405 Chapter 405: the right to release the troops with a cup of wine

The macaw’s crazy attack directly made general Wimbledon vomit blood and faint.

when the other three commanders heard this, they also felt like scolding themselves again. their faces were red with shame, and they stood uneasily. they kept feeling that the group of pets beside them were staring at them with strange eyes.

The macaw raised its wings and took a step back. It quickly tried to clear its name,””I only opened my mouth to give a detailed account of what he had done. I didn’t have any physical contact with him. You have to prove this to me! Don’t think that just because you’re the commander of the Air Force, you can spit out blood and blackmail people at will ~”

Commander winlayton, who was still conscious on the ground, heard this and blood spurted out of his mouth like a fountain.

Link rubbed his temples and said,””that’s enough. i’ll punish you later for interrupting rashly and angering commander winlayton’s mistake.”

With that, link took a beam of moon essence from the tree of God, Noxi.

The misty waterfall of moon essence had now gathered into a wisp of crystal, like a flexible water snake, spiraling down from the crown of the tree and flowing into commander Wimbledon’s mouth, nourishing the angry and boiling commander Wimbledon bit by bit.

After a few minutes, commander Wimbledon’s breathing calmed down. His numb and tense facial muscles gradually eased, and his ferocious expression melted like ice.

Li Zijun helped commander Wimbledon up. He had just woken up. The recovery ability of the moon well water was amazing. Even the old illnesses and internal injuries left behind in his youth had been cured. The clear-headed Wimbledon already understood Link’s intentions. The macaw had stood out without any warning to condemn him in speech and in writing. How could this be possible without Link’s permission or permission?

Winlayton pointed at link, who was drinking his tea, and said through gritted teeth,”Young man, I advise you to take care of yourself!”

Link, however, maintained his elegant and polite smile. He said to the elite Druid beside him, commander Wimbledon was anxious just now and has just recovered a little. He is still a little delirious and is not suitable to participate in the upcoming Military Committee discussion. You should take commander Wimbledon to have a good rest first. Don’t neglect him.

Hearing Link’s words, the other three commanders broke out in cold sweat.

They knew very well that commander winlayton was about to be removed from the list.

however, on second thought, link had always been trying to stop a large-scale confrontation. it had always been commander winlyton who had incited them to fight head-on. Now that the Shandu Army had been defeated twice, both the people and the soldiers of Shandu needed an explanation.

And Wimbledon was the best scapegoat!

after thinking through this, the three of them quickly reacted.

“You really should take a good rest, winlayton,” said commander tekodai as he stepped forward.

” you were too anxious because of the failure in commanding the front line. you blamed yourself too much and your body couldn’t recover. what you need to do now is to recuperate and not worry about the war. ” The Munn Kingdom’s commander was also exceptionally ruthless when it came to adding salt to the wound. He had even thought of a reason and directly put the blame on Wimbledon.

“You’re the oldest among us, and I can’t take this battle. For the sake of the current fragile military and political system in Shatu, please take a break. We can’t afford to experience any more turmoil.” The Army commander, Fernandes, said with a pale face.

Wimbledon was dumbfounded. This series of events had happened too suddenly.

He came to see if the front line was held. He wanted to know more about the desert Alliance Army from link and finally use this method to ease the atmosphere.

However, ever since this flat-furred animal started talking nonsense, the pace and development of the matter had gone beyond his control. In just a few words, his position as the Air Force commander and a member of the military Committee was dismissed.

good for you guys! commander Wimbledon’s blood rushed up again. He felt his blood dry up to his head, and he was furious.

Four of the five members of the military Committee had already spoken. There was no room for negotiation because they all knew that someone had to be responsible for the two failures and calm their anger.

” take commander wimbledon away. he can’t bear the loss of the war, and his emotions are fluctuating too much. ” link was the last to speak, and the elite druids helped commander winlayton out of the room.

As the curses faded away, link raised his hand and gestured for the three commanders to take their seats.

“Although commander Wimbledon’s actions are regrettable, it is still difficult to convince the citizens and soldiers with this alone. The biggest headache for me is that the failure of Shandu on the battlefield will definitely lead to an inquiry letter from the freedom Federation. They know that Shandu is now under the military Committee system and will not be easily fooled. What do you three think?” With that, link raised his hand. The wooden cups on their tables were filled with tea. The faint aroma of the tea was refreshing and calming.

The three commanders fell into deep thought.

That’s right, it could be said that commander Wimbledon had misjudged the situation in Shandu, which led to two defeats.

however, to the freedom federation’s parliament, such an excuse appeared to be extremely lame. The freedom Federation’s Parliament knew that the military and political affairs of the sand capital had been decided by a vote of five council members. Link’s name had also taken up a place in Dragon city’s and Faye’s updated list of strategic key personnel. such a major action decision was by no means made by winlayton alone. at least two other committee members would have to take responsibility for it.

Army commander fernández’s eyes were dazed. He was still immersed in the great grief of losing 60% of his Army.

Commander Dai and commander Munn were both astute and calculative, so they didn’t dare to express their opinions easily.

“Since you’ve brought up this topic, I’m afraid you already have an idea, right?” Dai yi continued to ask.

Link smiled. actually, it’s very simple to solve this problem. We just need to tell the public that we feel that the military Committee is lagging behind in dealing with problems and daily affairs, so we’ve chosen a new leader of the Shatu. This leader is commander Roland, no, I should call him general Roland.

The three commanders, each with their own thoughts, suddenly had their eyes light up. This was a good idea!

This act of bestowing Lordship had pushed away all responsibility and left it all to Wimbledon. Furthermore, there was also an explanation for the freedom Federation.

However, after their excitement, their rationality took over the high ground again, and they instantly broke out in cold sweat.

They could smell the original intention behind this plan!

Link, the dagger is revealed!

once they agreed to this plan, they would clear their own name and at the same time, agree with the setting of only one voice in shatu. on the other hand, wimbledon had to pay the price for his loss of mind. he had to take the blame for the three of them. who else but link could sit on the empty throne of the supreme leader of the sand city?

Link had probably known from the start that the Shatu Army would not be able to defeat the Allied desert forces head-on.

However, link had indeed told them this. In the end, the four of them were still willing to send out their troops and jump into this ‘trap’.

What to do?

If they didn’t agree now, they would need two people to take the blame. The three of them were worried that they would be the ones to be backstabbed. The most important thing was that once the news was made public, the anger of the people and soldiers in Shandu would pour out, and there would be no chance of turning things around.

Should he take a gamble, or should he secure Link’s position and keep his last trump card?

Link sat on the stool with his legs crossed. He placed his palms on his knees and tapped his legs rhythmically with his fingertips.

I know. This is an important decision. The three of you can think about it carefully and slowly. You must consider it carefully. Link’s tone was light, but every word struck the three’s hearts like a thousand pounds.

Star constellation, who was standing behind link, had a glint in her eyes.

The boss said the gentlest words, but there was a hidden sharpness in his words.

He wasn’t willing to be a member of the military Committee. He wanted to take advantage of the defeat in Shandu to seize the highest power in the city.

Star constellation was overjoyed to be with such a boss who had strength, ideas, and stratagems.

although the previous boss, moroes, was also a formidable character, compared to the situation of the three kings, moroes ‘main influence was in the economy. he had always been low-key and behind the scenes. moroes was like a meticulous tiger. unfortunately, he met a more aggressive and radical rule-breaker, link.

The macaw, which had just glowed in a crusade, had already blended into the crowd of pets. It used its wings to support the camera rooster above its head, then shifted horizontally in search of the best shooting angle.

He saw a dazed old hen moving up and down among the pets, looking so conspicuous.

However, no one noticed what was happening at the anxious tea table.

Li Zijun, who was in charge of the security of the four commanders, could only put her hands behind her back and stand upright by the tea table, fulfilling her duty as a bodyguard. however, the contents of the discussion between the four members of the military committee were also frightening. Judging from the current situation, there was a high probability that a new leader would be born in Shandu.

On one side was the commander she was loyal to, and on the other side was her close friend. The only thing Li Zijun could do now was to wait for the results.

time passed by, and every second was extremely difficult for the three commanders.

General alongso’s death was a pleasant surprise for them. It activated their ambitions and gave them the opportunity to touch the highest power in Shandu.

However, Link’s appearance was like a tall wall, blocking them from entering.

Now, once they agreed, it meant that they would respect link as the Supreme Commander of the Shatu and return to his original position.

But if they didn’t agree, link, who controlled the economy and the window of public opinion in Shandu, would only need to casually leak some news. The anger of the people and the disappointment of the soldiers would be enough to destroy their reputation and cause them to be consigned to eternal damnation.

Commander Dai’s forehead was covered in sweat.

as the leader of the special forces, who needed the means and plans the most, he spent most of his time thinking about the situation and the people’s hearts.

Only by understanding people’s hearts could one be a qualified Special Agent and intelligence personnel.

Compared to the other three divisions, the special intelligence Division had a higher requirement for the psychological game of intelligence personnel.

Of the three people who made the decision at the moment, only 40% of the Fernandes Army was left, so he had no right to speak. The only thing he could do was to go with the flow.

The remaining commander of the Fox hunting Special Forces was the most well-informed one.

after all, his son, benjamin, had a close relationship with link. not only was he the secretary of the military, but he also held the real power of the deputy battalion commander of the special forces. in addition, li zijun, the captain of the fox hunting special forces. Even if they chose to retreat at the peak of their career, these items would still be handed over to Benjamin and they would still be in the Munn family’s hands, so there was no loss.

He was the only one who needed to make a decision.

However, this was not good news for dai yi.

Time passed by. Only the sound of link sipping tea and slamming it onto the table could be heard.

Commander Munn was calm and relaxed after he thought it through.

fernandes did not have any bargaining chips on the table. losing 60% of the army was not just a serious injury. if there was no reasonable and convincing explanation and handling of this matter, the remaining 40% of the army would most likely be disunited, and he would become the commander of the army. Therefore, he didn’t have any right to speak and could only wait for the other two to make a decision.

After a long time, commander Dai let out a breath of turbid air and sighed softly, as if he had reconciled with himself and made up his mind.

Dai yi picked up the tea on the table that was brewed with the essence of the divine Tree dew and drank it in one gulp.”I think that you’re doing a great job in managing the economy of shadu, Mr. Lin. He led by example to guard the weeping Valley, fended off the enemy at the first opportunity, built Shenmu City, and established the military intelligence Department. All of these are great events that benefit the country and the people, and he has great foresight in this war. I think he is the only one qualified to be the Supreme Commander of Shandu.”

I also think that only Mr. Lin can turn the tide, ” commander Munn said.

Fernandes followed him and raised his hand. “I agree.”

Link was taken aback. He quickly waved his hands and said, I’m still inexperienced and I don’t have a single soldier. I can’t be the Supreme Commander of Shandu.

Without waiting for the other three commanders to speak, the macaw, which had been hiding among the pets, suddenly jumped out. It stood with its wings on its hips and straightened its back, then started spitting at link.

“Link, I’m very disappointed in you!” The macaw’s first words were heavy.

“The desert Alliance Army is eyeing us covetously, and this time they are preparing their troops to sweep through shadu. As the Minister of Economy in Shandu, the Lord of the slums, the president of Lin’s consortium, the Honorary Director of Shandu library, the elder of the moon Shadow Council, the tent of the special Operations camp, the member of the military Committee, and the director of the military intelligence Department, you’re not thinking of taking the responsibility to protect the country and the interests of the people, and you’re here to decline your obligations again and again. It’s really disappointing!”

“I think that if the people of shadu knew that the omnipotent Mr. Lin in their hearts was like this, they would be extremely disappointed. Rather than defending Shandu, why don’t we disperse and escape?”

as for what you said about not having a single soldier, millions of people in Shandu are willing to stand on your side, and the soldiers of Shandu will always remember the generous rewards you have received. because shang clan had a good business environment, they did not exploit them, and were extremely respectful to you. I don’t believe that no one will support you if you raise your arms and call for them!”

“you’ve also let down the three commanders” expectations of you! Since they’re willing to elect you as their Supreme Commander, how could they not listen to your orders? Are you saying that the remaining soldiers of the four armies in Shandu are not human in your eyes?”

As soon as the macaw finished speaking, the other three commanders saluted in unison, ”

“The special Hunter force of Shandu!”

“Shandu Army!”

“The Shatu Special Forces!”

“i’m willing to listen to general lin’s orders!”

P.S. squid released a new book today. Wanjun went to take a look. It’s also in the wasteland style. Although it’s only two chapters, the company’s system of distributing wasteland resources when there’s a shortage is so real. After reading it, she became autistic. The gap was too big. I hope Wanjun can become an author like squid in the future. I strongly recommend you to read it,”night Ember”~

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