
Gaping widely, I woke up to see the unfamiliar ceiling of my new girlfriend's house.

'Contract girlfriend, huh.'

I would have never believed this cliche and novel-like development if I wasn't in one, but it wasn't so bad. Scarlett's apartment was as big as a mansion, and it had every facility one could ask for to live a leisurely life.

Waking up felt like a chore after hours and hours of continuous gaming. No matter how advanced the technology was, the mental fatigue that I was getting was barely getting any time to go away. But the sleep was quite refreshing and I felt full of vitality.

I went to the gym room and started walking on the treadmill. It was fully automated with the feature of judging every person's body and how much walking they need at what speed to stay healthy.

Truly amazing, how far science had come. Of course, its biggest achievement was still the second reality called 'Mayhem'.

There were many businesses that had argued to Kibea corporation about making [Mayhem] a fantasy-like game when they could have opted out for a complete second reality. How convenient would it be if people could live 4 times as much as they currently did, how much work and development can be done in that much time?

But Terry, the chairman of the Kibea foundation simply refuted them by saying that he didn't create [Mayhem] to live the same boring lives that the others are living, it was made to see and experience things that would otherwise just be mere 'fantasy'.


The door of the gym opened and a beautiful girl entered the room. She was wearing blue coloured tights and her grey hair was tied in a high ponytail.

"Good morning."


She greeted me and I greeted her back as she started doing some stretch-ups.

'How did I end up with someone like her in such a convenient situation? Well, whatever. Since I have gotten the chance, I might as well fully enjoy it.'

After exercising, I shaved the stubble that had grown after taking a nice shower.

I didn't even have to worry about house chores as most of it was handled by housemaids and house robots.

How convenient, if only I was rich enough to afford such luxury.

Eating corn flakes topped with fruits and nuts, I stood and was about to go into my room when Scarlett came.

Scarlett had barely talked since I got here, even this morning, all she said was a 'Good morning' without any other pleasantries, not that I cared for any.


"Huh? Yeah, Hii."

I replied awkwardly, and she let out a small chuckle.

"It's been really awkward, right? Even I am feeling awkward. But we have to get used to it. Let's go outside for dinner if you're free this Sunday. We need to act our part and get to know each other a bit if we want to make our act believable."

Scarlett said with an awkward smile.

"Oh, and I thought you were awkward about the stuffed toys. Man, I was nervous for no reaso—"

I shut my mouth at Scarlett's cold glare. I guess that's a signal to not talk about 'it'?

"Don't ever mention it in front of anyone ever. Forget you saw anything!"

Her words made it clearer. It's fine I guess, not that it matters to me. Seeing her indignant and flushed face, I decided to let her off the hook without pursuing the matter further.

"I won't dare. Oh right, Scarlett. What's your Mayhem ID? I'll send you a friend request since I am mostly in the game."

"It's Scar."

"Scar? That sounds familiar…"

I felt like I knew that name very well but couldn't recall it immediately.

"Oh right! Isn't Scar the name of one of the top Spearmen in the Mayhem? Are you her fan?"

"Yep, I am a fan, she is awesome, right?"

Scarlett asked with an excited but somewhat mischievous smile.

"Uh, yeah she is. She is a top ranker in overall ranking too. I think she's in the top 300."

Scarlett's nose seemed to be getting higher and higher for some reason.

Don't tell me…

"So you're that Scar?"

I asked straightforwardly and she giggled and nodded her head. Wow, to think I'd be living with a top ranker.

"When do you even get to play games?"

"Eh? I work for Kibea, my work is 'inside' the game most of the time. Apart from being a spearman, I also have a job as an explorer. Oh right, have you heard of Sprinter? The top explorer? He's part of our guild too!"

So it's like that, huh?

"Doesn't that mean I can get a job at Kibea too?"

"Uh, well, that…"

Scarlett suddenly became uncomfortable before she spoke.

"You'll need an official bachelor's degree at the very least. And you do know how popular Kibea is. There are hundreds of thousands of resumes every month… so."

Scarlett knew I was a college dropout, and that's why she felt uncomfortable talking about it.

"Haha, don't act like that. I was asking just on a whim, gaming is a much-suited job for me. And I am sure I can earn much more than normal Kibea employees after a while, don't you think so too? I am going to get a degree on the side just in case of an emergency. I have enough money to be done with my graduation at least."

I tried to lift up the mood and Scarlett's expression visibly softened. She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"You're such a sweetheart. I am getting late for work, I'll go get ready. Bye, 'honey'."

Scarlett said teasingly before leaving. I put my hands on my cheek and couldn't help but chuckle.

After stretching a bit, I walked back to my room and looked outside the giant window. The sky was barely visible due to all the skyscrapers inside the city, but I could still see a part of it shining with the morning sunlight.

"It's a great day to be rich."

I took in a long breath and let it out before opening my Skreener device and checking out the Mayhem forums and news channels.

There was a lot of news, but most of it was rounded up to three topics.

The first Mayhem International Tournament.

The first Legendary Class holder, Shura.

The shocking, yet welcomed, the Second Legendary Class Holder, Abel.

The hype about the Mayhem International Tournament was doubled after the appearance of the second Legendary Class. Everyone wanted to see the owners of these legendary classes, how they fought and what specialities they had that differed them from other classes.

In a famous online forum, a few members were clamouring about who was superior between Shura and Abel.


@PussyCat: What do you mean who's stronger? Isn't it obvious that Abel is stronger?

@MyWillyWonkaIsSmall: Ikr? Had you even heard of the name 'Shura' before that guy got the legendary class? Abel had always been among the top rankers! I am sure that Shura guy just got lucky with his class.

@PraiseShura!: Yeah sure he got lucky, you jealous and insecure little ass. Why don't you get lucky and get a legendary class too? Even if it was luck, luck is also a skill! Don't forget that Shura isn't just a legend, but also the first person to get his own separate race! Lucky my ass! #ShuraIsTheGreatest

@RottenBanana: Yep! Shura is the best legend! Have you ever seen his character? He has a fucking horns and a steel dragon-like tail! He has even overcome the cooldown concept! Abel is like a kid in front of Shura. #ShuraSupremacy

@RobertBrownieJr: Ehhh? You guys should really stop taking everything personally and enjoy the situation. Be it Abel or Shura, they're both amazing people to be able to get Legendary classes. What are you all fighting for? How many of you have a rare class? Forget about Epic, Special, or Legendary.

@AskYourMom: I hope they both attend the tournament! I want to see them in person.

@IAmStoned: Ikr? It would be so cool if they face off against each other!


There were many such talks all over the internet, and most of them wished for the legendary classes to attend the tournament. Some of them were hoping for a face-off between me and Abel while some thought it was still too early for a face-off.

But one thing was sure, the popularity of the tournament, Abel and Shura was increasing drastically.

'I can't believe I already have so many fans without doing anything at all.'

—-Pika Pika!

Just then, I received a notification on my skreener.

[Mary Winter: What are you up to these days? Don't you miss your boss? You said you'll meet me in-game but didn't even give me your ID!

Flynn Grey: Oh, sorry. I totally forgot about it, Lol xD. My in-game name is Shura, and my ID is Z9394HZ. Send a friend request, I'll accept it.

Mary Winter: So, you're really the Legendary Class, huh? O.o

Flynn Grey: Yeah, well. I wanted to tell you later…

Mary Winter: It's fine, it's fine. We all have our secrets. Anyways, when will you meet me?

Flynn Grey: Not right now. I am currently in the abyss. I promise I'll text you as soon as I get out! :p

Mary Winter: Then I'll take your word for it, although I feel like you'll forget about it -_-

Flynn Grey: -.-']

After chatting with Mary, I entered the capsule and saw the familiar login interface.



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