[Part 4/5]

'Well, well, if it isn't the esteemed Matsushige Botan's old man? I have heard of your fame.'

In the deep, snow-covered forest, the parrot bowed gracefully to the hummingbird. It was a perfectly polite and elegant bow, following all the protocols.

Such a polite greeting. It truly touches my heart. The first head of the Omnyouji Bureaudormitory, Lord Sugami YoritsuguSugami Yoritsugu-dono... or should I call you Nue? Or perhaps you prefer another name now?'

The hummingbird tilted its head, inquiringly. Despite its calm and serene voice, its pitch-black shikigami eyes gave off an indifferent and emotionless vibe. On the other hand, the parrot chirped and then focused its gaze on the hummingbird once again.

'Well, I don't particularly mind what you call me. Please feel free to address me as you wish, Ou-dono. Now, what brings you here? Unfortunately, I am quite busy with my own matters at the moment.'

'Are you here to greet your poor apprentice?'

'Well, you could say that.'

Hahahaha, Hohohoho. They burst into hearty laughter, filled with scorn. It was an exchange of empty pleasantries, devoid of any true meaning. They knew full well what they thought of each other and what their intentions were.

'Nevertheless, it is quite a fall for the founder and hero of the ancient Onmyodo. To think that you would instruct a man from the Ezo and collaborate with youkai demons. Your experiments and research seem to have stagnated as well, don't they?'

'Oh, it's quite embarrassing to be so worried about. Of course, it would be a lie to say that I have no inconveniences... but it's all a matter of perspective, isn't it?'

'Indeed, a matter of perspective?'

The hummingbird asked, urging the parrot to continue.

'Both the Omnyouji Bureau and the Imperial Court have become much more inflexible compared to the old days. It's not even worth comparing to ancient times, but even now, the land ruled by humans is still limited, and human beings are fragile creatures, as you should understand. That's why you also devoted yourself to the study of the forbidden knowledge left by our predecessors. Isn't that right?'

'Hmm, if you put it that way, I can't deny it.'

The parrot's reply seemed to evoke a smile. And in a cheerful and intellectual manner, it continued.

'The ideals of the founder who established this Fusō land have already fallen into decay. Both the Continental Dynasty and the Western Empire have collapsed and are still struggling to recover from the chaos. Across the sea, there is an endless conflict where humans, supernaturals, and all sorts of monsters fight each other without discrimination. Yet, this country remains far too peaceful.'

Yes, the prosperity of these two countries, more developed than Fusō-kuni and the standard-bearers of the human world at that time, is now a thing of the past.

In the territories once controlled by the Western Empire, there are wayward witches and vampires who claim themselves to be demon lords. They rule over vast numbers of "livestock" and knightly states, each at the height of their cults. These rulers compete for territories while engaging in witch hunts and heresy inquisitions. The Continental Dynasty, which has also collapsed, is facing a similar situation. Once a mighty empire that boasted of being the eternal "emperor and nation reborn," it has now fallen into chaos due to the loss of its massive bureaucratic structure. Currently, sixteen human nations have formed an alliance with the 5 Poisonous Demons (5 toxic animals/五毒) and are locked in relentless warfare, all seeking the Great Spirit Vein located in the Central Plains. The lands that were once prosperous, benefiting from the spiritual veins in both countries, now lie barren. The cities are in ruins, and the population declined drastically.

In such circumstances, the Imperial Court pretended to be peaceful. They did this by sealing Kubou, controlling the sea borders, and making alliances with coastal trading states on the continent. They also formed temporary alliances with the exiled former empire leaders in the southern colonies.

Indeed, the conflicts across the sea have remained distant for over five hundred years. The demon lords and the 5 Poisonous Demons (5 toxic animals/五毒) are neither as rational nor as restrained as Kubou. It would be impossible for them to unite and subjugate the cults and the sixteen nations. Even after a hundred or two hundred years, it would be the same. They cannot pose a direct threat to Fusō-kuni. That's why the Imperial Court refrained from intervening.

'In other words, they postponed the issue. Of course, it was inevitable considering the exhausted state of the country at that time... The problem is that they kept postponing it until they no longer even considered the issue itself.'

Five hundred years have gone by with only a few small disruptions. Although there have been some tragic events in the remote areas, overall, peace has been maintained within the country. This has made the Imperial Court feel complacent, without a sense of urgency. Of particular importance is the treatment of the exorcists.

In the past, they were allowed to use forbidden techniques and curses that went against human ethics and humanitarian principles. But now, they are required to stop using those practices completely. Even new research in this field is closely monitored and controlled. The responsibilities demanded of exorcists in positions such as Joraku (traveling from the capital to the provinces) have increased, and many smaller exorcist family find themselves in financial difficulties, despite their apparent assets and income increasing. The Onitsuki family is one of the few exceptions that can extravagantly spend without worry.

'So, it's a case of sacrificing the clever rabbit to cook the good dog, isn't it? Don't you think it's troubling? The reason why the people in the Imperial Palace can leisurely indulge in political struggles is because they believe that there is no great youkai with the ability to incite a major war, as was the case in the past... Yet, the commander-in-chief himself hasn't even been purged.'

The ringleader of the great war, buried and submerged in the depths of the underworld in the capital, is merely sealed away without being completely destroyed. Despite this situation...

'What are you trying to say?'

'A revolution, of course.'

The parrot answered the old man's doubtful question fluently.

'Yes, a revolution. My alliance with those detestable youkai is only a temporary expedient. It's a trivial matter before the important one. Everything is for the true prosperity of Fusō-kuni and the hundreds of exorcist households scattered throughout Fusō-kuni.'

To dismantle the current state of the Imperial Court. To overthrow the peaceful and corrupt system. The first head of the Omnyouji Bureau strongly advocates for it.

'The temporary reign of youkai will inevitably cause dysfunction within the Imperial Court. It's unavoidable. Sacrifices are necessary to purge the accumulated pus. Afterward, it will be our turn. We, the exorcist families, will sweep away the corrupt courtiers and restore the emperor's authority, reclaiming the true form of the Imperial Court.'

That is to say, it's nation-building for the sake of exorcism, for the sake of the exorcist families. It's about constructing a society where exorcists can strive for their own best interests without any constraints.

'Yes, we will correct the unjust treatment forced upon us. We will be revered even more by the common folk, and the burdens we bear will become lighter. There will be no need to worry about financial obligations imposed by the Imperial Court. Research and study will progress, and we will be able to vanquish the monsters more easily and safely.'

Words flowed like a speech, appealing to the discontent and stimulating hope within many exorcist families. It was the very vision he desired in this lifetime.

'Descendant of the Matsushige lineage, which has continued since the first Matsushige. What do you say? If you, like me, have chosen to be an outcast in order to benefit humanity, then we should work together. ...Don't you intend to walk the true path with me?'

Upon the invitation of the first head of the Omnyouji Bureau, the old man silently continued to listen. And when the speech concluded, after a brief pause, the old man pointed out.

'It's a ridiculous tale, Head of the Omnyouji Bureau. Trying to make others believe in a doctrine you don't even believe in yourself, what does that make you?'

The old man's words were cold to the core.

'...Hmm, indeed, such a speech doesn't shake your heart.'

In response to the old man's words, the parrot, who had been delivering the speech with an air of enthusiasm, suddenly turned cold, as if its disguise had been completely exposed. It was evident that its previous attitude was nothing but an act. The old man further clarified his stance.

'I acknowledge that the content was enticing, stirring the dissatisfaction and hopes of the exorcist families. It might deceive ignorant youngsters who are oblivious to history. However... such empty words won't reach an old man like me.'

The idea of the exorcist clans, with their spiritual power, dominating Fusō-kuni and the Imperial Court may seem appealing at first glance. But it's only if he's dealing with ignorant youngsters who lack understanding.

The concept of individuals with spiritual power or supernatural abilities governing regular people is a foolish endeavor that has already failed in the past. Just like the witches, who no longer have the empire's protection, the internal conflicts within the Iki family that were manipulated by the court nobles, and the rise and fall of slave dynasties before the Imperial Court was established.

'People cannot live alone. And those who possess spiritual power, even more so. You should know that better than anyone, shouldn't you?'

It's not easy for people with spiritual power to govern or control a nation. In fact, it's quite inefficient.

Think about it logically. Those who have spiritual power are often targeted by evil entities, so they have to focus on training and protecting themselves. They can't afford to be preoccupied with political matters. And if they hides in the palace, is it practical? Can they effectively rule the entire country in that state? And if they hire bodyguards, there's a risk of being assassinated and having their power seized by others with spiritual abilities.

What about common people? How many soldiers would willingly serve a ruler who only brings disaster and attracts monsters? It just doesn't make sense.

'All the nations established by great heroes in ancient times eventually perished. One king was killed by a bodyguard who possessed the same spiritual power. Another royal family, after generations of decline, lost the ability to exorcise youkai demons and became nothing more than a source of calamity. And In the end, they were assassinated by their own loyal subjects. Isn't that right?'

'As a result, those individuals with spiritual power who were able to hone their skills over generations formed a wandering group that was hired as mercenaries by ordinary humans. And later, they became the exorcist families who served the Imperial Court.'

In response to the old man's explanation, Nue continued as if seamlessly continuing the conversation. And then, there was a moment of silence.

'Well, well, it's truly nostalgic to hear such stories. ...Hmm, indeed, it's difficult to deceive an old man with this kind of talk.'

'Hohoho, please refrain from making jokes. Words spoken through shikigami during casual conversation should have an effect, shouldn't they?'

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