Trypen started majoring me up from top to bottom with his long, slim hands. I felt weird jolts run down my body as this was the first time a man was touching me like this.

'Not like I needed to get my clothes hand-stitched before.'

I somehow had to bear with all the touching, and after that, Trypen went inside, and weird noises came out….as if he was pooping.

In half an hour, Trypen came out. By that time, I had replenished my stock of health and mana potions and bought essentials like ropes and even alchemy pens.

'To think one pen only cost ten gold. And I wasted a hundred golds for one alchemy isn't really your supermarket, huh?'

I felt cheated, but that just taught me a lesson that I couldn't just depend on alchemy for everything. Alchemy followed the law of equivalent exchange, it didn't care about what something costs in the world, it cared more about how much its actual mass worth was.

It exchanged mass with different mass and not coins for grocery shopping. One could question why it took more gold coins to get something and why couldn't we just replace something of the same mass as gold to get the same results.

But it didn't work like that. In alchemy, a matter's mass worth was calculated by the availability of the matter in the world. Gold wasn't just expensive because people decided to make it expensive, it was expensive because there was a low quantity of gold found when compared to silver, copper, or aluminium.

"I've made just the perfect suit for you. It has a high defence and is well-fashioned. It can even garner the envy of royals. Considering your scales, I've made the sleeves a bit buffed, and I've made a cut below the waist for your tails. The fabric is an Arachne's thread."

"An Arachne thread can be called as strong as an aluminium wire and as soft as cotton. It's one of the best materials for making clothing, but not many can afford it. These pants right here are made from the same fabric. I've used different colour magic to increase the aesthetic look."

"And I was lucky during my tailoring, as this item turned out to be a rare grade. It's a three-part item, which if worn together can give you an item set buff."

As Trypen said all that to sell his product, I couldn't help but revel in its mesmerising beauty. The suit was too beautiful. It looked like something a prince would wear. It was made out of black cotton, with a tinge of gold in the pocket and belt.

The whole black was then outlined with white colour, from sleeves to collar. Without realising, I had already equipped the item, relishing the soft fabric's feel.


I walked in front of a wall mirror placed to check one's appearance when buying things, and my jaw dropped.

Who was this guy….

In front of me lay a devilishly handsome man, in the literal sense. He possessed a body like that of a devil and the handsomeness of an incubus. His face was chiselled but not really that rectangular.

Although he had silverish skin colour, his face had a certain charm. His reptilian, slitted red eyes were staring straight at me.

His twin twisted brown horns on his head would make anyone curious to touch them once, while his black hair matched that of mine.

He wore a black lock coat, the fabric looking thick at a glance. There were eight large buttons in between, four on each side, with all of the buttons connected in pairs with thin silver chains.

The long coat continued till below his knees, but it was split in two from his waist. Below that were simple black pants.

Turning around, one could see his thick metallic tail slowly wagging around, coming out of the intersections from the coat. Everything from top to bottom looked extremely elegant and pleasing to the eye.

But first…

"I said I wanted something low-key to hide and blend in with the crowd. This… nowhere near low-key. This is extravagant."

I complained. Although I liked the design and the elegance of the cloth, I didn't want to stand. This was definitely what I was looking for.

"But customer, you never told us you wanted stealthy clothes…."


After going back through the convo I had with Qarin, I realised she wasn't lying. I had indeed just asked for cloth armour, and Trypen went ahead and made one.

Looking at my speechless expression, Qarin, who seemed to be holding back her laughter, suddenly laughed out loud, unable to endure it anymore.

Even Trypen chuckled a bit.

"I was just kidding. It is our top priority to provide what our customer wishes for. I'll be right back."

Saying so, Qarin took off to the upper floors. I was still left wondering if I should give up on the beautifully crafted suit or not.

"How much will this cost?....this suit, I mean."

"It'll be 30,000 gold coins for the whole set."


I didn't want to be that guy, but it was fucking costly! It was worth more than a tux!

Seeing my surprised expression, the gentlemanly Arachne smiled with his eyes and cleared my doubts.

"As I said earlier, it is not just an all-for-show type of cloth. It's a cloth armour that is light and strong enough to take a hit. Not to mention it's a rare graded one. Surely, Mister should know the actual value of such an item? The only reason I am giving it to you for so cheap is that everyone wants to have a good relationship with you, including the shop owner."

'So these guys already know? No wonder.'

I wasn't even surprised at this point. It was the royal capital of Crisedia, and information travelled faster than the water supply here. It should be obvious that many people already know about the legend class and what he looks like.

Without bothering to reply to Trypen, I started to appraise the cloth armour on my body.

[Elegant Armour- Long Coat (Set item)

Type: Equipment

Grade: Rare

Durability: 137/137 Defence: +130

*Charm +5 for every additional set item worn.

*Defence +10 for every additional set item worn.

A piece of armour made by the famous tailor of the royal capital of Crisedia, Trypen. Not only does it carry extraordinary elegance, but it also has a high defence.

Requirements: Level 100+.]

[Elegant Armour- Pants (Set item)

Type: Equipment

Grade: Rare

Durability: 48/48 Defence: +45

*Charm +5 for every additional set item worn.

*Defence +10 for every additional set item worn.

A piece of armour made by the famous tailor of the royal capital of Crisedia, Trypen. Not only does it carry extraordinary elegance, but it also has a high defence.

Requirements: Level 100+.]

[Elegant Armour- Boots (Set item)

Type: Equipment

Grade: Rare

Durability: 35/35 Defence: 12

*Speed +10%

*Charm +5 for every additional set item worn.

*Defence +10 for every additional set item worn.

A piece of armour made by the famous tailor of the royal capital of Crisedia, Trypen. Not only does it carry extraordinary elegance, but it also has a high defence.

Requirements: Level 100+.]

'Just wow…'

I felt proud of myself for creating a rarely graded spear, yet here I was, looking at the best dress I have ever seen in my life, even if it was old-fashioned.

'I am definitely buying it….even if it costs me a month's salary!'

I resolved myself and Trypen looked extremely pleased. Just then, Qarin appeared with a glass showcase in her hand.

"What's this?"

I asked and soon got my answer. Inside was a single-eyed silver-coloured mask with a feather-like design. It had small engravings that one would miss if they didn't pay close attention to it.

[Fool's Disguise

Type: Item

Grade: Epic

Durability: 6/6 Insight: +10

*Unique effect 'Disguise' - unknown people will not pay attention to your looks.

A disguising mask makes you hide your identity and become unnoticeable in public. It was found in the ruins of Tapas mountains and was later cleaned by the famous jeweller from the royal capital of crisedia, called Krystian.

Its origins are unknown, and it can only be used as a bound item,

Requirements: None]

The shiny silver feather-like engraving glistened as I immediately took it in my hands and arranged it near my left eye. Its feather-like crafting extends to almost my horns.

"This is an item our expedition team found during a ruins excavation. Although it's a bit old, it has already been re-polished by a famous jeweller. It has a magnification function of disguise."

Yeah, I knew it had. I could guess after seeing the notification in front of me.

[Disguise activated. Take off the mask to cancel the disguise.]

"How much?"

I didn't want to waste any more time. I had to meet Gomchul and Nameless at the portal, so I went straight to the point.

"Again, this is a much, much costlier item. But we'd be selling it to you for just 60,000 gold coins for now."


You call that 'just'?

I felt a sting in my heart. That was a lot of money for me to use around leisurely. But I didn't have much of choice. Not to mention I already knew that rare items like this could cost tens of thousands of dollars, and I was getting it for cheap considering it was only six thousand dollars.

I paid the money without dwelling on it anymore, making a smile bloom on Qarin's face as the ownership of the cloth armour and Fool's Disguise were transferred to me.

This time, wearing royal-like clothes, I went out without using [Camouflage], and nobody even paid attention to me.

'It feels lonely to be ignored even when you aren't invisible.'

Just like that, I made my way toward the city square.



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