"A primordial has been born into a physical body."

In the world, be it the real world, earth or the world inside [Mayhem], Ethra, the common sense and mythologies, said that the underworld and the abyss were the scariest places.

But there existed a world, far, far from the knowledge of the common folks, called the Darlack. It held places like the Paravan and Korbys, places far better and worse than what humans know as abyss and paradise.

All the places and realms that the common folks knew of were in the lower realm, a small particle of dust compared to the whole universe, called Ethra. Some of the people that were able to discover places such as Darlack, even when they were from the lower realms, were the people who were hailed as the best of their generation in their worlds.

The lesser keys of Solomon, the first god of war, the first dragon slayer, the first goddess of light, etc. were considered to be the greatest of their eras. People who supposedly became 'gods' were still revered as one, while the other people just disappeared without a trace.

Nobody knew where they disappeared to, and most of the people just assumed they were dead. But can people of such high calibre even be bound to the logic of the world? Did they really just get old and die a death with no witnesses? Or did they ascend to realms that they never thought would exist?

Some of these people still held considerable control over the lesser realms, being known as Gods and Goddesses, but why didn't they directly solve their own problems? If they didn't want people to commit a sin, why would people still commit them and come out unscathed? Why would someone as almighty as a god need an envoy to send their will to the world?

These were the questions that most people wouldn't dare to think about because it would be 'blasphemy' against the said god, at least in the world known as Ethra.

In a huge, menacing and dark castle, a few beings, silhouette of beings to be precise, held a meeting as they talked about the unusual circumstances that they faced.

This castle was a part of Korbys, one of the most important fortresses called the fortress of the wise. The name definitely didn't match its menacing aura, but the lords who found it 'strategically' important didn't think the same.

A man in a red-coloured cloak pointed at a crystalline screen as the others, precisely the 3 other people looked at the screen after him.

"It's not just one of the primordials, it's also the strongest one."

The man in the red cloak said in a grim voice.

"Who is the man that gained the power of a primordial in his hand? Don't tell me he's already one of those church fanatics."

The woman in a blue-coloured cloak, with nothing but her horns visible, asked.

"It doesn't seem that way. He doesn't seem to be affiliated with anyone. But I am sure those false gods and their churches would try to coax him into joining them sooner or later."

The red-cloaked man answered and looked at the man in black clothing, he was the only one who didn't hide his appearance, as if he was above all and didn't need to hide anything from anyone. He was sitting on the throne which stretched towards the ceiling, looking like it was made out of draconic thorns.

Even after the red-cloaked man glanced at him, the man with beautiful long hair, a pair of beautiful red eyes, a face as charming as a woman's and two horns stretching out of his head, didn't respond.

If one saw his horns, they would immediately connect them to the pair of curved horns that Shura had on his head. Even his eye colour was similar. But there were many differences one could spot. The man in black had pale white skin as if he was a vampire sleeping in his coffin for aeons. His appearance was much more graceful and charming than Shuras.

"Ahem! I don't think he's a threat to us right now. We will keep a watch on him, people like him tend to die early. I am sure if we have noticed him, then those false diviners would already know about him too, and if they can't get him on their side, he'd die before he joins any other side."

The guy in the pink-coloured cloak coughed and made his point. He had already seen the guy who had acquired the primordial and he wasn't dense enough to not be able to connect the dots between him and the ruler figure of the room.

"Do not lay a hand on my kin."

The man who had been silently listening to others till now finally said something which nobody had expected in the room. Obviously, everyone had their doubts about the relationship between the man in black and the guy who had obtained the primordial, but nobody thought that the man in black would so easily accept the fact and even warn them to not touch him.

"Observe him for now, and do your best to make him stay out of the radar of the churches. Even if we have limitations on interfering with the lesser realms, there is nothing that prohibits us from lending a helping hand. Not to mention, that old witch Gaia seems to favour him too."

"Yes, milord."

"Disperse then."

"As you please."

Everyone in the huge castle room disappeared, leaving behind the beautiful man in black inside the dark castle, with no illumination apart from the sunlight that directly shone on his seat.

After a while, the guy on the seat adjusted his poster as his face lay on his palm, his ankles supported by his seat. A slight, yet beautiful smile appeared on his face.

"It is time. Create history and discover the secrets that I was unable to. Surpass me and make me give up on this lifelong suffering. The throne of Arcana is waiting for its rightful owner."


🎵The days of darkness quell with the resurgence of light,

But the light was never an ally of the righteous.

The slumber that needs to be broken from plight,

The much-needed awakening of the deiform sanctimonious.

O' the true leader of eternal despair,

Wake up, it's time for the arcana to meet its rightful heir.🎵



This was the first time in ages that I was waking up in such a pleasant mood. Did I die or something? Is this heaven? That would definitely explain my good mood.

—-Squelch! Squelch!

'Nobody dies in the game, such a waste.'

I sighed as I finally opened my eyes to see what was this thing that kept making such unpleasant sounds.


My vision was extremely blurry… and jellylike. It was like my eyes were covered in violet jelly.

'Or maybe they really are.'

I immediately stood up, the creature which was laying on my face flying to quite some distance, bouncing twice before stopping.

—-Chi chi chi~

'What have I gotten myself into?'

Before anything, I first looked at my status and sighed a breath of relief seeing that my mana and HP were maxed out.

At least I am not dead.

~~You most certainly aren't, Master.~~

'Thanks for confirming, Bloodsong.'

~~My pleasure.~~


I heard Ena's voice right after I properly adjusted myself.


Now that's what I call excessive. Stop shouting everyone, my head still hurts!

"Yeah yeah, I am fine. Calm down."

"I am glad."


I immediately turned my head towards the owner of the voice, the person who stood in front of me was much different than what I had actually known her as. But without a doubt, she was the person for whom I had come back to the abyss.


"I am glad that you're fine, Shura. I am so, so glad."

"No, I am glad. So, so glad."

I couldn't control myself as I jumped out of the hard bed and directly hugged Jeze.

She felt so….warm. So alive. I was so glad.

'I am never letting you die on me again.'

Just when I was starting to think that Jeze wasn't reacting, she hugged me back tightly and started crying and sobbing loudly.

"I was s-so scared, khuk— I-I thought I'd never be able to s-see you again. I w-wanted to say so many things. Thank you. Thank you so much for not giving up on me."

I let her cry and let it out, I wasn't any better either as tears were threatening to break out of my eyes.

'So much for being the apathetic tough guy.'

I mocked myself inwardly, yet I was so glad that everything went well that I didn't even notice the other ogres beside me.

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