[Part 2/5]

"The height of the castle walls... is about one jō (3.3 square meters or 35.52 square feet) at most, right?"

"Yes, unfortunately, it won't be much of a challenge to climb over."

Shaking off unpleasant thoughts, Murasaki murmured as she glanced at the surrounding fences that surrounded the capital, and Muja provided a supplementary response. The castle walls were built by arranging logs with sharp ends, driven into the ground. Inside, there were platforms for shooting projectiles from a high position. However, the walls' height was only one jō, which was quite low.

Yes, just one jō. The width, including the platforms, was no more than what two people could line up. It might be somewhat useful against humans, but when facing a horde of youkai, it was anything but reassuring. If it were a medium-level youkai, they would undoubtedly be able to overcome it, and even small youkai, depending on their abilities, could easily leap over it. As for calamity youkai, such a wooden fence was like a piece of paper. And even though there were boundaries set up around the capital utilizing the spiritual energy supplied by the spiritual veins, who knew how long they would hold... If it were a medium-level youkai or higher, they might charge through despite being burned to a crisp.

"Miss MurasakiMurasaki-san, maybe we should take the initiative and step forward!? I understand even I can see it! If we continue like this..."

"Be silent!! ...Don't speak unnecessary things!!"

Murasaki dismissed Tamaki's suggestion of the exorcists taking the lead and striking preemptively. After scanning the surroundings, she warned in a low voice. While it might be a proposal based on the poor performance of the soldiers, it was out of the question for Murasaki.

In reality, if this were a confined space or if there were no calamity youkai, Murasaki would understand that it is the least sacrificial way of fighting. She is, after all, a member of the Akō family and understands the principles of battle. It is precisely because she understands that she rejects Tamaki's words.

Just like in the battle in the underground sewer that time, Murasaki's powerful strike could blow away even a thousand monsters at once. However, that powerful technique consumes a great deal of energy at once. Moreover, in such an open area, it is uncertain how effective it would be against the scattered youkai.

Furthermore, there are calamity youkai among the youkai horde. Even if humans gather in large numbers, they would just become a wall of flesh against them. Also, it's not realistic to expect much from Tamaki and Shirowakamaru, who are accompanying her on this mission. Dealing with dangerous youkai, who can attack from anywhere and at any time, can't be done by fighting directly. And the regular youkai will have to be taken care of by the gathered soldiers, no matter how many sacrifices it requires.

Murasaki warned in a low voice because she didn't want to give the soldiers false hope. From their perspective, it would be a standing ovation if Murasaki and the others could come forward and sweep away the monsters. But that is not possible. That is why she didn't want Tamaki to speak unnecessary things anymore.


And faced with Murasaki's sharp demeanor, Tamaki instinctively stepped back, intimidated. It seemed she didn't expect Murasaki to direct her anger towards her to this extent.

"Hmph, if you're frightened by this much, you're certainly not fit for actual combat. Stay here and wait. You maid over there, take care and ensure that your master doesn't do anything reckless, understood?"

Snorting at Tamaki's reaction, Murasaki ordered her to wait in the gatehouse. She also warned Suzune, who was beside her. Amateurs running amok would be no match for the enemy. As the representative of this surveillance team, it was her duty to safely return Tamaki and Shirowakamaru to the Onitsuki residence. Just to be safe, she also ordered the squad leader Yahagi and two other servants to guard the gatehouse and serve as Tamaki's escort.

"Miss MurasakiMurasaki-sama, according to the information, the anomalies are expected to surge at this western gate. In that case, may I suggest deploying shikigami in advance?"

Ignoring the intimidated Tamaki, a sullen and beautiful boy dressed in onmyou robes calmly voiced his opinion. With a formal bow, he requested that shikigami be hidden in the vicinity of the western gate in advance.

"Are you suggesting... traps? Can we expect them to be effective?"

"My master is the esteemed Madam KochouKochou-sama, the chief advisor."

The shikigami user would be left without any trump cards if they used up their prepared shiki in advance. In response to Murasaki's concerns, the young boy replied impassively, indirectly affirming the question by mentioning the name of the Onitsuki clan's foremost shikigami user, also known as the Black Butterfly Lady.

"...Very well, I leave it to you."


The shikigami user, with a formal bow that was only superficially respectful, immediately flicked his sleeve. Several shiki charms were released and disappeared outside the fence as if they had melted away. It was a hidden deployment of shiki. With that gesture alone, Murasaki revised her evaluation of the young boy, realizing that he was far more capable than initially assumed.

"Miss MurasakiMurasaki-sama, look at that!"

Having already adjusted her assessment of Shirowakamaru's combat capabilities, Murasaki turned her gaze toward the call from the servants. Tamaki, Shirowakamaru, and the soldiers stationed on the fence also noticed and turned their attention in the same direction.

The snow-covered fields and paddies were being overrun by the swarming mass, turning white into black as they wriggled, spread, and encroached. How many were there? Some were as small as kittens, while others were as large as houses. Everyone stationed within the gate walls found themselves silently gazing at the scene, unable to look away.

And when those creatures approached to a distance of about a thousand paces from the fence, their black, undulating silhouettes finally began to take shape... and their forms became discernible.

The wriggling horde consisted of insects.

No, that's not quite right. They were ants. They were centipedes. They were locusts. They were earthworms. They were spiders.

They were mantises. They were crickets. They were cicadas. They were beetles. They were millipedes. They were turtle bugs. They were dragonflies. They were silverfish. They were house centipedes.

They were millipedes, slugs, maggots, leeches, hairworms, goldbug beetles, bamboo worms, springtails, rattail maggots, sand silkworms, scorpions, burying beetles, inchworms, spotted cats, rodent ladies, snail shells, hidden-winged insects, stinging insects... a massive swarm of insects.


One of the soldiers, upon understanding their true nature, let out a small scream. The horde of repulsive, brightly colored insects rushing from the horizon was more than enough to stir feelings of disgust and fear in those who witnessed it. Almost everyone present, including Murasaki, couldn't help but shudder involuntarily, their legs trembling as they stood frozen in place.

"Hold on! Don't retreat!! Everyone, take your positions!"

Murasaki regained her composure relatively quickly, driven by her sense of duty and pride as an exorcist, as well as her experience. She had witnessed a flood of youkai overwhelming her field of vision in the darkness of the underground sewer a few years ago. That experience proved valuable in this moment. Without it, she would likely have stood there dumbfounded, mouth agape.

No, in truth, even now she felt repulsed to the point of wanting to run away if it weren't for the eyes of others.

"It may be just right for poisoning the insects, but that's all. They seem to be nothing more than insignificant beings in appearance," Murasaki said, putting on a show of bravado.

"Yes, from what I can see, about ninety percent of them are small youkai or young youkai. It shouldn't be difficult to neutralize them even for a single person. In that sense, we are fortunate," Shirowakamaru calmly stated, followed by Muja nodding in agreement. Unlike Murasaki, who was partly acting, their words seemed genuinely dismissive of the threat.

Murasaki couldn't help but admire the young boy by her side for his attitude. While Muja, who had likely faced many dire situations as part of the Hidden Group, was one thing, Shirowakamaru, with his limited experience, showed no sign of being flustered by the swarm of insects. Was it because he was a boy? She found herself thinking incongruous thoughts in the current situation.

Of course, such thoughts were baseless. In reality, most of the soldiers, also being men, were intimidated by the scene despite Murasaki's reprimands, and the governor was completely rigid and petrified. They were stunned, as if their minds had gone blank.

"Governor, as you can see, the youkai horde is approaching. We are about to engage in a siege. Are you prepared?" Murasaki rushed to the governor, who was still in a daze, and confirmed with a sharp tone.

According to the regulations of the court, which favored civilian officials, exorcists needed the approval and command of the local governor, the provincial governor, or the castle lord when engaging in a siege against youkai. Exorcists couldn't simply initiate a siege and involve innocent civilians. Hence, the need for confirmation.

"Uhm, ah... Y-yes. Are we really going to siege? C-Can we defend against that number?"

"Dealing with those creatures themselves shouldn't be too difficult. Given enough time, it should be more than possible."

In fact, she might be able to handle them alone.

"I-If that's the case, then why don't we skip the siege...!!"

"However, we have confirmed the presence of calamity youkai. Dealing with them won't be easy for us. Especially with the soldiers we have here. If you're fine with the people in this town being massacred while we deal with the small fry, then I can take the lead."

Murasaki repeated the explanation she had given multiple times on the way to this place, once again conveying it to the governor. She was growing increasingly frustrated, not just with the governor but also with Tamaki, wondering how many times she would have to explain.

"U-Understood. I will grant permission for the siege..."

The Governor nodded with a pale face, as if it was the umpteenth explanation. This act had been repeated several times as well.

"Then, Governor, please stay here as the commander."

"Stay? Why!? I'm not cut out for this kind of conflict...!!?"

The Governor was taken aback by Murasaki's words. As it was a story she had explained multiple times, Murasaki frowned while continuing to explain.

"It's a siege! It's only reasonable for the governor to stay as the commander! The actual combat will be overseen by me and the army commander. As for you, governor only needs to give approval as necessary. We will provide escorts and ensure your safety!"

In reality, Murasaki didn't have high expectations for the governor. At most, she hoped he would boost the morale of the soldiers. If possible, she would even assign Tamaki to him and have them both stay at the back of the gate.


In response to Murasaki's request, the governor's words overflowed with despair. But regardless of his will, the situation progressed. The soldiers, who had initially been skeptical of the approaching creatures, suddenly changed their lax attitudes and desperately began preparing for the defense. They hurried to their positions.

"It seems the soldiers are ready, somehow..."

"Is that so... Governor, give the command."

Murasaki calmly nodded in response to the army commander's report. The governor, who was prompted to speak, looked around in confusion. The soldiers glanced around, stealing glances in their direction. It was evident that they were shaken.

"U-Um... the c-command?"

The governor was flustered under the gaze of those around him. While feeling annoyed by his attitude, Murasaki explained.

"The soldiers are frightened. Just give any command to inspire them and then order them to prepare for the attack."

"S-Such a thing..."

The governor looked around again, uneasy soldiers casting their eyes in his direction. And then he shifted his gaze. From beyond the horizon, the horde of youkai approached like a tsunami.


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