384 A fierce battle against the floating mech city!

It turned out that this was the ultimate state of the number one assassin, John, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes.

What a good fellow!

Link finally understood why the mainframe wanted John dead so badly.

This guy’s existence violated the law of balance in the game. He was already a legendary NPC, and now that his wife was alive, his talent [ Biyi ] was even stronger than the [ bug commander ] given by the S-rank mission. It was not just a little stronger.

After activating the [ match wing ] talent, John’s strength leaped over the other two legendary NPCs on wasteland planet.

however, after thinking about it, link felt that it was of little value.

First of all, this talent could only be activated when John and Marsha were together.

But every time John went out for a mission, did he have to bring the weak Marsha with him?

This was obviously unrealistic.

After Link’s mental breakdown, he finally came to a conclusion after some in-depth analysis. John’s talent might look impressive on paper, but it was flashy and useless. As the representative of his beloved wife, how could John put Marsha in danger just to improve his strength?

After analyzing, link regained his confidence.

In comparison, his [ swarm commander ] talent was stronger, at least it could cover a longer time.

After all, for a man, being strong was only temporary. Lasting was more important!

Masha slowly got used to the light and blinked as she tried to open her eyes.

The memories of the last time were still on Overwatch Island.

Her husband, John, was teaching the young talents who came to challenge her on the island while he cooked at home. But suddenly, a black shadow flitted past the window outside the kitchen, followed by a gunshot. With a burst of glass shattering, he lost consciousness.

masha suddenly raised her hand to touch her forehead and found a peanut-sized depression on the left side of her forehead.

Masha’s mind went blank. There was still a bullet hole in her head. She couldn’t tell if she was alive or dead.

However, the moment she put down her hand, she saw John, who had a full beard and a weathered face, standing at the side.

John, who always had a cold and emotionless image, was now as gentle as water in front of his wife. His eyes were moist and kept turning.

Masha’s eyes were wide open as if she had been struck by lightning.

the two of them stared at each other in a daze. the machinery elder sat in front of the computer with his back facing the crowd, his shoulders trembling. On the basis of the immortality plan, he had innocuously solved the problem of the resurrection of vegetative people, adding a heavy stroke to the immortality plan and filling in the gap.

Link and Dave seemed like outsiders. They didn’t know whether to do anything or just watch.

Marsha’s eyes reddened, and she reached out with a trembling hand to touch John’s face.

He had only seen darkness, but why did John look so Haggard? Her long hair, which she usually took care of for him every day after she woke up, was now messily hanging at his temples. His clean and refreshing face was also covered by a beard, especially the light in his eyes, which seemed to be covered by sadness and was dim and unclear.

“John, is that you?” Masha asked in a trembling voice.

John’s lips twitched when he heard the strange yet familiar voice, and his eyes became slightly wet.

Just as the two of them were about to confess their feelings, a mechanical voice interrupted them.

“It’s a success. The data has been successfully organized. The completeness of the eternal life plan will go up another level! Bypassing medical treatment and directly solving the problem of vegetable recovery, machines are really omnipotent!” The machinery elder laughed.

The machinery elder turned around abruptly and saw the mechanical Warriors and the resurrected experimentals hugging each other. His brain seemed to have encountered an obstacle, and he was unable to decipher the meaning of the contents of the images seen by his mechanical eyes.

Link entered the vision of the bug commander and controlled the spy mice under the laboratory building to attack the laboratory upstairs.

” alright, can you press the pause button first? we have more important things to do now! ” as soon as link finished speaking, the two revolving rifles on the exoskeleton armor were already aimed at the elder. immediately after, the muzzles of the revolving rifles spat out bright flames like two fierce fire dragons.

John’s movements were greatly improved under the blessing of [ match wing ]. After five years of hard work, he had finally reunited with his beloved wife after experiencing countless dangers and endless ups and downs. This time, he would not allow Masha to be harmed.

If anyone wanted to hurt Masha, John would have to kill them!

John and Masha were soul mates, and they could understand each other with just one look.

Marsha didn’t ask what was going on. She quickly hid in the nutrition cabin on the back of John’s exoskeleton armor.

although the robot elder was stuck for a moment while analyzing the robot warriors and experimentals, he reacted immediately when he saw the strong hostility from link’s spinning gun.

The fire dragons on his shoulders roared, and the flames from the muzzles lit up the entire laboratory.

dozens of pieces of armor, big and small, suddenly popped out of the machine elder’s body and formed a huge explosion-proof shield in the air.

countless bullets hit the armor, creating explosions and screeches, but they couldn’t penetrate the iron wall formed by the palm-sized armor. this scene reminded link of his arm shield made of silver formation wall ants. however, it was clear that the elder machine’s armor was stronger, and the spinning spear with its powerful impact could not even break through it.

“Discovered a rebellious Pi Xiu.”

“Sound the alarm.”

“Battle mode on!”

“Target locked. One, two, three.”

The red emergency light in the laboratory building flickered, and all the cameras seemed to have turned into robots, beginning to search for targets everywhere. At the same time, the entire building was emitting a piercing alarm.

Just as the machinery elder finished speaking, link suddenly felt a strange reaction from the exoskeleton armor he was wearing.

The Rotary gun suddenly stopped firing, as if it had been controlled.

The locks on the exoskeleton armor were all locked, firmly securing link to the armor. The original modular operation interface had now become a program with green words on a black background.

The two smoking rotary guns on his shoulders slowly turned, both muzzles aimed at Link’s head.

The elder had invaded Link’s armor. Now, the armor had become a cage that imprisoned link.

you guys should leave quickly. This guy can invade the armor!

Link shouted. He wasn’t worried that John and Dave weren’t strong enough to deal with them, but that the nutrition chambers behind them still had weak women in them. Once the mecha was invaded by an indefensible radio, the mechanical elder could change the command with a single thought and kill the person in the nutrition chamber through the mecha’s program.

Link then activated the heaven’s gaze.

the gun barrel seemed to have been stopped by some unknown force, and the buckles that were used to fix the gun in place popped open one by one.

Warframe initiating self-destruct sequence. 3,2,1 ”

Just a second before the armor exploded, link broke free from the exoskeleton’s ‘cage’ and activated haste. His speed suddenly increased by 100%, and he was like a bolt of Black Lightning.

John and Dave quickly retreated, and their armors exploded and set off flames.

“Dave, let’s go!”

Dave was stunned for a moment. He looked back at the laboratory where the fire had disappeared and smoke was billowing. With a worried expression, he couldn’t help but ask, is link the only one left here? can he deal with the elder? ”

“we have a nutrition chamber on our back,” john laughed,”we’ll only be a burden to the elder of the iron council. As for link, he’s confident that even if he encounters the leader of the machinery faith, he’ll be able to escape.”

Dave only knew that link had been invincible in the Shatu, but he had never seen him in action. He had no clear understanding of Link’s strength in the black market and the rumors in the Shatu.

Hearing John’s high praise, she didn’t know if he was comforting him or if link really had that kind of power.

“Now that the alarm has sounded, the robot warriors outside will come to reinforce us very soon. Our next mission is to defeat the enemy. If I’m not mistaken, link will be here to help us soon.”

The two of them ran along the corridor, and the doors of the other laboratories opened one after another.

However, before he could open fire, the mechanical Warriors in front of him, who were only around Level-10, were punched by John with his bare hands. They were shattered along with their armor and weapons.

There were also players who had previously been conscripted to help out in various laboratories. Upon hearing the explosion, he immediately perked up and focused 120% of his attention. The moment the alarm sounded, they rushed out with the robot warriors and prepared to meet up with the main NPC Army.

However, he did not expect that just as he stepped out, a gentle breeze passed by, and all the mechanical Warriors fell to the ground. Their equipment was leaking electricity, and their limbs and bones were broken. The air was filled with the pungent smell of oil and blood.

John quickly scanned the area and saw that all six Inhumans were here.

the enemy is attacking. Our mission is to break out of the encirclement.

Not only did the players not see John’s movements clearly, but they couldn’t even capture his trajectory.

They only knew that the dozen or so robot warriors or robot explorers that had come out with them had disappeared in an instant.

Although it was comparable to a bear, it still couldn’t stop the players from being excited.

They were actually fighting alongside the number one legendary killer on wasteland planet, John, and their fighting spirit was boiling.

“Where did the Guild leader go?” Windchaser Piao Rou and explosive chicken looked around. They only saw John and Dave but not link.

“He’ll meet up with us later.” As soon as John finished speaking, his powerful Six Senses sensed the enemies swarming up from downstairs. Without a word, he was the first to rush up.

back to the battle between link and the machinery elder.

“Your armor is powerful, right? then try this Kasaya.”

Link took out the magic box pistol from his back.

In order to prepare for the battle at the machinery Palace, link had specially prepared a lot of enhanced armor-piercing bullets to deal with the powerful metal armor of the machinery faith.

A dagger flashed in one hand and a magic box pistol in the other. From time to time, he would control the whistle arrows. He was like a ghost, shuttling around the machinery elder and attacking with all kinds of methods.

more than ten seconds passed, and the armor that the elder of the machinery race used to defend himself was completely shattered.

The damage caused by the flames and lightning arcs could be clearly seen on the machine’s body. The indicator light on the machine elder flickered weakly, and the light gradually dimmed.

Bang Bang Bang!

Link was the last to shoot, and he directly blew up the brain in the sealed container above his head. The system notified him that he had received experience points.

[ you have killed the machinery elder: level 40+(elite). You have received 60000 experience points. ]

The level-40 elite with 6200 HP was easily killed by link with his agile movements, accurate marksmanship, and ghostly close-range attacks with his flashing dagger.

as the battle ended, the spy rat hiding in the vent ran down like a dumpling.

“Find a way to copy all the contents of all the laboratories on this floor!” He ordered.

at link’s command, all the spy rats scurried into the laboratories. they stuffed their shapeshifting tails into the giant memory and began to copy data.

Previously, he had helped Dave and John’s ‘dream come true’. Now, it was Link’s turn to take care of some personal matters.

The experiment content and principles in the memory were what link had been dreaming of.

Although the machinery faith was considered an extreme force and villain on the wasteland planet, their machinery knowledge, theoretical research, and technological content were the most advanced on the planet. This was exactly what link needed.

The machinery faith did not take the path of Intelligent Machinery, but instead took a strange path of human-machinery fusion.

Most importantly, when link razed the machinery faith to the ground in the future, all the important information and theories regarding the development of mechanics would be in his hands. At that time, he would be able to use the information to make all the mechanic players on the wasteland work for him.

In his previous life, the freedom Federation had organized players to exterminate the machinery faith, and the machinery knowledge had been divided among the three special city governments. therefore, the players could only work for the freedom federation in order to obtain more advanced theories, skills, and even blueprints.

Link looked at the busy rat, his eyes shining with ambition. He smiled and said, ”

“But now, everything is mine!”

In order to ensure that he had the information, link didn’t rush to meet up with John. Instead, he waited for all the spy mice to finish copying.

Moreover, John now had the [ match wings ] talent. He could kill anything in his way. Link didn’t have to worry at all.

All the spy mice were busy, because there were too few interfaces, and they even lined up.

In front of link, there were only five mouse agents who had nothing to do and the treasure-hunting mouse on his shoulder.

” xiaobao, five mice, i have a mission for you. help me move all the useful things on the enemy’s body on this floor. ”

The treasure-hunting mouse saluted link and immediately led its followers to search the body.

Treasure-seeking mouse: (^)

Haozi: (” ? ‘)

The hamster: ()

Water Rat: ()

Stinky: ()

[bamboo rat: (–)]

Link picked up a random chair and crossed his legs as he waited for the treasure-hunting mouse and its minions to return.

P.S. [seeing that Wanjun stayed up all night and was still updating, please give me some monthly votes and recommendations ~]

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