



Falling face-first onto Lilith's plump pillows, her arms wrapped around my head, as our hoarse breathing ran while, trying to catch my breath the best I could with sweat pooling from my brow, my dried throat craved for something watery.

"Sene, I think I'm done?" Lilith softly said, nibbling on the tip of my ear as I came deep into her womb.

Sorry kids. But booty is more important! A lesson you must learn!

"Dear god, I've never been this tired before," I said, barely able to move. But my lips somehow seemed to latch onto Lilith's rather plump 'pillows.'

"H~~~M~ Sene!' She cried tightly, winding her fingers around my hair; her breathing grew even more labored as my tongue flicked the center of her tit, sending a tingling sensation through her body that jerked with each touch.

Eyes watering, she stared at me like a meek cat and wrapped her legs around my waist, "Gods, I love you." she whispered, unable to hide the exhaustion and sweat pouring down her face, enchanting what could only be described as perfection.

"I know. I love you too."

She smiled, but a sudden knock echoed through the door, startling the two of us, as we felt an unfamiliar aura at the door, emanating a dreadful Yin base Qi.

"Evening. I'm sorry, but you must evacuate the region immediately. By orders of the Imperial Order of Twelve."

Lilith looked at me with a questioning stare, but I merely shook my head, indicating I had no idea who or what this was.

Picking myself up and out of my wife, I put on a loosely fitted robe and walked towards the door, opening it enough to take a peek while also hiding my face.


"Flenka," A young soldier, a pureblood, said.

"Your form the ethereal realm, pureblood by your appearance," I said as they were the only ones I knew who could generate so much yin base qi simply by existing.

"I'm surprised you could tell!"

"Well, you look alive, so it's not that surprising," I explained.

Purebloods were, after all, those born within the Etherial Realm. They were a large group that controlled many of the wards in the Etherial Plane.

"But if you can get dressed, we'll escort you out of this region." He said, bringing a frown to my face.

I could still feel the shelling of explosions from here, but there wasn't a need to leave. And who the hell are the Imperial Order of Twelve?

"Sene? Whose at the door? Send them away, and come back to bed!"

"Sorry, gents, but I'm a little busy. I'll take the—

"Sir, I wasn't asking; you will be escorted out of this region or face death by order of the government," Flenka said, standing with his mid-god cultivation alongside an entire squad of soldiers at the ready.

Government? Twelve? Twelve Realms. So they banded together to form a government? Now, this is an odd time.

Is this why Layla wasn't there? I should look into that.

"Now, you and your paramour are to get dressed. A cloud of demons is approaching." Flenka added, turning his back as the soldiers to his rear all turned to attention, welcoming him back with salutes.

"Shall we take a look?" Lilith was the first to say as I closed the door.

"Why not? It's not like we have Zantar or Balor by the balls. Plus, I'll like to know what is going on.

Clothing myself with the Laws of Darkness, Lilith followed in suit as she leaned close to me, " Oh, and End went to kill the other Lilith." She said, reopening the door before I could say another word.

Dashing out, I stared with wide eyes. "Eh? Your kidding, right?"

"Nope! Bitch had it coming daring to use the same name as me."

"Lili, your name after her!"

"Prove it!"

"Asmo said it"

"Well, I'll kill him too,"

Jesus Christ, is it the hormones? She's fucking crazy!

My head was pounding as I didn't have a clue how to deal with this loose cannon. Releasing a long sigh, I shook my head when her arms hooked through my arm. I rolled my eyes, "well, it's Zariel's problem now."

"You're not mad?"

"At what? It's not my problem." I relayed, walking past the soldiers eyeing my wife with a bit of fever. Although she was as big as a mountain, well, not that big, or even close for that matter, Lilith was insanely perfect, and it had been a long time since a bunch of bitches dared to eye her!

Putting two babies in her was tough! She's mine!

Approaching a small carriage with about seven people, I glanced back to seven other carriages and knew they were filled with other people found around the woods. Not bothering to say anything, I helped Lilith in before entering myself.

"Thought you would have resisted." A shy voice said, grabbing my attention as Lilith and I found a seat.

I stared at the small girl around twelve, maybe older, with somewhat low cultivation. " I'm Mia."

I smiled, " Kratos."

"Really?" Lilith said, snapping her gaze to meet mine. She shifted her gaze back to mia, " I'm Ari."

"Ari sounds cute," Said Mia, passing her fingers through her somewhat short hair; she wiggled her nose and bowed her head.

The carriage took off.

"Do you know where we are going, Mia?" said Lilith.

"The capital," Said the rugged voice of an elderly man, who, despite his age, held a power in him that could wipe out anyone here, excluding Lilith and me.

"Names Fox." he calmly said, studying Lilith and myself with a long look," Mia's my niece,"

"You seem a little too powerful to be caught by some Purebloods," I said, feeling a slew of power belonging to that of the Astral Sea swirling within this man's chest.

"Just curious like you, I guess," he said, and I chuckled.

"But I guess you've got more information than I do?" I probed, and he nodded.

"The major fractions have all banded together under the banner of the Seven heavens.' Said Fox, stroking his silvery grey beard.

"All of them? Even the Astral Sea?"

"All of them, I'd even heard some of the guards say Genesis is in the mix."

What the hell is going on?"

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