Del ran towards Cassandra while holding the trigger of his M240. Sparks were flying from the direction of that bounty hunter that shielded himself from bullets. The shield also looked thinner than the first time he chanted it. Maybe the constant stream of bullets weakened the shield, but well, who knew?

Cassandra was throwing ice spears one by one at the bounty hunters while protecting herself using a material field. "Del, it looks like you have weakened his shield, impressive."

"How can you be so calm in this kind of situation?" Del asked as he kept his head down by laying down.

"Because I'm confident that I will not die, trust me, in the demonic continent, you can face a threat far worse than this," Cassandra replied.

"Whatever, just help Cole in distracting that dude," Del said.


Del kept shooting his machine gun at the armored person while making sure that at least one bullet managed to kill whoever was behind that armored person, whether it was a mage or a bowman, Del just wanted to kill and be done with it.

"BE QUICKER ABOUT IT, COLE!" Del shouted as he reloaded his M240 again.

"I'm on it, I'm on it, relax," Cole was holding his hand together for casting the spell.

"HAHAHAHA! IS THAT ALL YOU CAN DO?" The armored person taunted.

"Shut up! [Precise Strike Mode: Icicle Spear]!" A giant ice spear as big as Del's entire body formed right beside Cassandra. The ice spear then flew toward the armored person. Even that large ice spear stopped when it hit the damn shield.

However, Del noticed something. The ice spear that Cassandra threw didn't exactly weaken the shield as much as Del's bullet. Del concluded something. Even though his bullet wasn't exactly as big as that ice spear, it contained much more kinetic energy than the ice spear that Cassandra threw. Not stopping there, he also noticed that the little piece of ice penetrated his barrier.

It was like comparing a bullet to a knife. Sure, a knife would be able to puncture a kevlar vest, but a bullet had much more kinetic energy than the knife. It gave Del another idea. Even though a bullet had much more penetrating power, he knew something that had much more power.

Del also had the theory that the shield wouldn't stop the low-energy projectile. The little piece of ice was the evidence of it. Maybe the shield could only block things that would kill the armored person. He had formed a perfect plan.

"Oy, Pidma, buy me a C4 explosive. There should be enough gold coin for one kilogram of it."

[You are not even allowed to throw a grenade, why should I even trust you to handle plastic explosives?]

"Disable all safety protocol, this is not the time to ask that question."


[Showing Available C4 Kit]

[Tech Level: 4] [Total Balance: 1000$]

[C4] [40$] [1 kg]

[Remote Blasting Cap] [20$]

[C-4 Singular Remote Detonator] [200$]



[Dispensing 2kg of [C4],[Remote Blasting Cap] and [C-4 Singular Remote Detonator].]

All of those three items appeared in Del's pocket except for the two kilograms of C-4 charge that appeared in his large magazine pocket. Del ran towards one of the big rocks on that combat scene and he quickly pulled everything out of his pocket.

"Now tell me how to use the bloody darn thing!"

[First, you put the blasting cap into the C-4. After that, you can do everything you want with the C-4. Just don't forget to throw it away as far as you can before you press the detonator, alright?]

"Ok, sure, sure."

Del peeked from behind the rock. Thanks to the lack of Del's suppressing fire, the armored person came closer and closer to Cole. It was not good, Cassandra couldn't hold him for a very long time either. It looked like she had underestimated her opponent too much.

Del opened the packaging of the C-4 and combined it together. He then put the blasting cap inside of that thing. He put it firmly and he peeked from behind the rock. Del threw his C-4 toward the armored person. The brick flew far enough and landed right next to the feet of the armored person.


Del smirked, he hid right behind the rock and press the detonator of his C-4.


The loud explosion sent out a large blast that could be felt from afar. Cassandra flinched from the explosion. Cole suddenly aborted his chanting as the blast interrupted it. Del's ears were ringing from the loud sound of the explosion.

Del peeked out from behind the rock. The person was gone; it was simply gone, there was no trace of it. The only thing that resembled his form was the blood on the top of the snow. His body might have scattered in multiple different directions.

Cassandra shouted at him, but Del couldn't hear it clearly.


Cassandra pointed her hand at the bounty hunters. Those bounty hunters suddenly ran away. They were running away in fear in multiple directions, whether it was back to the top of Aldea Mountain or to the taiga.

"AH, I SEE," Del shouted back.

"WHAT???" Cassandra shouted back.

Yup, the C-4 definitely caused a temporary hearing loss in him and the others. There was no cliff around the camping site, so that kind of explosion wouldn't cause any major avalanche. Still, the hearing loss that Del got was quite fatal.

His ears kept ringing, and he could not perceive any sound. Del sat down right behind the rock while checking his body for any injury. When he sat down, it took him a while to realize that blood was coming out of his feet.

It wasn't serious though; it was only an arrow that got stuck to his leg. He might not feel it because of the adrenaline that he got when he fought the armored opponent that was seemed to be unbeatable at first, but Del found his weakness somehow.

Del rolled up his pants to look at how severe the wound was. Ah yes, the arrow penetrated through his foot and came out of the other side. Blood was rushing out, but it was not lethal. If Del wanted to scream, he could, but it was not like Cassandra would hear it.

In fact, she already looked at the arrow that impaled Del's thigh. She immediately ran in Del's direction. She asked something, but Del only heard it faintly, "Does this hurt?"


"Alright, do you bring the gauzes?" Cassandra asked.

Del nodded.

Cassandra pulled something out of her pocket, it was a plier. Cassandra cut both ends of the arrow and she put the plier back into her pocket. She then grabbed a gauze from Del's pocket and then she pulled the arrow with no hesitation.

"ARGH!" Del screamed in pain as the arrow was pulled out of his leg.

"Sorry, but it is a necessity," Cassandra started wrapping the wound with the gauze, and she opened her grimoire. "[Medical Protocol: Small Penetrating Wound]."

Then something happened with his legs. It felt as if Cassandra was burning his wound with fire, but it died up soon enough. Eventually, the bleeding stopped, and the pain disappeared. However, Cassandra told Del not to open the gauze yet. Del just nodded.

Cole eventually walked up to Del's direction, "Dude, I didn't remember that I taught you something about explosion magic. Nevertheless, good job." Cole raised his thumb.

"You're a quick analyzer. Good work."

"Thanks," Del said.

"You save my arse, I'm not going to lie. What kind of thing that you use, anyway?" Cole wondered.

"C-4, composition 4, I'll explain later. I think our target is not really that far away from us. I have her location on the map," Del said.

"Woah, woah, woah, hold up. Her? Do you really know her gender or is it just a basic assumption that the person that we usually rescue is a woman?" Cole asked.

"No, I retrieved the information from the camp of the bounty hunters," Del said.

"You asked them???" Cole became more surprised.

"Heck no, Cassandra and I killed them all, and I happened to find a map with our target general area," Del said.

"Ah, I see." Cole nodded, "Do you want to go to their location right now, or do you want to wait until tomorrow?"

On one side, Del really wanted to rescue Lize first. However, considering their condition that wasn't fit for any combat, Del decided it was better for them to stay in the camp for one night before disembarking for a journey towards Lize's hiding spot.

"Let's go to their location tomorrow. I think we are not even prepared enough for anything that we will face tomorrow."

"I agree with that. Your leg will not heal up instantly and I also need some rest. Running from the top of the mountain and to the feet of the mountain back and forth is quite exhausting," Cassandra commented.

"Alright, let's have a rest then."

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