Chapter 0080. Guild Acquisition

"Man, how do you do these crazy things? Are you the developer's secret son or something?"

Lynch asked with a tinge of jealousy in his eyes after I recalled everything that went in the abyss to them.

"I am pretty sure I am not his son…"

"Leave that. You're the first earl in the whole game, and now you also own territory in the abyss. How did that emperor guy do nothing when you killed his generals?"

Bowser asked a question I myself just had a vague idea about.

"Well, I think it's because he doesn't really take me as a threat, I guess? If you don't know, all the generals are the emperor's competitors for the throne. So it wouldn't be bad if I lessened some competition for him."

This was the only plausible explanation for his ignorance of my recklessness inside the abyss.

"I don't really think so. Aren't you capturing his land too? It's like an open provocation from someone who's not a native in the abyss."

Lynch said as if it didn't make sense to him.

"Ahh! Man, I don't really know. Uh, there are also these weird messages I keep getting. One of them says that the emperor is interested in me. It happened twice already."

"Don't tell me…."

Lynch had a face of enlightenment as if he had figured out something, and everyone including me waited for him to make his point.

"....maybe the emperor is gay?"

"For god's sake, why did I expect anything logical out of that mouth."

Fender scoffed and the others looked at Lynch weirdly.

"What? It might be a possibility!"

"Possibility my ass! I wish your mom hadn't hit her bump when you were in her stomach, we'd have one less idiot in this world."

Fender said sarcastically and Bowser chuckled at Lynch's pouting face. Looking at these people, I realised that I never had friends like this, who'd make fun of me and support me with all their hearts at the same time. Friendship was an unknown concept to me. I have had acquaintances in my life, but the only time that I befriended someone, they had died without even me getting a chance to say anything to them.


I was surprised at how calm I was. If it were the former me, I would have started getting a huge headache right when I thought about him. But it seems like I was perfectly fine today.

"Anyways, what are you gonna do now?"

Bowser asked me with his hands on the back of his head, as he reclined back on the bar's counter.

"Oh, I was planning to sell a few items that I had gotten and do some hunting. I also have a quest for a job evolution. Apart from that, I am planning to start my own guild."

"Hey, Lynch. Let's abolish Chrysanthemum."

"Okay….wait, what the fuck?"

Lynch shouted after realising the meaning behind Bowser's words.

"I think it's better to join Shura's guild than to stay the way we are currently. Look at us, we are like lost lambs, all over the place. The three of us are rankers, but we are living in this average guild without even trying to enter the rankings. Honestly, I have been meaning to say this for a while, but we are going nowhere. I mean, I know we are earning enough to live a good life, but I don't want to stop at just that. I want people to remember me, and my achievements."

Bowser replied and took another sip of his wine. Lynch looked at him with a speechless expression before sighing.

"You should have told us before."

"I told you now."

"Yes, you did."

Lynch remained silent for a while before frantically messing his hair and letting out a long breath.

"What do you want me to do now?"

"How about this, it's just a suggestion. Transfer the guild ownership to Shura, that would save him money and time to make a guild from scratch. We also won't have to go through all that leaving the guild and each other behind. I don't want any drama here."

"Hey, hey, hey. Bro, it's fine. I'll just make a new guild, you don't need to give your guild that you have worked so hard for."

I immediately interrupted the ramblings of the duo. What were they saying? Chrysanthemum guild was average? It was one of the top  100 guilds at least. What makes him say that it's an average guild, what the fuck.

And he thinks he isn't famous enough yet? I used to watch your gameplays every day when I was a gunslinger!

"Wait Shura, he does have a point. And don't worry, we won't hand it over to you for free. You've to pay 1/4th of the guild's registration fee that we had paid back then. Apart from that, if you promise to keep me, Bowser or Fender, any of us as co-leader with a contract, I will agree to the transfer."

"Wise decision."

Bowser nodded his head in agreement with Lynch's conditions.

"Guys, you aren't the only ones in the guild, you know? Don't you think you should consult with the others fir–"

"Oh my fucking god! Shura will be our guild leader? I don't mind at all!"

"Me neither."

"I am cool with it too."

"I just texted the situation in the guild chat, everyone who is online is in favour of the decision."

The other guild members who were inside the guild house started making a scene and in less than 10 minutes, more than 60% of the guild members had agreed for me to become the new owner of the chrysanthemum guild.

The rest who hadn't agreed were the ones who were offline and didn't have a chance to vote.

"See, everyone seems to agree. Do you accept my condition? I don't really mind as long as I am in the same guild as Bowser and Fender. The Ownership is just like a cherry on the cake, which I don't really care about."

What is wrong with these guys? Who the fuck just puts their hard-earned guild's future in someone else's hand?

'Well, people who know how to grab onto opportunities.'

No matter my current status, the fact that I held the highest class possible in Mayhem was already an indicator that as long as I am diligent, I'll be among the top compared to the other players. I had an unfair advantage compared to other players, but I wasn't the only one anymore.

Abel had also gained a legendary class, and I am sure he would soon start developing his own faction. It was now time for players to make decisions about whether they wanted to join a side or just play alone like they used to.

"Hey, if I am taking over, I am not keeping the guild name as Chrysanthemum."

I said sternly. No matter how I tried to look at it, I found the name very… weird.

"Yeah, sure, go ahead. I don't really mind."

Fender said and Lynch looked at him with an indignant expression. I guess Lynch really liked the name…

"Okay, pay up. If you have the money on you right now, I'll transfer the ownership right away."

​ "How much money is it…?"

I asked, feeling hurt in my pockets.

"The cost of creating a guild is ten million golds, basically a million dollars. You've to pay one-fourth of it, so 2.5 million gold coins?"

'Why the fuck does it cost so much?'

It was pretty as to why the guild-to-player ratio was so different. There were billions of players and only a few hundred thousand guilds.

Good thing I had a lot of money from curing Ena, and the newly acquired wealth of Newham town. Although I am sure the money would just keep going for a while before I see any income. But it wouldn't be fair for the others if I didn't pay up at least this much when I got a guild with a bar unlocked.

Since Lynch and the others were already on my friend list, I sent the coins to Lynch directly.

"You carry a lot of money around, huh? I almost want to PK you."

Lynch said jokingly. PK was a term which referred to killing players in-game for their items and money. PKing was an unethical thing to do, so only people like thieves, assassins and robbers did it, and every time they PK someone, they'd receive infamy, which was the counterpart of fame.

Infamy was hard to get rid of, and a player with infamy would rarely build up affinity with NPCs or get any quests. That's the reason why most players steer clear of doing PKs.

"Since you already paid up, let me transfer the ownership."

[Player 'Lynch' has invited you to join the guild 'Chrysanthemum' as a member.]

[Would you like to join?]


[Player 'Lynch' is transferring the ownership of the guild 'Chrysanthemum' to you.]

[Do you accept?]


[Congratulations! You are the new owner of the guild 'Chrysanthemum'.]

[As a safety measure, you can't transfer the guild ownership to anyone else for a month.]

And just like that, I became the owner and leader of a guild that held three top rankers.



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