"So, you want to go to the abyss…?"

Harold asked as his eyes bounced from my face to Ena's.

"Well, yes. That's the gist."

"Hmm. Keep her safe."

Wait… is that it? Don't you want to stop your daughter from going somewhere as dangerous as the abyss? What is wrong with you?

"Let's go then."

Ena said as she looked at me, and I had a lot of things to object to, but as she said, I didn't want to waste any more time than I already had.

"Ah, I have a favour to ask of you, duke. Would you mind?"

"Not at all, what is it?"

"Can you deliver this letter to Roan's Alchemy House? Tell them it's from Lucas Morris."


I handed over the letter to Harold as he stared at me blankly.

"You know master Lucas Morris? The Lucas Morris?"

"Eh? Is there some other Lucas Morris too? Why are you reacting like that? He's just a hyrus who lives in a small hobbit hole you know. Also, keep this between you and me, but he's a big miser."

I said the last sentence in a whisper, making Harold break out in a cold sweat.

"Just go! I'll handle this."

Is Lucas really someone that important? He seems like a con to me!

Ahem! Anyways…

"I'll ask one last time, are you sure–?"

"Cut it already, let's go."

Ena rebuked me without letting me complete my sentence.

"Fine then."

I held Ena's hand in my hand and used a Multi-Teleportation Scroll.

[Do you want to use the item 'Multi-Teleportation Scroll' to the savepoint 'Rewan Time'?]

[Yes] [No]

I clicked on the 'Yes' button and burned another thousand gold coins. I could have saved money by using a single-person teleportation scroll, but Ena joining in ruled out that possibility.

The surroundings started to turn into a stirred blur as soon a sense of lightness engulfed us.


Rewan Village

The village was terrorized by a monster named Grivantula and later freed of its terror by a person called Shura.

Everything was going great for the village, but alas the peace was short-lived. Shura, the saviour of the village had left the abyss to go back to the surface.

The enemy that had received his warning to not cause trouble in Rewan village had decided to shrug his warnings off.

The result of it laid bare before the eyes of Shura and Ena.

".....What the hell happened here?"

"I should be the one asking that question from you. This is my first time here after all.?"

Ena said in a mocking tone, but her attention was focused on the destroyed village in front of her.

Shura looked at the catastrophic scene in front of him with a flabbergasted expression. He didn't know what exactly was going on. Not a single house was intact, there were bodies laid around everywhere, the ones who were left alive had injuries all over their bodies and looked malnourished.

The surrounding reeked of blood, making Ena unconsciously cover her nose.

—Tap! Tap!

Shura's slow walk and the low sound of his footsteps sounded especially loud as he subconsciously walked toward the villagers.

"Shura! It's Shura!"

"He's back!"

Some ogres spotted Shura and immediately started running towards him, one of them was Kylos.

"Kuhk- Shura!"

Kylos choked on his words as he looked at Shura with his eyes drowning in tears.

"My son… Kris… Kuk-"

Shura's emotionless eyes looked around the village, witnessing the scene of carnage laid bare in front of him.


"What happened here?"

He asked in a barely audible voice as he walked closer and closer to the village. Corpses of the ogres that he had lived with for months were lined up.


Suddenly, his eyes landed on a familiar face among the ogres.

It was the village chief, Kai, Jezebeth's father. Beside him laid the corpse of a little boy, he was Kris, the first person that Shura had met in the abyss.



A horrific aura started rising from Shura's body as something inside him shattered into pieces.


"I-it was the Fire General Egran's men. They suddenly came and demanded an audience with you. When we said that you weren't here, they started destroying everything in the village. Whoever tried to protest was killed without a second thought. M-my son and the chief were trying to protect J-Jezebeth's grave."

Kylos tried to suppress his cries as he explained the situation to Shura, who immediately after ran towards Jezebeth's grave.

What was left of it was a broken tombstone, which Shura collected and placed together.

[In loving memory of Jezebeth, a good daughter, a good sister, a good person, a good friend.]

The tombstone which was broken in two parts was the only thing still intact, the actual grave of Jezebeth was shattered into pieces.

Tears trickled down Shura's eyes without him realising. His eyes were still wide open in shock and there were no visible emotions on his face, but the wave of tears which continuously fell on his grey cheeks was all the proof that Ena needed to know just what he was going through.


It felt like he would burst soon, but that soon never came. As more time passed by, Shura became even calmer.


The brutality that was shown to the Rewan village was undeserved.

But the brutality that the fire general is going to experience will be well deserved.

For some reason, I was extremely calm right now. My insides were bubbling with emotions such as anger and hatred but I was very calm on the outside.

Standing up, I started thinking about the current situation. The priority was Jeze's revival, but now I couldn't just ignore the others who had died too.

I sighed. I wasn't sure how I was going to do it, but deep down I felt like I could save everyone here.

'There is one fruit of unification, and the skill soul nourisher is just for one-time use, it'll disappear after that. How can I save everyone here?'

I rummaged through my head to come up with a solution, but couldn't come up with any.

'I am sure Lucas would have some type of theory for this, but I can't wait for the cooldown to lift up.'

[23 hours 28 minutes and 16 seconds remaining before you could use another save point teleportation scroll.]

~~Troubled… are we?~~

A voice sounded out directly inside my brain. It was a clear and deep voice of a man.


~~It's True Bloodsong now, but I'll let it slide just this once.~~

The voice sounded rather pleased and calm, much different than the coarse voice that I had heard the first time.

'You seem to be doing well.'

~~All thanks to you, master. I have never been able to think or communicate this clearly in my centuries of imprisonment.~~

Bloodsong responded in an elegant and happy voice. Why did he suddenly decide to talk now if he could communicate with me from my inventory all along? I had no clue. But he seemed to be hinting at me that he could be of some help.

'Master? You sure changed your attitude a lot. Anyways, what do you want? You didn't just want to say hello when you suddenly decided to talk, right?'

~~How wise. I saw that you were troubled regarding something when the solution to it is already in your hands.~~

"Huh? What do you mean?"

~~You should start looking at the things you have at your own disposal before trying to take outside help.~~

What is he talking about? What do I have that can solve my current problem?

"I still don't get you, what are you talking about?"

~~The Egg.~~



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