[Part 4/5]

Many creatures vomit as a defense mechanism against foreign or toxic substances in its bodies. Frogs, in particular, have the unique ability to regurgitate their stomachs when they try to expel something. Of course, after flipping their stomachs back, they will calmly swallow the object again. But, it takes some time before they can do so. Moreover, with the stomach exposed, it was impossible for this frog to engage in combat. It writhed in agony.

'What, idiot, huh...!? What on earth, how, why!? To be defeated by something as trivial as this... Agghhh!!?'

A mere frog, not to mention a Great Youkai level one, could swallow foreign objects without vomiting and remain calm. It would dissolve them in its stomach without much trouble. However, right after swallowing the nails, the Great Frog experienced intense stomach spasms, witnessing the true nature of what had happened.

With the nails stuck in its stomach, it stared in disbelief at the nails, thrashing around in agony.

'T-This is…!!?'

"Well, well, I'm saved. Who would've thought? You didn't realize it, but..."

I laughed wryly as I managed to get up. I stroked the bandaged wound on my thigh as I spoke.

The winged nails of 99 deities, which had impaled my thigh, had come out just as I had hoped. It seemed like it held a grudge for having its feathers plucked, and it had stubbornly stuck with me. I only noticed it when I checked my remaining equipment.

And so, it was easy from there. I mixed the nails with the treasures I fired out with the sling shot. Calculating to avoid being repelled by the frog's hand or tongue, I seized the opportunity to release the nails. I made it swallow the nails like other treasures. There was the example of Issun-bōshi. Even though it was a Great Youkai frog, I trusted it would show a rejection reaction when the nails began to rampage inside its stomach.

And now, it seemed like I had won that gamble.

"Ha. Don't call me cowardly and despicable. Weaklings like me can't win without resorting to these tactics...!!"

'ψ(`∇´)ψ Hahhahhahhahhahha! There are cowards and onions in this world!!'

I managed to lift my aching body and boasted. It was a close call. Great Youkai opponents are tough, after all. And as for the spider, you haven't done anything, so stop acting so high and mighty.

'Nunu... no, well done. Excellent. You have won. I will withdraw. That is the condition to leave this room!'

As the frog made its declaration while still vomiting its stomach contents, I nodded and readied my Dagger (tantō). Presumably, the 'Mayoiga' or the 'Author' had set it up this way, where the gatekeeper takes its job seriously.


After pondering for a moment, I glanced sideways. I peered into the vomit the frog had expelled, noticing various stomach contents, including a half-dissolved doll, and deduced its true nature. What a fool. If it had messed up, it should have at least tried to escape properly...


Shaking off my indescribable emotions, I refocused on the task at hand. And I declared,

"I won't do anything tasteless... Well then, it's time to end this."

Though there was some resentment toward the frog for killing my comrades who had made it through this labyrinth with me, I had no intention of tormenting and killing it out of spite. Time was of the essence, and I didn't have the luxury to hold grudges. I aimed for a vital spot and put the frog out of its misery.

'...Ah, I forgot to tell you that my child frogs have started to move. They are escaping now... gweh.'


Just before delivering the final blow, the frog added a warning, as if it had suddenly remembered. I froze in place, unable to finish the strike. I looked around, observing the surroundings.

'(;′⌒`) Papa, don't cry, okay?'

The White Spider was the first to react, perhaps due to its instincts as a predator. I couldn't retort. I had no mental space left to do so. I wanted to escape from the reality before my eyes.

The stone walls and ceilings began to move. The child frogs, each the size of a human, stirred as if waking up from hibernation. With their round, emotionless eyes fixed on me and the other survivors, they came to life.

"...No, why didn't you say that earlier!?"

While there were many things I wanted to say, I couldn't afford to do so now. Instead, I yelled loudly at the frog's corpse...

* * *

"Everyone, run! Run as fast as you can!"

Except for me, there were two injured laborers, two servants, and five children in our group. I urged them to escape as the rearguard. However, it was difficult to move with injured people and a group of children. They moved too slowly.

"D*mn it! They're getting closer!"

I swung my Teguruma towards the frogs, each the size of a person, creeping from all directions. Several frogs were severed in half, but their momentum hadn't been halted. If I took one step back, they would come two or three steps closer.

"D*mn... it hurts, it hurts!"

One of the laborers, Sukemaru, cried out as an arrowhead was stuck in his arm. The other laborer, Eijuro, scolded him while swinging his stick to keep the approaching child frogs at bay.

'Ribbit ribbit!'

"Watch out!"

"Huh!? Oh no!!"

As one of the child frogs jumped at one of the kids, I threw a kunai, impaling it in the head. The frog, with its brain tissue destroyed, passed right by the kid and slammed into the floor, bouncing off and crashing into the other group of frogs.


"Don't stand there dumbfounded, run for it! Hurry up!"


I grabbed the collar of the bewildered child who hadn't fully grasped that he had been attacked and pushed him towards the exit. A frog that came from behind was kicked and sent back into its group. Being alone is lonely after all!

Run. Run. I supported the lagging members, carrying them on my back and pulling them along as we desperately made our way to the room's exit.

"D*mn! They're coming from the front too!"

Sakuama's servant, who was carrying the heavily injured group leader, shouted. I turned my gaze to the back of the room, filled with a pile of treasures, where the grand gate stood. At the same time, I clicked my tongue, and so did the servant next to me.

The child frogs, who had been practically invisible in their camouflage, appeared from their hiding places around the gate. They were clearly blocking our way.

"No holding back now... Kids! Use the flashballs!! ...Do it!!"

Following my orders, the kids simultaneously threw the flashballs that they had been distributed before the mission. Each servant had been given two flashballs. Some must have already been used, so there were six left among the five of them. I also had one left. Seven balls dispersed heat and light.


'Ribbit Ribbit!!?'

'(. >д

The frogs were thrown into disarray by the sudden burst of light that filled their vision and the slight heat they felt. I took the opportunity to launch a flying knee kick at one of them, breaking its neck bone. Before the rest could react, I swung my Teguruma and cut through the surrounding frogs. Carving a path to survival...!!

"Hurry, rush through!!"

Following my shout, the servants, the laborers, and the kids rushed into the gate without looking back. I supported them. I fended off the approaching frogs with my Dagger (tantō) and Teguruma.

"Hey, you too, hurry...!!"

"I know!!"

I pushed Izayoi to move forward and twisted myself through the gate. I saw the children disappearing inside. I was about to follow when I was stopped.

'╰(‵□′)╯ I'm not a coward, you know!'

"D*mn, don't mess around!!"

A frog with only its upper body intact had an evil grin as it wrapped its tongue around my ankle, trying to capture me. I shook it off and threw myself into the gate. But when I looked back, countless frogs were closing in. Numerous tongues stretched out as if to prevent their prey from escaping. There was barely a foot of distance between us. And then, and then, and then...

* * *

When the front gate of Mayoiga opened with a sound, many members of the extermination squad tensed up, wary that Mayoiga might have sent its minions to attack.

However, as soon as the figures appeared, some of the onlookers recognized them. They were the ones who had been captured inside the mansion earlier. This realization led to a murmur of surprise.

"Could it be that they escaped!?"

"I can't believe it, isn't that some kind of youkai transformation!?"

"But that is indeed... ah, the vines!!?"

Witnesses were puzzled and shaken by what to do with the figures that appeared. But Mayoiga wasted no time and made its move. Countless vines extended from the mansion, approaching the escapees.

"We won't let you! 'Sōkatsu Musō (Blade Whirlwind)'!!"

A purple figure rushed through the crowd of onlookers. In an instant, it reached the escaping group, who were a cho (109 m/119.3 yd) away, and swung her sword.

Over a hundred vines were cut down in a single swing. Yet, the wave of vines kept coming. However, the girl from the Ako family remained unfazed.

"I won't fall for the same trick again!... Go, Nekiri (Root Cutter)!"

She drew another sword she had at her waist and tossed it aside. The blade pierced into the ground and rapidly grew in size. And then, it materialized. A giant snake composed of countless blades.


The youkai sword, comprised of countless blades, only needed to wreak havoc. The massive snake, which had killed countless youkai, easily tore through the vines with just a touch. Its gigantic body blocked the path of the vines, becoming a shield for the escaping survivors.

"…Huh?! He's not here!?"

While the youkai sword was holding them off, the girl desperately scanned the surviving escapees from the mansion. The expression of anxiety on her face was because there was no one she worried about among them. Especially the servant with the Hannya mask, Onitsuki's servant...


As she carefully checked the surroundings to make sure she hadn't overlooked anyone, she finally saw it. The Hannya-masked figure in black attire jumping out late from the front gate of Mayoiga. Seeing him battered and bruised, she felt a mixture of relief and frustration.

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