379 All members ascend

everyone nodded and took deep breaths to calm their emotions.

the shock from the floating mech city was still lingering in their minds. seeing such a large group of people in charge of detecting ascension, the players could not help but feel nervous.

“If you’re ready, then we’ll set off.”

Link swiped his hand across the robot’s face. Its facial features suddenly became a mosaic of abnormal data. The next second, the face that appeared in front of everyone was the face of the robot warrior who had jumped down the hole.

“This bi an …”

The players ‘mouths were wide open in shock, and their eyeballs were about to fall out. What kind of ability was this? he could change his appearance by simply scratching his face, and he could not see any flaws at all. With this kind of power, he would be like a fish in water in the floating mech city.

Dave was also shocked, but he also saw some clues from the brief facial changes and mosaic.

Lin Ke must have been wearing some kind of holographic device that could use optical projections to simulate the enemy’s facial features. It was just that this kind of suspected equipment had very high technical requirements. Dave had only dabbled in related theories, but he did not expect that someone could actually create a real object.

If acting cool could also give him experience points, then he would probably have millions of experience points now.

link was wearing the exoskeleton armor and carrying a modified heavy machine gun as he walked in front. the others followed behind him, fully armed.

When the arbitration team came down from the floating mech city and saw the shocked expressions on the zealots ‘faces, they thought that they had been awed by the magnificence of the city. A sense of pride welled up in their hearts, and they felt very good about it.

I hope that there will be a strong zealot who will stand out this month. The member of the arbitration team said as the elevator descended.

They looked down at this group of zealots, and in the next second, their eyes flashed.

“Not bad, I actually see a whole body of mecha with five sets of elementary chips embedded. it’ll take at least a few years to forge this set of equipment.”

it’s true. It’s also a skill to be able to gather five beginner chips. The multi-core operation effect of five 1.0 beginner chips is probably stronger than the 1.5 beginner chips we have, right? ”

this is the rhythm of someone who wants to be above others once he ascends. This guy will most likely be accepted by the laboratory.

although this mecha looks broken and is made of second-hand modules, it has a complete set of functions. It’s clear that she put in a lot of effort.

The few of them discussed in low voices, their eyes all drawn to Dave’s scavenger mech.

the elevator reached the ground, and the arbitration team stopped talking and walked to the outer ring of the elevator.

Ascending to the floating mech city meant that they would be cut off from this dirty land, and they would not set foot in it unless they were on a mission. Even for the Ascension ceremony that was held once a month, the arbitration team could only operate from the elevator. It was this sense of ceremony and hierarchy that maintained the city’s unshakeable position and faith in the zealots.

Link walked up to the arbitration team and rapped his chest with his arm. He said in a deep voice, ” machines can’t die! long live the head of state! ”

Behind him, John, Dave, and the players also followed suit, thumping their chests and shouting slogans, their eyes all burning with passion.

pioneers and truth are eternal.

After the arbitration team’s response, the serious atmosphere gradually dissipated.

I didn’t work for nothing this month, ” said link, pointing at the people behind him. I’ve found quite a few good seedlings. Then, he walked into the arbitration team as if he was familiar with them.

Link’s actions were as dangerous as walking on a tightrope.

the players ‘hearts were in their throats, afraid that they would say something wrong and expose their identities.

The Mech Warrior from the arbitration team looked at link and nodded.”Thank you for your hard work. Leave the rest of the work to us.”

The two bumped fists, and link safely blended into the arbitration team.

The entire process was extremely natural. If not for the fact that everyone had been changing and personally witnessed Link’s transformation, they would have thought that he was an experienced robot warrior.

The robot warrior who had bumped fists with link stood out and scanned the crowd. I can see the desire for knowledge in your eyes, and in the holy city in front of you, there is the knowledge and mechanical mysteries that you are extremely eager for. The pioneer is like a bright light in the dark night, sweeping away the ignorance, awakening the world, and breaking the darkness. Only machinery can help us break free of our shackles and escape from suffering.”

The arbitration team’s robot warrior stretched out his hand to guide them and slowly made a path. This path led to the scanning device at the center of the lift.

so, who wants to welcome this glorious ascension first? ”

The arbitration team’s mechanical warrior was impassioned, and there was a magical power in his voice.

Dave piloted his scavenger mech and stood up. “I’ll go first!”

Everyone in the arbitration team had the same expression as if they had expected this. A complete mecha had even exceeded the scope of a Mech Warrior. Naturally, the first to step forward would have the confidence.

Dave sat in his mech and walked up to the scanning equipment.

standing in the center of the scanning ring, various equipment modules began to operate. a green code appeared on top of his head, forming a circle of light that fell from the top to the bottom, completely enveloping dave and the mech. The green light of code seeped out from the gaps of the mech, and the red energy ball on the back of the mech also turned green under the transformation of the powerful mechanical energy.

The whole process only lasted for a few seconds, and all the strange scenes suddenly disappeared.

Dave was surprised to find out that the main combat chip of his scavenger mech had been upgraded to the 1.5 version of the basic chip. At the same time, the energy ball on his back had also been converted into more powerful mechanical energy.

“this bi an …”

dave only knew that after the mechanical ascension, one could get the version 1.5 beginner chip, but now even his three core energy sources had evolved into more powerful mechanical energy.

what? ” the arbitration team was dumbfounded. t-this is the resonance of machinery!

” the pioneer acknowledged your mechanical suit design. not only did he upgrade the chip, he also used his own mechanical force to upgrade the energy source for you! ”

how many years has it been since mechanical resonance has appeared in the desert? ”

your future is no longer just a mechanical warrior. The mechas that have been recognized by the pioneers are at least mechanical apostles.

Dave continued to fish for information in his excitement, ” so, the pioneers have noticed me now? ”

The people from the arbitration team smiled and shook their heads. as a pioneer, how could the pioneer have so much time to pay attention to the things below? this is just a program set by the pioneer. As long as a new setting that he acknowledges appears, he will descend mechanical energy to fill in the loopholes in your design that day. Your mechanical suit is lacking in terms of energy, so the pioneer Mechanical force directly modified your core energy source.”

Dave nodded in understanding. As long as he was not being monitored by Dr. Zhao, everything was fine.

congratulations on your success. You may now move to the side. The mech Warriors of the arbitration team led Dave to the side and then looked at the other zealots.

“Who’s next?”

“i’ll do it.” John walked out of the team and walked to the elevator platform in his exoskeleton armor.

Just as he was about to step onto the instrument, he was stopped by the people from the arbitration team.

“If I’m not mistaken, there’s a person in the box on your back?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent and the atmosphere suddenly froze.

The six players ‘hearts were in their throats at this time, and their minds were already simulating the target they would attack later.

dave’s eyes flickered as he stood on the elevator. he was extremely nervous at the moment, afraid that something would go wrong in john’s segment.

Anyone with eyes could see that Masha in the maintenance box was John’s weakness. If someone had the intention to use the maintenance box, John would definitely go berserk.

“Senior officer, no way? the holy city has always needed bio-batteries. It wasn’t easy for me to capture this person. I’m preparing to present him as a congratulatory gift to the pioneers after my Ascension. I’m afraid it’s not a good idea for you to detain him for inspection now, right?” John’s tone and expression were just right, perfectly fitting his character. No one could tell that he was the number one assassin on wasteland.

The arbitration team’s mechanical warrior glanced at John and said in disdain, ” you’re really good at currying favor. It’s winter now, and the holy city is really lacking energy. Where did you get the news? ”

“Don’t look at me. I didn’t say that.” Link noticed that the arbitration team’s eyes were on him, so he immediately shifted the blame and played along with John.

the mech warrior in charge of reconnaissance from the arbitration team walked to john’s back and used his scanning module to scan the maintenance box. he immediately questioned.

“Eh, why is this person in a vegetative state? The body maintains the most basic activity signals, but the brain activity is extremely low, basically in a dormant state?”

John turned his head and stared at the member of the arbitration team with a look that said, ” do you understand? ” “If she was running around, would I have been able to keep her by my side for so long?”

The arbitration team’s Mech Warrior waved his hand, signaling John to quickly get on the scanning equipment and not waste any time.

the green code screen enveloped john again, and the green light flowed through his entire body, the exoskeleton armor, and the maintenance box behind him.

John released his strength that was slightly stronger than the arbitration team’s and quickly passed the Ascension ceremony.

After that, the six players were also baptized by the green energy in turn. Among them, Tang Jiu’s expression was the best.

The chip in the originally white mechanical armor had been upgraded to the 1.5 version of the basic chip after the baptism of Ascension. The quality had jumped to green, and the equipment had increased Tang Jiu’s endurance, intelligence, and strength by one point each. It also had a special effect.

After ascending, Tang Jiu’s expression was extremely interesting, and he vividly interpreted the word ‘fanatic’.

Tang Jiu’s acting skills were so good that John and Dave both looked at link and wondered if this Inhumans was really a spy from the machinery faith.

If link didn’t know about this guy’s background, he would have thought that there was a traitor in the team and was ready to kill him.

the quality of this group of people you found is really high. All of them have successfully ascended. After all the tests, the arbitration team’s robot warrior told link. The ratio also shocked them.

Link grinned like a dragon King.”Of course, my eyes are sharp, and the ones I pick are naturally the best. If we don’t pick out the ones with potential, how are we going to fight the war in the future?”

The mech Warriors of the arbitration team actually felt that Link’s words made sense.

dave was extremely nervous. the players had never experienced such a big scene before, so they were extremely nervous when they were surrounded by enemies.

Link was the only one who remained calm. He even joked around with the arbitration team members.

What kind of Social Talent was this?

The platform started moving up. While link was chatting with the arbitration team, he glanced at the ground.

Under the lead of the treasure-hunting mouse and the five rats secret agent team, the silver army ants and rats in the cave boarded the machinery Palace.

the elevator platform was removed from the chassis of the city, and a huge factory the size of a football field appeared in front of them.

because they were at the bottom of the city, there were huge gears, bearings, and steam everywhere.

The noise made by the steel reverberated back and forth in the stadium-sized space.

The red traffic lights changed to green, and the area was cordoned off. Carts carrying goods shuttled back and forth on the rails, as if they had arrived at the train station adjacent to the mine. It was a bustling scene.

“Welcome to the holy city. This was the territory of the holy city, so it was more chaotic. I’ve already sent the detailed map of the holy city and the newbie reception area to everyone’s devices. You’ll have to go there by yourself. We still have to stay here to review the next batch of zealots.”

after leaving the arbitration team, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Link pulled up the interface of the skeletal armor and saw the detailed map guide that had just been sent over.

“have you received the map? next, act according to the plan.”

Everyone took the elevator and left the factory.

The moment the elevator door opened, the Grand View of the entire city was revealed to everyone.

The lights outlined the shape of the buildings, and unlike the rusty steel City everyone had imagined, all the metal buildings in the city had a metallic luster.

Even at night, when the lights shone on the exterior of various skyscrapers or factories, the reflected light could be seen.

There were all kinds of tracks and roads connecting the cities. Countless robot warriors took transportation vehicles, and all kinds of goods and production materials were transferred through the tracks.

Looking into the distance, there was a huge gear at the top of the skyscraper. It was hundreds of meters tall. Behind the gear, there was a red radiation that was accompanied by rising steam, turning into clouds in the sky. That was a scene that would only appear when smelting steel on a large scale.

In the city, there were neon lights of various colors, which made people feel like they were back in the slums of Shandu at night.

“From now on, we’ll split up.”

As soon as he finished speaking, link and Dave headed towards the Energy Zone in the northeast.

John, on the other hand, led the six Inhumans to the science lab in the southeast.

The city was in good order, and everyone they saw was running according to a set program.

On the way to the Energy Zone, it was rare to see mechanical Warriors. Even patrolling robots were rare.

soon, link saw buildings similar to the CBD commercial centers. each of them was emitting a strange purple glow.

Link knew that this was the energy produced by the human battery in the dream world. It continuously emitted frequency radiation.

98% of the energy was sent to the dream energy conversion center through the nutrition chamber.

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