"You can speak, you know?"

I said as I looked at a fidgety Malaika, although this time she had a quivering smile on her face unlike the last time where she was frowning.


"Are you a toddler? Why do you keep asking the same words over and over again."


Malaika's mouth got shut for a second, processing the words I had just said.

"Did you just insult me?"

"No, I was making a 'joke', you familiar with the word?"


I laughed looking at her silly expression.

"Anyways, you were really cool out there."

Malaika said as she tried to divert the topic.

"Although you missed your chance to talk to Terry."

I said as we walked out of the corridor. I had immediately walked out after making the deal, giving Malaika no time to talk to Terry whatsoever.

"Eh, who cares. Not like it was your last time meeting Terry. You're now a shareholder in Kibea, I am sure you can arrange a meeting for me if you are really that sorry."

Malaika didn't seem much concerned about the fact that she had missed her meeting now after I had acquired a small part of Kibea.

"Fuck, you own Kibea. I am still not sure how or why."

When we entered the elevator, Malaika's calm demeanour finally crumbled.

"You don't need to know either."

I said calmly, but on the inside, only I knew the amount of chaos that was going on in my brain.

To think I pulled such a stunt and Kibea even agreed to it!

Is a legendary class really worth that much? Is Kibea going to go around and give their shares to other legendary classes as well.

'That's definitely not the case.'

I was sure that there was something else going on. The other possibility was that Kibea knew my identity as Zephyr and wanted something from me. But that's also not possible.

As far as I know, Kibea knew that I was Zephyr back when I met Scarlett for the first time. There's no way Kibea would try to defy the government and make use of me as Zephyr.

Even though they were a big company, the government was way too powerful, especially after all the meta-humans that they had raised.

'Fuck! I really need to find out what's going on. I don't like the feeling of being in the unknown.'

I cursed inwardly as we reached our floor.

"Damn, look at the time. I need to sleep or else I will not perform well tomorrow."

Malaika said as she looked at her watch. As soon as we reached our room, she went for a bath, and came out in a sexy bathrobe. Before I could admire her mother's art any further, she covered her body with a blanket and slept.

After she slept, I took a bath and slept too.


The next day.

Quintster Stadium.

|| Hello, and welcome back everyone! This is the second event of the world's first Mayhem International Tournament! Give a huge round of applause. ||

Sam, the host of the event started talking as he brought the eyes and ears of all the audience towards him.

|| Today, we are going to witness the next round of the event, 'The March of Millions'. ||

Sam announced the name of the next event as all the players slowly started coming to the huge stadium, which now looked a lot neater due to the deduction of 6000 capsules.

|| Here they are, the top thousand of the first event! Remember, you will continue to collect dungeon points in each event, and all the dungeon points can be utilised at the end of the event into buying some limited items and resources. I wish all the contestants good luck! You all may enter your capsules. ||

The players entered their assigned capsules at once, at this point the difference in ranks could clearly be seen. There were merely any bronze players left, while there were quite a few silver and golds.

To no one's surprise, all of the platinums were in the second round, not even 1 of them was eliminated.

Flynn entered his capsule too and patiently waited for the event to start. Upon the support team's green signal, Sam announced the tournament to officially begin.

Once the new, tournament edition fanfare rang out, all the top thousand people entered the giant room which looked like an extremely wide and large underground basement, with a few pillars scattered here and there.

[Welcome to the boss room 'Deadnight Legion'.]

A notification came in front of everyone as they looked at the screen in front of them.

[180 seconds remaining before the raid begins.]

[This area is a no PK zone, a player won't be able to damage another player in this area.]



"Good riddens."

Shura could hear sighs of relief from the players on the side where Iqol was standing. To them, this one news was like heaven itself. All of them were scared shitless ever since they saw Iqol beside them, but this one notification brought them all a relief that no pain-killers could provide.

On the other hand, Iqol had no reaction to their blatant fear.

[Please prepare yourself for the battle.]

[30 seconds remaining before the raid begins.]

The people who had stuck together in the first event naturally came together and discussed a basic strategy against whatever was to come.

So was true for Shura too.

Him, Grant and the others were currently discussing a basic strategy.

"Do you guys understand?"

Angelina asked everyone and they tensely nodded their heads.

"Basically, stick together no matter what happens. Remember, this event has an anti-PK rule just because it wants players to work together. We might as well need a lot of team effort for this moment."

Shura said as everyone nodded their heads again.

[10 seconds….]

"Alright, get ready you guys."

"And remember—"

"Stick together, yeah we heard."


[The raid begins.]

``Who dares to ruin my slumber!``

As soon as the countdown ticked down, the giant hall's lighting dimmed down quite a bit as a roaring voice rumbled down on players from all angles.

Just then, from the middle of the hallway, a path lit up to the end. There, they could see a giant throne.

"It's the throne we saw earlier."

Albeit, this time, they could clearly see the person who was sitting on the throne.

His large, shadowy figure was lit up. He was wearing a tattered black robe that gave off an eerie  aura and there were skulls all around his body as a decoration.

``Insolent humans!``

He stood up  from his throne as his little robe fell off, giving view to his whole body, finally making the players realise just how frightening he was.

"Wait, is that?"

​ "Yes, I think that's—"

"There's no need to think, see his name, it's definitely him."


"See his level!"


[Level 600]


"How are we supposed to defeat that? With our suppressed stats nonetheless."

"We can't beat that, there's no way!"

"Is the company trolling us right now?"

Each hundred level gap was large enough that there was no way a normal level 99 player could beat a normal level 100 player.

Same was true for monsters and NPCs.

The current turn of events was daunting for all the participants, and even Iqol had a frown on his face.

"Unless, we are not supposed to defeat the boss altogether."

Someone spoke out from the crowd and people looked towards him. It was Shura who  finally noticed the serpent staff in the hands of Anubis.

"Do any of you know what Anubis actually is?"

"I remember reading that he was the Egyptian God of the Dead. Wait, do you mean—"


The raid never said we had to defeat a boss, it was always focusing on the 'millions' and 'deadnight legion' part.

"He's a god, it's very unlikely that he would attack lowly humans themselves. And since we all know he's the god of the dead and we are supposed to fight a million strong army. Then there's a good chance he's not our opponent."

"Now that you mention it, doesn't this place look like the inside of a pyramid?"

The last one to speak was Crestfallen, garnering his guild members staring eyes at him. But when everyone looked closely, they could finally put 2+2 together.

"This is an Egyptian mythological themed raid!"

A player shouted out as Anubis slammed his serpent staff on the ground, the ground started to shake and split open from one place to another.

"Well, now we know who are the millions that we are supposed to fight."

As everyone had expected, it was an army of the undead. But it wasn't the type of undead that they were expecting. It was rather an Egyptian type of undead.

Hundreds upon hundreds of mummies crawled out from the ground, some of them equipped with swords, shields, bows and staffs, while the others were empty handed.

[Mummy - Knight]

[Level 13]



[Mummy - Magician]

[Level 12]



[Mummy - Archer]

[Level 15]



All the summoned mummies were under the same level restriction as the players.


Didn't mean they were any weaker.

A player screamed as he turned into ashes.

The mummies were spawned at every possible location, including the place where the players were standing.

"Get in a formation everyone! Surround each other and have each other's back!"

Grant shouted as he took out the shield which Shura had given to him earlier.

"Let's take out as many of these bandaged motherfuckers as we can!"

And so, the chaotic second event of MIT was officially raging on.


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