[Part 1/5]

In entertainment works with dedicated fans across various media, there inevitably exists a group known as "purists" who harshly criticize any changes made during media mix adaptations. From novelizations to manga adaptations, anime, and live-action versions, the process of adding or omitting events, characters, or details not present in the original work requires a deep understanding and interpretation of the source material from the creators.

If the adaptation fails miserably in sales and receives harsh criticism on internet forums, it might be considered cute, but in some extreme cases, fans have resorted to sending threats to production companies as an attempt at blackmail. Legendary stories of such incidents exist in works that transitioned from novels to visual media. The more beloved the original work, the higher the expectations, anxieties, and evaluation hurdles from the fans.

In the case of "Firefly of the Dark Night (Yamiyo no Hotaru)," which already had multiple branching routes and detailed settings open to interpretation, the hurdle for the novel version's unique storyline might have been relatively low, but it didn't mean fans viewed it with leniency.

The novel's acclaim was partly due to the brilliant illustrations by a famous artist, but more importantly, it was the author's skillful writing that won over the readers. The novel writer was also blessed with an eccentric mind, just like the team responsible for the original game development and manga adaptation.

The author had previously written many ero-guro works, and they made the erotic scenes even more erotic and the gruesome scenes even more horrifying. By fully utilizing their expressive abilities, they added rich psychological depictions to keep the protagonist immersed in a state of cuteness... or rather, pity. The additional hardships and trials were treated as both cruel and admirable by the readers. Yes, if you think about it calmly, the fans were quite something too.

The "Mayoiga arc" that continued from Volume 10 to Volume 12 of the novel was no exception to this.

"Is it finally a bad end?"

"It's probably a prelude for a loop."

"↑Are we going to keep playing through all the BAD routes, bound by the circle of Tamaki's principles...?"

"Do you guys really want to torture Tamaki that much?"

"I mean, we've already tortured Tamaki countless times."

"Tamaki getting tortured is kinda hot (;´Д`) Haha"

"Do you get aroused by seeing Tamaki tortured (Ryona)? Weird..."

"Just business as usual, huh."

Initially, readers speculated about the purpose of the internal wandering in "Mayoiga," which was an instant BAD ending in the original game version, and while their thoughts were inclined in that direction... reality took a completely different turn.

Shishimai Asami, a half-youkai and household member with the blood of a lion youkai, was a semi-original character introduced in the novel version of "Firefly of the Dark Night (Yamiyo no Hotaru)." She was also an antagonist who delved into Tamaki's emotional wounds, which were already strained...

* * *


My Dagger (tantō) intercepted the incoming strike of the naginata. Though I managed to block it, the impact sent me flying backward. I rolled in a breakfall to dissipate and deceive the impact. Deceived, but my arm... numb...!?

"An electric current...!?"

'(>ω<.) It's shivering?'

Based on my past experiences, I could tell from the trembling of my arm as I held the Dagger (tantō). The novel only described it as nerve pain or spasms in Tamaki's monologue, but this was clearly not a curse. It was a mild electric current running through my nerves. I knew because I had experienced being crisped by a mole bastard. ...Not exactly a joyful memory.

"Servant...!? Are you okay!? D*mn, my body!? What's happening!?"

The half-youkai lion on the other side, who had attacked me, shouted in a tone of confusion and concern. She seemed to be worried about my well-being and was also disturbed by what was happening to her own body.


I didn't answer and responded with a Teguruma thrown at her.

"What!!? Tsk!?"

In the dimly lit Japanese-style room, Shishimai seemed to have understood something from the reflection of the spider thread's light. She leaped before her body could be bisected horizontally. She gracefully rotated to avoid the spider thread's strike, and as she landed, she kicked the tatami mat beneath her towards me.

"Watch out...!?"

"The one who should watch out is you!!? No matter what, I won't hold back... guh!!?"

I dodged the tatami she thrust towards my face, ignoring Shishimai's words, and charged forward, thrusting with my dagger. Shishimai tried to intercept it with the handle of her naginata, but she must have remembered the sharpness of my dagger. So, she adapted her defense to parrying the strike.

"Wait...!? Let's talk, please...!!?"

Shishimai, with her half-youkai reflexes, keen senses, and physical strength, defended and evaded my close-range sword attacks. She used the techniques of grappling and dodging skillfully. Impressive...!!

"But, is this...!!?"

"Guh!? Ngh...!?"

While the opponent was preoccupied with hand-to-hand combat, I launched another Teguruma attack. The threads of the Teguruma swung horizontally, and just like with the dagger, it was impossible to block the attack with the naginata's handle. Touching the threads was a suicidal act. Therefore, her evasion methods were limited when she was this close.


Shishimai's chosen evasion method was to lower her body. The spider threads passed over the top of her head, slicing through a few strands of her hair.

"Take this!!"

'(・`ω・´) I won't lose!!'

With an aimed strike, I delivered a powerful kick. It was a kick with a reinforced shoe containing metal plates and enhanced by spiritual power. It was a full-force blow aimed at Shishimai's face.

"Gaah! Ahh...!!?"

Although she managed to protect her face with an improvised guard, Shishimai was still sent flying backward. Her face contorted in pain. The naginata she had been holding flew off somewhere. I moved in for the finishing blow.

"S-stop...!? Why...!!?"

With tears welling up in her frightened eyes and a bewildered expression, Shishimai tried to plead for me to stop, but I completely ignored her. I knew that talking to her was pointless. It was all too late, meaningless, and futile. That's why I had to get rid of the presence before me.

After all, it was for Shishimai Asami's sake above all else. So, right here...!!

'Σ(; ゚Д゚) Papa, stop!!'

"Tomobe-kun!!? S-stop...!!?"


Perhaps because I was too focused on Shishimai in front of me, my field of vision narrowed, and I didn't notice the presence emerging from the darkness until the spider warned me.

Right after, a girl appeared, blocking the space between me and Shishimai with a drawn sword, showing a posture to receive the attack. And my body had already started moving to finish off Shishimai, and I couldn't stop it.



In an instant, all I could do was shout. The shout and the throw of the Teguruma happened simultaneously. And Tamaki responded to the warning in the same instant. I fervently hoped that she could avoid the threads safely. I prayed for her safety, begging her not to die.


The scene before me made me doubt my eyes. The Teguruma, thrown without being able to stop my momentum, swung towards the girl. If it continued, it would slice across her delicate right shoulder and cut into her side. But Tamaki... she deflected it with her sword. To be more precise, she deflected it with the surface of the sword.

It was truly an incredible feat. Tamaki read the trajectory of the swinging spider threads, and the blade of her sword lightly grazed the threads, avoiding them without breaking the surface, creating a metallic sound and sparks.

"Kuugh...!!!? Uwaaah!?"

However, she couldn't completely evade them, and Tamaki's head was just barely missed by the spider threads as she lost her balance. Nevertheless, she remained unharmed, and that made me feel relieved and drained of energy.

The consequence of my carelessness was being paid by the half-youkai lion's claw, which approached me from the side.



'Σ(>Д<) Eek!?'

My scream unintentionally drowned out Tamaki's call. Seriously, this jerk!? Of all things, she came at me with a strike that would hit my shoulder where the previous frog cut...!?

"Tomobe-kun!!? Shishimai-san!? Why... How could this happen!?"


As I knelt down, Tamaki ran to my side and yelled. I couldn't see Shishimai's figure from within the darkness. The silence in the dark felt like confusion and bewilderment. ...Not that it meant anything.


Shishimai's presence, which seemed to have been watching us for a moment, suddenly retreated, as if receiving some sort of instruction.

"Shishimai-san, wait...!!"

"Don't go, Tamaki!! Do you want to get lost!?"

'(・`д・´) Shut up, I can't handle this...'

I grabbed Tamaki's outfit to stop her from chasing after Shishimai. Chasing her alone in this labyrinth would only lead to getting lost. Plus, there's the annoying spider.

"But, but...!!"

Tamaki was about to protest, but when she looked at me, she fell silent. More accurately, she looked at the wounds on my chest and shoulder, causing her face to turn pale.


"...I'm fine. It's not as deep as it looks."

'(`;ω;´) I'm freaking out inside...'

I answered Tamaki, trying to reassure her, although half of it was a lie. As a half-monster, the wounds weren't fatally dangerous to me at the moment. However, the bleeding, which would eventually stop, was enough to cause anemia. To be honest, I was feeling lightheaded already. I could never admit this to the protagonist.

...By the way, spider, stop stealing lines.

"More importantly, I'm glad that Miss Tamaki is safe. ...Forgive me for being impolite, but did you arrive here all by yourself?"

As soon as I asked, Tamaki's eyes widened as if she had remembered something, and she shouted.

"Oh! That's right!! I... I was teleported with a big bear youkai and that person!! Um... um..."

"Botan-sama, was it?"

Tamaki seemed unsure about the name, so I told her the name of Matsushige's granddaughter.

"Yeah, that person! We were teleported together, but... but..."

Tamaki had a troubled expression, not knowing what to do. An unpleasant premonition surfaced, and I recalled the moments just before we were teleported to this filthy room. I had asked Tamaki for guidance and requested her to show me the way...

* * *

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