A traitor? Hmmm. A coincidence?

Hesitation touched my heart, and I spoke out. " This warrior, was she a woman? With hair the color of snow?" I asked, unsure if there was any relationship. While Gauis was the one who somehow betrayed me in my previous life, its stands to reason he backstabbed someone else since then or even before that, but why do I think that?

Maybe I'm overthinking things.

"No idea. We only have a few records," Said Valice, scrunching her tender brow, and added in a faint whisper, " But I'll look into it."

Sending Freya a psychic message to invite Gaius, I beckoned for valice to lead the way. I'd no reason to rush to see Gaius. I'd heard much about his torture from Lilith. While his torment was on pause within the Abyss, I was sure he would be getting desperate soon.

Zariel did screw him over, though. Damn.

"Whatever. Let's go. I'm hungry." Valice said, pushing past me towards the central manner and past the training courtyard to a large opening. My eyes fixed upon two griffins three times larger than any horse, cinnamon-colored feathers that seemed to carry hints of gold through the feathers, and two large beady amber eyes—carrying the noble belonging of a lion, with the forelegs and wings of a falcon.

Taken back by those two large innocent eyes, I looked back to Valice, who proudly nodded," You like? House Black Crest is one of an Owl but was later changed to a Griffen after the Great Change to symbolize a new era. Before the Great Change, the Grand elder's daughter had been fascinated with Owls and Griffins. She loved them dearly, and later they became our crest."

Didn't Zariel have some infatuation with owls? Oh shit, he did. I remember him visiting the owlery. Mother had to pry him away because he would stay days there.

Approaching the griffins who pursed up, his beady eyes swayed with alarm.

Suppressing my aura, the alarm within the Griffin faltered as I ran my fingers through its feathers that felt softer than the finest silk. I was sure in battle; these feathers would harden up.

Hopping aboard alongside Valice, I waited a few minutes before we arrived within the central Palace that held minor damage due to my thunder strike a few hours ago. Lifting my lips as we landed, my eyes narrowed as I instantly sensed a powerful battle intent pressing down on my shoulders.

Leaping off the Griffen, goosebumps prickled my skin, and before Valice, who had sensed something wrong with me, could ask, Noctem flashed in my hand and howled as I thrust my spear up, clashing with a smiling lass gripping an odd shape sword carrying a moonlit light.

A thunderous shock wave shattered the earth beneath my feet, sending webs of fault lines far and wide.

"Your back!" Zena shouted gleefully, pressing down even harder.

I unleashed the concept of supremacy to match this monstrous strength threatening to cleave me in twain.

I chuckled, and with a flick of my wrist, Zena's sword slid down the side of Noctem as I twisted, wishing to strike her with the end of my polearm. But with a pivot off the air, she dodged.

"I saw your battle! Let's have a few rounds."

"Y-Y-Your Arsene," Valice said, and I bitterly nodded. Having given myself away with Noctem.

"Hmm, damn it, Zena. You knew I was keeping my identity a secret!"

"Were you? Oh, that's why you look like that." She pursed her lips," Thought that was a fashion choice."

"Fashion, my ass! My entire face is different."

Zena smiled. " Who cares? Let's go at it. Loser buys lunch!"

Clearing my throat as a wave of killing intent pressed upon me, sending fears along my spine, I spoke out. " Um, your father will kill me, so I'll—"

"My father is dead." She said blankly, but I merely chuckled.

"Ask Tenebrae. I'm sure she'll tell you the truth." I revealed, smiling as her clueless expression slowly began to change to an icy countenance, which made me even more impressed. A frown marred her sublime feature, and she spoke.

"Who is he?"

"Arsene, stop this. Your only—"

"Seeing that he attacked my little brother, I think it's only fair I fuck up his relationship. Let him work to heal himself as my brother has to. Your Father is Azazel, Fallen Angel of Death, and your Mother—"

Thunder crackled as if to halt my words. I sneered. " You harm my family; I harm yours. I do not fear you, Mithra. Keep your man in check. Your mother is Mithra. All this was to be confirmed upon your ascension."

"Your kidding, right?" Zena softly asked, but with cold eyes, I nodded, enjoying the permeating killing intent filling the skies.

"How do you explain your angelic wings? Or the seraphic qi you have?" I asked, sensing a brewing rage dwell within the skies; I sneered, "Izavith, darling, I'll give you a week alone with both kids if you kill or stop whoever is trying to flex on us."

Glaring at the skies as a scarlet light flashed and vanished, I sneered, " No one touches my little brother. No one but me."

Sucking in a large breath, my frown turned to a smile, and I stared at the dark grimace over Zena. "Don't worry, Zena. I've got all the answers if you are interested, as do Luna and Tenebrae. As you know, parents lie."

I'm going to hear a lot of shit later, but it was worth it. Fuck Azazel for trying to threaten me. I'm a married man! I don't screw every single person I see. I'm as faithful as they come. Sorry, Aunty Mirtra, but you married or had a kid with him, I don't know your relationship, but you fucked up by not stopping him.

"Arsene, what have you done?" Valice asked.

"What I usually do. Fuck shit up. Now shall we go?" I asked, dismissing Noctem back into my soul; I stared at Zena, whose eyes slowly grew large with tears, and frowned.

Didn't Zariel say something about Lilith going to the Origin Realm? Hehe.

"You mad?" I gently asked.

Zena nodded.

"You want revenge?"

She nodded

"You want a father?"

She nodded.

Chuckling, I sent Lilith a message, who instantly appeared, opening her hands, " Then let's go to the origin realm and give your father the silent treatment. Let's torture him for a while."

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