wave of Link’s hand. They disappeared into the terrifying land as if they had never appeared.

Link walked around the remains and slime on the ground. He stood not far from the three and said, alright, get up and pack up. We’re going to the underground base.

Before the three of them could react, the macaw exclaimed, ” “Fu has already found the place?”

In [ bug commander ] mode, link saw Fu’s position. He was about six or seven kilometers away from them.

It was hard to imagine that in the time it took him and the macaw to rush to the rescue, this fellow had already disappeared from his original position and ran to a place six to seven kilometers away. In terms of speed, Ah Fu wasn’t much slower either.

I’m not sure if we’ve found the right place, but Fu has been there for more than ten minutes. Even if it’s not an underground base, it’s not far away. Link said with certainty. After all, when it came to such metaphysical matters, Fu was definitely the right person to be indecisive.

The three of them quickly cleaned up the mucus on their bodies and followed behind link and the macaw.

Following link, the three of them finally felt at ease.

this time, he was no longer afraid of the giant radioactive spiders that were surrounding him.

Oh right, we also met a black shadow just now. It was extremely fast and passed through the gray fog. Did you guys meet it on the way, brother Jin? ”

Wind was following the macaw, trying to get some information. He had built a good relationship with the macaw when he was helping it out.

“huh? Did you guys see what it was? This is important material!” The macaw had almost fallen asleep on the way.

They had encountered either giant spiders or oozelings in the forest. Although these species were strange, they weren’t that eye-catching. Now that he heard about the mysterious creature, as a photographer, Jin’s professional sense of smell and hearing wind’s description, he immediately felt that it was not an ordinary creature.

Zhui Feng helplessly shook his head and said with lingering fear,”the gray fog was too thick. i couldn’t see clearly at all. I can only see a faint shadow in the gray fog, and I didn’t run over, but flew over.”

The macaw keenly grasped the details and analyzed, ” ” the forest is filled with gray fog, and the trees are dense. moreover, the height of each tree is not very high. you said that they flew over, so the only possibility is low-altitude gliding. oh, right, what’s the size of the body? ”

Wind recalled carefully, ” I saw a pair of wings and a hunched body. I’m not sure if I saw legs or feet. It felt like … I mean, it felt like a human.

Humans had wings and could fly.

The macaw’s eyes lit up and it quickly ran to Link’s side.”How much longer until we get out of the forest? Zhui Feng said that he saw a person with wings flying by. He was extremely fast and had a ferocious face. He also opened his bloody mouth and could eat a small pig in one bite!”

Wind-chasing Wolf was confused. Did he really say that just now?

Link was also speechless. Did the macaw ignore him and not hear the conversation behind him?

Zhui Feng was talking about the wings and the vague shape of a human.

In the end, the macaw came up with a ferocious face and a bloody mouth, and it even ate a little pig with each bite.

Did the little pig know that he was so miserable?

“we’ll be out of the forest after another kilometer. according to the feedback from the security guards, we’ll arrive at a special place soon.” Link was curious as well. In [ swarm commander ] mode, the Black Widows and the illusionary vines all stopped together. The dense light spots all gathered in a straight line as if they were blocked by something.

only the invisible killer bees could fly freely. this reminded link of some special terrain, such as an abyss, a lake, or something else.

The macaw’s ears perked up. Its attention was attracted by the ” special land ” mentioned by link. As for the ” Birdman ” mentioned by wind, it immediately forgot about it.

Soon, the group reached the edge of the forest and passed through the last wave of gray fog. Their vision suddenly became clear.

the illusionary vine and the black widow opened up some space for everyone. link, the macaw, and the three players all came to the edge of the forest and saw the strange scene that followed.

The red Land stretched as far as the eye could see, and in the distance, there were only strange rocks and rugged terrain, and no one was there.

in the sky.

without the cover of the dense leaves, the height was not wide. on the contrary, there was a gray fog two meters above their heads, covering the entire sky above the red land. it gave people a depressed feeling, as if something was constantly pressing down on them.

Link knelt down and pressed the back of his hand against the bare ground. The scorching temperature passed through the skin of the back of his hand and into his body. The ground was at least 40 degrees.

Then link glanced at the two-foot-high fog. It was too low. It was like the height of a hotel corridor and gave off a strong sense of oppression.

Perhaps it was because the ground was too hot, but the rising heat current pushed the gray fog into the air.

just as link was trying to explain the strange phenomenon, the three players standing by the side could not hold it in any longer.

The Prophet and Tang Jiu couldn’t help but reach out their hands, and their arms immediately sank into the gray fog.

hehe, this is fun. There’s no heat above the gray fog, and it’s even a little cold ~”

As soon as the Prophet’s voice fell, a rotten arm suddenly emerged from the gray fog and dragged the Prophet into it.

The Prophet was pulled into the air by a powerful force, and his entire upper body was submerged in the gray fog.

What followed was a ghostly wail and a Wolf’s howl. In the next second, Tang Jiu was also dragged up.

Zhui Feng’s eyes were sharp and his hands were fast. His left and right hands moved together and grabbed the legs of the Prophet and Tang Jiu.


Link frowned and jumped up.

His vision broke through the gray fog, and he immediately saw a terrifying scene.

Countless people were hanging upside down with their feet tied up and their arms holding on to Tang Jiu and the Prophet. Their open mouths were rotten. Some were missing half of their faces, some only had half of their tongues left, and their eyeballs were stuck to their eye sockets by some thread-like glue, which swung back and forth with violent movements. Its body was full of wounds, with traces of decay and gnawing.

There were all kinds of tragic scenes, but they all had one thing in common. Their rotten clothes and bodies had long been glued together. At a glance, one could vaguely see that they were dressed in the old era.

There was another detail. The hearts of all the rotting hanged men had caved in, turning into empty holes.

These people were all heartless.

P.S.,[as usual, I’m asking for monthly votes, let’s go ~]

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