A cold gush of wind came billowing against my dark hair, slowly shifting to ashen, caring with it the floral aroma of the garden situated on each end of the courtyard, along with sand picked up far and wide over the estate wedging its way into my robes.

"Gaius Winterblack," I said, his very name stirring my spear arm, bringing about emotions I'd never thought I'd hold towards another. Emotions I didn't understand myself. I exhaled. " You seek forgiveness, but what can you offer? A traitor whose name is… tainted."

,m Gaius had not missed the smile on my lips, and I hadn't bothered to hide it. There was no need. He was at my mercy.

The dark pools beneath his eyes lids deepened, and his legs trembled, losing their strength as he fell to his knees. "Please. I know I've wronged you. But I was in a no-win situation. My entire family—"

"Tell me, is House Winterblack still alive? Or did my brother slaughter the lot?" I calmly asked, enjoying every second as this traitor's face turned to a deadly color.

He spoke back with stiffened shoulders and a bowed head. "My Lord, your brother, had them slaughtered."

"Oh? Explain. Explain in detail." I said, sensing Freya draw near my side as if to guard against any attack. Hand over the hilt of her sword, she stood motionless and silent. On the other hand, Layla didn't bother to move, only watching with cold indifference.

"Near the end of the year, under the second blood moon, one formed not by the heavens but by bloodlust, Zariel appeared. His once silvery eyes replaced by an inferno of scarlet. I'd never seen anything like it, but for seven years, he spent tormenting us. Master Zariel had a single belief that the greatest pain can only come from a family. So he turned every father into grotesque pigs with a polymorph spell and had them ravage their daughter and sons." he paused as his eyes filled themselves with tears and blood. "I could still hear the little ones who had not even learned to speak wail. Those who could speak had begged their father to stop, one by one, but under Zariels will. Their mind broke, and as punishment, he commanded these beasts to begin feasting upon their children. I watched my sister, of seven torn to shreds after seven years of—"

"Say it."

Cracks in his voice squeaked as he spoke, " S-seven years of being raped, he tore her apart. Limb from limb, but Zariel wasn't done. He needed me to suffer. So he did the unthinkable and used necromancy to bind the souls of those killed to the torn remains of my loved ones, forcing them to relive every moment of torment and commanded the 'pigs' to resume their lustful acts."

God damn, little bro. Holy shit. I'm a cannibal, but you. What the fuck! If anything, I feel sorry for the men he transformed into pigs: Their sons and daughters. Man, that's torture.

"And that was when he cursed you." I finally added, listening to the mournful muffled cries bleeding from Gaius.

"I-I-I-I-I've paid the price." He stammered to say," I've paid it all! Chaos cycles I've lived. And yet it never ends. It never fucking ends!" his voice broke down, and his finger clenched his shriveled hair, ripping it from its roots. "The Cycles of Hell repeats."

"You've still not answered me." I coldly hissed with a long measuring stare. I watched the blood pool from his head, seeping into the soil, "What is it you can offer me, Gaius Winterblack? Surely it's not security. I've got a Paragon, which you are not. What is it you are offering? I don't run a charity."

"My life." Said Gaius. " My immortal life is yours too—"

"What else?" I chimed in rather metallically, drawing near, with Freya shadowing my every step. "An immortal is useless, without power."

"It's all I have," he said as hope left his soul. His arms hung to the ground, and the light within his eyes dwindled into nothingness. "I-I-its all I have."

"Luna's light, this is sick." Layla joined, shaking her head as she eyed me, 'Surely this is enough? Why tor—"

I raised my hand, cutting her short, as I bored down to the broken bastard below. "I'm in a rather good mood today, Gauis. A very good one. So I'll forgive you, on one condition. Let's make it two."

He looked up, rasping through gritted teeth. " Lor—"

"Speak no further. My conditions stand, you are to bring me the heads of your wife and daughter and to live the remainder of your days beneath my slave seal." I said, baring a smile, "Quite poetic, don't you think? You'll get to betray someone for the last time—your very own family. Do make them scream for me. It would be a shame if it were quick. You may go now."

Gaius had seemed frozen, paralyzed. He hadn't answered, nor had he showed any eccentricities worth noting, only rising after gathering himself. He bowed and soon left without another word.

"That man," Layla started. "You've broken him. D-D-Do you think he'll kill them?"

"Doesn't matter to me," I said, twirling my finger through the ends of my ashen hair. I turned to the duchess, standing a little unsure of her worth, with a tinge of paleness over her pink cheeks. "In the end. Upon the day my seal marks him, Zariels curse will and, and mine begins."

"But you said you'll forgive—"

"I never said 'what' I'll forgive. And even if I did promise? My words to Gaius weren't a devil's deal? I can do whatever I want, my sweet Dutchess; surely you've been lied to once in your life?"

Layla eyed me for a second or two, bowing her head. "Where is your pride?"

"Buried beneath my Wrath."

"Are we to kill him? Should he not fulfill his end?" Freya coldly added.

"Zariels curse is still in effect. What better suffering is his immortal existence?" I replied, shifting my attention towards the bleak skies covered with Seraphic Might. Alongside a myriad of the power of the Twelve Planes.

It was faint, but I could feel this city breaking down, shuttering as more and more troops began joining Zantar's army.

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