[Part 3/4]

"Is what you're saying true?"

"Which way is that creature heading? North? Is it the north...!?"

Shouting in a trembling voice, two soldiers of the army, their crossbows at the ready, demand an answer from us, their tension palpable.

'That's right. The Namahage, it's indeed heading north.'

"Heading there? Don't mess with us! You guys led it, didn't you?!"

"This is why we can't trust those with spiritual powers or half-youkai! Dammit, they're playing around...!!"

The Old Man of Matsushige's uncaring comments appeared to upset the two soldiers holding crossbows, causing them to shout out in annoyance. Quietly, I turn my eyes towards Hikorokurō.

"I don't think I need to apologize for eavesdropping on you, do I?" Hikorokuro smirked, his voice dripping with mischievousness. "You should have at least tried to keep your voice low and inconspicuous during your private conversation."

"I was also shaken," I replied, my voice revealing a touch of vulnerability.

"Yeah, you even threw up. I thought you might have gotten food poisoning."

"Thank you for your concern."

"Hahaha, you say silly things. We ate the same food. I was nervous, wondering when I would get a stomachache," the Fire commander chuckled in response to my comment, happily joining in. He then added, "We don't understand most of your technical jargon. We're not well-educated, so honestly, we don't comprehend half of what you're saying. But there's one thing we do understand."

And in that moment, he becomes more menacing than I've ever seen him.

"The fact that you guys sent the creature to the northern village for your own convenience, and the fact that you kept it a secret from us."

Hikorokurō draws his sword and spits out his words.

"I apologize for that. I failed to notice my subordinate's indiscretion."

As I utter those words, an arrow grazes my temple. A momentary burning sensation, and warm liquid trickles down my cheek, then to my neck and collarbone through the gaps in my face. I shift my gaze. One of the two soldiers with crossbows is winding up the string, loading the next arrow. The other, as if guarding that opening, conspicuously creaks the spring of the crossbow...

"Do not think a mere apology will suffice. Our comrades and families' lives are at stake here," Hikorokurō declared coldly. And with a slight movement of his chin, his comrade wielding a spear brings someone forward.

It was a fox girl with wilted white ears and tail, visibly shrinking in fear.


"Heh, even those who would sacrifice a village love his friend? Hmm?"

The spear bearer sneers at my finally perturbed reaction. He presses Shiro against Hikorokurō, who directs the unsheathed blade towards her exposed neck.

It was an unmistakable hostage situation.


Shiro, held captive by Hikorokurō, calls my name with a terrified expression. She pleads for help, calling out to me.

"Fire Commander!? Stop, she's innocent..."

"Don't you dare move!!"

As I try to shout at Hikorokurō to stop his reckless act, my voice is drowned out by an even louder angry shout. Startled, I freeze in a half-hearted posture.

"You there, dog... or whatever, and that old man's bird! Move even a little without permission! And I'll not only take this brat's head! I'll blast your heads too!"

In response to the spear bearer's words, the crossbows soldiers, including the one that finished reloading, are aimed at us, making a clicking sound. It was a sign that the strings were pulled to their limits. When the trigger is pulled, arrows will be shot at us with force.

"Don't call us a coward. I heard you guys are trained to be cowardly and sneaky."

"I can't argue against your initiation. So what? What should we do? I don't think you're telling us to die here, right? You must understand that it would be pointless."

The army soldiers remain silent at my statement. Naturally, they must not have expected their superiors to deal with the Namahage that headed north. Killing us here impulsively would only serve as a temporary release for their frustrations.

So, this was a negotiation.

"...Do you have any ideas? Do you expect us to trust you?"

"I can't guarantee it, but..."

"Don't talk like you're underestimating us!"

When Hikorokurō questions me and I answer, the spear bearer glares at me with displeasure. Well, from their perspective, they must be wondering what the main culprit has to say. However, I still declare it.

"Hikorokurō, and the others too. There's no time to think, no time for negotiations. Isn't that right? I'm the only one here who has a last-ditch plan and the ability to execute it. Please, I need your cooperation."

"Stop running your mouth...!!"

"Of course, I intend to take on the most dangerous role myself!!"


Upon my declaration, including the spear bearer, the army soldiers fall silent and become unsettled. They might not fully trust my words. However, I am aware that I have experienced my fair share of life-threatening situations. My determined tone momentarily shook them.

"Or perhaps, you don't need to participate. We'll proceed with the plan even if it's just us. You can audit us from behind."

"Like the Danjo-dai (Imperial Prosecuting and Investigating Office)? Huh? It's been rumored that one of the high-ranking officials made a huge mess a few years ago. Don't you think we wouldn't shoot a crossbow into your back for no particular reason?"

Hikorokurō probes, threatens, and intimidates. But I laugh in response. I answer while laughing.

"I don't want to think about that. I can only hope that you won't have to resort to such reckless actions for the sake of your family and hometown."

"You talk nonsense with such ease!"

The fire commander scoffs and scolds me in return. Then, there is silence once more. Everything becomes still and quiet... Only the sound of the wind and the surrounding breaths can be heard. Everyone falls into silence. The tension is strong, and nerves are getting frayed. The staring contest in this tense atmosphere feels like it could go on forever.



It happened suddenly. One of the crossbowmen, caught up in the tension, inadvertently pulled the trigger of the crossbow. A dry sound, "Swoosh," reverberates in the vicinity. It happened almost simultaneously. As if synchronized with the comrade next to him firing the crossbow, another person inadvertently releases their bolt.


Almost reflexively, I raise my body and dodge the first arrow coming towards me. Focusing my nerves, I brace myself for the second arrow...

"What?! You've got to be kidding me?!"

The arrow aimed at Iruka, who is still halfway pinned down, approaches her head. Unfortunately, Iruka is not wearing her mask properly, and at this moment, she isn't even wearing it at all. Naturally, it's difficult for her, in her current pinned-down state, to avoid it... So, I literally put my immediate action into motion.


I immediately enhance my spiritual power and strengthen my left hand as much as I can. I swing my hand like a knife, and upon impact, I feel a shock and intense pain. Simultaneously, I redirect my left hand backward to kill its momentum. Blood splatters, scattering around.

"Ugh, Guh...?!"

In the silence, only I let out a voice of agony. With the arrow still lodged in my left hand, I kneel on the spot. I grimace, clutching my left hand.


Without obstructing, Hikorokurō allows Shiro to rush towards me. In fact, he quickly releases the sword pressed against Shiro's neck to avoid injuring her.

"What, Tomobe-san?! Blood, there's blood?!"

"You idiot! Don't just pull it out suddenly!! First, stop the bleeding!! Use cloth, tie it tightly around the wrist!!"


In a half-panicked state, Shiro tries to remove the arrow, but Iruka, who has jumped up, stops her. She tightly wraps my wrist with a piece of cloth, presses something to her mouth, and shouts at the crossbowmen.

"Hey, what about the arrowheads?! You guys aren't using those wicked-looking ones, right?! Poison?!"

Seeing the expression on Iruka's face, the crossbowmen involuntarily recoil and hesitate. As a result, they fail to give Iruka the response she seeks, which only further frustrates her.

"Just shut your mouth and..."

"Stop it, Iruka...!!"

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