[Part 3/4]

"Sigh, there's no helping it. Then..."

And when Botan turned her gaze to the scorched bear on the opposite side, the teary-eyed bear growled. Sorry, but I value my life too. I'll pray for your soul, so give it up. '((( ;゚Д゚))) I'll be a sacrifice! I can't believe I won't be the center of attention anymore.'

"What the heck are you guys doing?"


"Don't look at me!!?"

As Shishimai interfered with the sacrificial discussion, all of us, including the bear, the spider, and I, turned our gazes towards her, only to be shouted at. The bear, in particular, looked like it saw a glimmer of hope.

"Um, well..."

Timidly, Tamaki spoke up.

"What's the matter? Are you ready for self-sacrifice?"

"No way! Not that... I mean, can any sacrifice work?"

After retorting to Botan's remark, Tamaki asked a question. And Botan replied.

"According to this demon (youma) book, the targets seem to be quite diverse. However, it seems you need to draw a complicated circle under the feet of the sacrifice, so you can't use the rampaging monsters. It'll be challenging to capture one alive."

Still focused on the fierce battle, Botan explained.

"Besides, this teleportation curse seems to have quite a high fuel consumption. The soldiers we summoned earlier didn't seem to provide enough energy."

"If it's okay to use those monster as sacrifices, does that mean we can use enemies as well?"

"Yes. ...So?"

Botan tilted her head in response to Tamaki's confirmation-like remark. In return, Tamaki pointed to something as a suggestion.

"Yeah. We need a strong sacrifice, right? Then... can't we use that? It's a bit ambiguous if it's alive or not."

She pointed to the mummy king, still wriggling on the floor.


Upon Tamaki's suggestion, we exchanged glances again. And then, we quickly reached a decision.

"Everyone!! Draw the circle!! Servants! Got it!?"

Summoning a dog-faced servant as an assistant from the demon book, Botan shouted at me. I had already understood what she meant.

"Bodyguard duty, huh!? You can handle it too!?"

"Of course I can!!"

In response to my inquiry and invitation, Shishimai, wielding a naginata, agreed. As if answering her, one of the slime creatures, which had been fighting the aliens, approached us. The dog-faced guards stepped forward to intercept it, creating a path for it to charge towards us.

"Can you do it!?"

'( ・`д・´) I'm on it!!

I swung my Teguruma towards the approaching slime. I tear apart the countless tentacles that extend out, then threw them towards the main body. As a result, nearly a third of the creature's body was cleanly severed and fell off. However, it immediately started to reattach itself.

'(*´・ω・) Is it done?'

"It seems that slashing attacks are not very effective against its amorphous form...!! What's its weak point!?"

"There's a core somewhere in its body. I tried attacking it before, and if we destroy it, the creature should become powerless."

"A core, huh...!!"

While defending against the approaching slime, I looked at Shishimai with a serious expression. It wasn't easy to locate the core within the opaque slime. Most likely, the core was constantly moving within its body. Botan might have been able to sense it due to her exorcist abilities, but for me... attacking it blindly proved to be of little use.


Shishimai let out a roar. She aimed at the wound I had cut open and thrust with her naginata into it. With a thunderous roar, the slime youkai's body fluid splattered around. It had significantly reduced in volume, and she struck it again, slamming it against the wall.

"Huff, huff. There's no need to kill it if we don't have to. So we don't need to aim for the core."

Shishimai, breathing heavily from her powerful attack, wiped the sweat from her forehead and shouted at me.

"And your weapon is pretty good too, huh? Let's go with what you did earlier. You open the wound, and I'll shove something big inside. ...Got it?"


'(*ノ▽ノ) This sounds awesome!!'

To Shishimai's words, I didn't respond with denial but affirmation. Considering the approaching slime, it was the only logical course of action. Well, spider, it's not like we have any other options, right?


"Be blown away, you monster!!"

Shishimai and I coordinated to repel the incoming slime. Our roles were clear, and being both experts in monster extermination, especially since Shishimai was skilled in strength-based combat techniques like Iruka, it contributed to our smooth interception of the monsters.

"I-I can help too...!!"

"Stay behind and cover me, please."

Botan, who was preparing for the ritual, stopped Tamaki from trying to join our battle.


"With your skills, you'll only get in the way. It's okay to be passionate, but please don't bother others just for your own satisfaction."


Tamaki's eyes widened at the merciless reprimand. She trembled with shame and frustration, but that was all. She had no words to retort. It was evidence that she acknowledged Botan's words herself. She was disheartened by her own powerlessness...

"Why are you moping around!? If you want to cry, do it later!! ...Ugh! You'll support us if things get tough or if we mess up, okay!?"

Tamaki couldn't help but raise her head at the frank words. She looked at Shishimai and me, struggling against the slime.

"Miss Tamaki, I apologize for being rude, but we're in serious situation right now!! We don't have time to treat you—What's this vibration!!?"

'(#°Д°) Isn't it an earthquake?'

I continued to fight against the slime with all my might while shouting words of encouragement to Tamaki. However, a chilling sensation ran through me as the entire room shook violently. And of course, stupid spider, don't raise any flags...!!?

"Hey, hey, hey, is this for real!? Is this really happening!!?"

'(;´゚д゚`) Wh-wh-what is it!?

The thick stone door that had been closed was starting to crack and spread as the tremors grew stronger. I instinctively looked behind me. My gaze met with Botan, who had been chanting the ritual spell. She nodded slightly. In other words, it meant that it was happening.

The stone door shattered. It couldn't withstand the pressure from the other side.

'Buzzzz!''Bzzz!!''Buzzzz!!''Bzzzz!!''Bzz! Bzz!''Buzz!!''Buzz!!''Buzzzz!!''Buzz!!''Buzzzzz!!'

It was already a turbid stream. The cries of countless insects resounded throughout the room. Thousands, no, definitely tens of thousands of golden beetles rushed towards us like an avalanche. It was a sight that could be described as a swarm strategy, but with insects instead of people...!! '(#°Д°) Aaahhh、it's so scary!!?'—Hey, you're a bug too, aren't you!?



The first to fall victim were the bizarre creatures that had been aimlessly battling each other. They frantically swatted, crushed, and burned the massive swarm of insects that clung to them, but even more bugs overwhelmed and swallowed them. The moment they found a wound, they swarmed towards it. They screamed, but their voices were quickly drowned out. Their violent struggles were in vain.


And now, the remaining golden beetles, who couldn't find a target due to the overwhelming competition, acknowledged our presence and charged at us all at once.


"'Intercept them'!!"

Upon my shout, Botan, who was conducting the ritual, responded. The summoned guards followed the instructions of the curse and confronted the swarm with their spears and sickles.



In no time, they were swallowed by the swarm, but they continued to resist with all their might. They didn't even scream. They were only pseudo-living creatures, so they didn't feel fear. But their magnificent fighting spirit was evident. ...Even though it was just a means of buying time.

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