398 The sage specialization and the desert plan

Lin Ke looked out of the car window and saw that the stairs leading down to the library were packed with people.

guild leader, there are so many people here. Are they organizing an event? should we go over now? ” The private driver turned around and asked.


The driver stopped the car by the road and got out to open the door for link.

Lin Ke’s Black car was Grand and luxurious. The moment it stopped by the side of the road, the players noticed it.

Looking at the license plate of [ LK0001 ], the players suddenly realized that the new king had arrived!

when lin ke alighted from the car, the noisy public square of the city library fell silent. all the players turned to look at lin ke.

Link was already used to being stared at by so many eyes. If this was in the past, he would have been a little nervous.

After buttoning his suit, link walked up the stairs to the players.

The protesting players stared at link in a daze. They were all intimidated by his indescribable temperament and the lofty image that had been formed in the players ‘hearts for a long time. They made way for him.

At this moment, thousands of eyes were scanning link. However, other than his name, class, and some of his titles, everything else was a question mark.

However, this still did not stop the players from checking it out personally.

This was link, the man who was on the hot search both in the game and in reality!

The players made way, and the clouds were instantly cleared.

Link immediately saw the library staff cordon off the area around the fist statue. When she saw link, she quickly stepped forward and bowed. “Committee member Lin, I’ve been waiting for you!”

Link was shocked. I didn’t inform you guys before I came? ”

Oh, it’s the curator’s lover, Adjutant Benjamin, who called in advance to say that you’re coming, so we’re temporarily closing the museum and waiting for your arrival, Mr. Lin.

Link didn’t expect it to be Benjamin. He had just been talking a little, and this guy had called him to set him up.

forget it, if he directly entered the library to look for the librarian to hand over his job-changing mission, he would definitely be surrounded by a large group of opportunistic players. Now that the library had been cleared, there was a quiet space.

“Alright, lead the way.”

The staff member led link into the library. Benjamin’s wife, director Jenny, was waiting at the door. When she saw link, her face was filled with a bright smile. Mr. Lin, you’re here. I have to thank you for your support of the city library. You didn’t come when it opened yesterday, so I’ll take this opportunity to visit the expanded library.

“sorry to trouble you, chief.”

Jenny knew Link’s habits. There was no one else in the library except for the staff.

Lin Ke walked into the city library. It looked completely different from the one in his previous life. The expanded library could accommodate more people and was more reasonably partitioned.

link activated the heaven’s insight and found the librarian in the library.

link walked up to the caretaker, who was wiping the dust off his face. the caretaker turned around and saw link. the first thing he said was,”Oh, you’re here, Mr. Lin. Thank you for sponsoring the expansion of the library,” “You’ve become so well-educated so quickly,” he said, sizing link up.”Good, very good.”

The librarian put down the cloth and brought link to an altar-like place deep in the library.

In front of the shrine was a statue. On the statue were stone slabs, ropes, tortoiseshell, bronze cauldrons, sheepskin, bamboo slips, silk, and finally, book paper.

Link could tell at a glance that the statue was describing the process of passing down written knowledge.

” you must be troubled right now. you have endless knowledge, but you’re hindered by human strength. you can’t pry into the mysteries of knowledge for your entire life, so you can only choose to master one or two. ”

These words sounded genteel, but they were automatically translated into a more understandable language when they entered Link’s ears.

[ there aren’t enough skill slots, right? you said you were a scholar, but now you can only learn the same number of skills as other classes? ]

link nodded in agreement.

To be honest, this problem was indeed the key to restricting this hidden class. With such a high difficulty in obtaining it, there was still a limit to the number of skills one could learn. Although one could learn skills from different classes, under the situation where the total amount remained the same, the pool of skills had widened, but the bottom of the pool had also become shallow. It was very difficult to learn the core skills of each class.

The administrator pointed at the knowledge statue in front of him and said, ” “it can solve your problems. As long as you sincerely worship knowledge, it will grant you your wish and provide you with protection.”

Link raised an eyebrow and looked at the statue again.

the statue, which was cast from steel, gradually shed its black iron-like appearance, revealing a golden and silver luster inside.

For a moment, there was a burst of light, and there was a faint solemn voice lingering in the air.

“I didn’t expect this statue to be an altar!” Link’s face glowed, as if the golden light had frozen his expression.

The altar was a rare buff-type building in fate. This kind of thing usually only existed in ruins with a high level of danger, high-level Dungeons, and some high-level missions or Adventure Rewards. Each altar had a different effect, and the items needed to be sacrificed were also different. As long as the corresponding altar was offered the required resources, they would be rewarded.

According to what link knew, altars only appeared in the players ‘sights after version 2.0 when they explored the planets and ruins in the universe. He had never heard of such a thing in version 1.0. However, in his previous life, link had been a gold-making worker. He had lacked connections and was not at the top of the power rankings, so it was normal for him to lack inside information.

Link cast detect and saw the type of altar.

[ knowledge altar ]

[ level: 60 ]

[ description: the knowledge altar that gathers thousands of knowledge on the wasteland planet. It contains a vast ocean of books and provides the right items. The altar may bless you. ]

[ offering requirement: 6000000 experience points ]

[ reward: Sage specialization (1) ]

Link gasped after reading the knowledge altar’s requirements.

What a big move!

The offering of a knowledge altar actually required 6000000 experience points.

link had been busy for a long time, but he only had 4.61 million experience points.

The reward from the knowledge altar was also very attractive-erudite (1).

although he still didn’t know what the effect of the so-called [ sage specialization (1) ] was, a specialization related to his profession would definitely be good! As for the [ 1 ] behind the mastery, link thought that it would be followed by [ 2 ] and [ 3 ] in the future. It was a growth-type mastery.

“Although you have accumulated a large amount of knowledge, you are still a distance away from being recognized by the knowledge altar. After you’ve accumulated enough knowledge, you can come to the knowledge altar at any time during the library’s business hours to pray for blessings.” after the administrator finished speaking, he left alone.

The content of Lin Ke’s class mission, [ a well-learned man ], had also been changed.

[ the content of your profession Mission [ Xuefu wuchen ] has changed. ]

[ mission hint: sacrifice 6000000 experience points to the knowledge altar ]

[ quest rewards: Sage (1), blessing of the knowledge altar ]

The pre-guiding phase was over, and the real mission requirements appeared.

Link looked at the back of the librarian, who was as enigmatic as a sweeping monk, and thanked him.

This erudite tutor had hidden in the city library. He was someone even link couldn’t see through. Even with detection, he could only find general information. Any deeper information was all question marks.

After confirming the mission, he was still a short distance away from his goal.

1.4 million experience points was not too much, but it was not too little either.

Link turned and left the library.

When he arrived at the entrance of the library, director Jenny was already waiting at the door. As usual, she delivered the library’s ‘local specialty’.

“Mr. Lin, it’s all thanks to your financial support for the expansion of the library. I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the city library. Thanks to your support, the library has attracted the attention of many local nobles and cultural figures in Shandu. Many of them have sent their own collection of books to expand the library.”

jenny smiled and handed the paper bag to link. so, to thank everyone for your love and support, we have specially prepared a new batch of gifts. Please accept them.

Link took the bag and felt its weight. It was indeed heavier than the gift from before.

” in addition, to thank you for your support, i’ve asked the previous liberarists, and they all agreed with my decision. ” Jenny took out a red brocade box from her pocket and opened it.

A golden medal lay quietly in the brocade box.

I’m now inviting committee member Lin to become the Honorary Director of the Sha City Library. Please accept my invitation.

The surrounding staff members were clapping their hands continuously like a walrus patting its belly.

“If that’s the case, then it would be impolite of me to decline.” Link took the gold medal and pinned it on his chest.

at the same time, a few notifications appeared on link’s interface.

[ you have received 10000 reputation points in the Sha City Library. ]

[ your reputation in the Sha DU library has increased from [ reverence ] to [ worship ]. ]

[ you have received a new title: honorary director ]

While Lin Ke was taking a photo with the library staff, he took the time to check out the effects of the [ honorary curator ].

[ Honorary Director ]: learning in the library of shadu city will cost 50% less experience. After wearing the medal, learning anywhere will cost 25% less experience.

Link was overjoyed to see the effects of the new title.

When they were [ business partners ], they could receive a low-level experience book every month.

Now that his reputation in the city library had been upgraded to worship, and he had obtained the title of Honorary Director, the reduction of experience consumption was even more outstanding.

It further eliminated the experience consumption of the erudite class. Moreover, this medal was equivalent to a permanent effect. When it was inconvenient for him to come to the Shandu library, he could also reduce the consumption by wearing the medal.

His one million Yuan had not gone to waste.

the players who were standing far away from the security line saw that they were being awarded medals and taking group photos. they talked to the library staff who were in charge of guarding the string and then got the words of the award ceremony and honorary curator from the NPC.

no wonder I was chased out of the library so early in the morning. It turns out that there’s a conferment ceremony.

“link is going to get a new title again. he’ll have to call me curator lin when he sees me.”

“it looks like the ritual will be over soon. after link leaves, we can go in and study, right?”

The players waiting outside were extremely excited. After all, when the city library opened yesterday, some players discovered that they could learn skills in the library. Moreover, they could study all four types of superpowers, which saved them the trouble of having to queue up everywhere.

Hence, the library was filled with people yesterday, and it reached its peak since the establishment of the library.

As the curator, Jenny was in awe of Link’s vision after seeing such a lively scene.

if the library wasn’t expanded and repaired, with the density and number of people in it, something might happen.

After the ceremony, link left the library with the driver.

as link was leaving, he glanced at the rearview mirror and saw thousands of players swarming into the library.

Now, the method of teaching players skills and gaining experience was no longer feasible. Firstly, it was too time-consuming. Secondly, the average level of the players was already around level 12 – 14. Most of them had already gone through the class change and learned the first class change skill. with link’s current knowledge, there was nothing more he could teach.

“Guild leader, where are we going?” The driver looked at the time. It was only 11 O ‘clock. There were still three hours before the military meeting at 2 p.m.

“Let’s go back to Qilin Hall first. After eating, we’ll rest for a while. We’ll head to the military in the afternoon.”

link said as he opened the paper bag given to him by the city library.

There were a total of 5 low-level experience books and 2 intermediate experience books.

A low-level experience book would randomly give 5000 – 20000 experience points, while an intermediate experience book would give 50000 – 200000 experience points.

sigh, this is a good item. If only it could be combined with a pet. Lin Ke was a little emotional. He had tried to combine an experience book with a pet before, but the system had informed him that experience books were special items and were not considered materials, so they could not be combined.

Link rubbed his hands and muttered,”it’s time to test my luck again, yingluo.”

link’s face darkened after five low-level experience books.

Between 25,000 to 100000 experience points, he had only received 40000 experience points, which was not even the median.

I’m so unlucky! Lin Ke gritted his teeth and opened the two intermediate experience books. He received a decent 250000 experience.

At this point, Link’s experience pool had a total of 4.9 million experience points. He was only 1.1 million points away from the 6000000 experience points required for the knowledge altar.

At noon, when link returned to Qilin Hall, he listened to Bob’s recent work report. He also talked to the retired Special Forces soldiers who were re-hired to train their dogs in the special Operations camp to understand the recent situation.

In the afternoon, link arrived at the military base on time.

as soon as he entered the conference room, he found that the four commanders had already taken their seats.

“oh, the four of you are very punctual today, yingluo.”

Before link could even take a seat, the most impatient commander of shattruckodai impatiently asked, ” mr. lin, i heard you went to the city last night. what happened? ”

Link raised an eyebrow and asked, predict the situation in the floating mech city and listen to me.

P.S: ” I’ve done a detailed outline of the follow-up plot today, so I’ll stop for one chapter for now. Everyone, rest early. I’ll continue watching Wanjun’s update tomorrow! In addition, the protagonist’s data has been updated. You can check it out in related works.

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