[Part 3/4]

...Oh, well, are you the papa?

"You d*mn creatures! Come at me then! I'll take you on, you d*mn bastards!"

'(・`ω・´) I'll show you the power of my papa!!'

With my spear and Teguruma ready, I attacked the bug-like youkai monsters that came at me in a somewhat reckless manner. At least, d*mn spider, can't you stop talking while I'm fighting!?

* * *

"Huft, huft... I made it!? I'm still alive, right?"

'(`・∀・´) I'm alive and well!'

Was it about half an hour that had passed? With the support of Sakuama's servant leader, the servant team of Asaguma, and others who came to my aid, I managed to exterminate the attacking water-dwelling creatures and return. I breathed heavily, ignoring the foolish spider's playful remarks, and reassured myself that I was alive. It was quite dangerous!

"Hahaha... well, well, that was close. Even though they were small youkai, facing that many..."

Sakuama's servant leader, who was gasping for breath like me, emerged from behind and let out a dry laugh.

"Yun-shoku, it would be best to tend to your injuries... And you, young one, can you handle it?"

"I don't need to be told, I know."

Asakuma's servant suggested. Responding to the call, Izayoi had already prepared for first aid and rushed over.

"Please take care of it. And how is everyone? Any injuries?"

"We're fine."

"Thanks to you, Yun-shoku, we didn't have many injuries."

Sakuama's servant leader and the Hidden Group members replied. It seemed that due to the effect of the Enchanted Summoning Bell and the youkais revenge-driven focus on me, I was primarily targeted and the others didn't suffer significant injuries.

Of course, I went through quite a painful experience!

"Ouch... Sorry, but can we rest for a bit before moving forward?"

Despite being in the position of leading the way, I was exhausted. I knew that there was a possibility of the entire room being blown away while resting, but I requested a break nonetheless.

"Of course. Don't worry about it."

"Yeah, without you, we'd be dead for sure."

'(^ω^) It can't be helped, Papa!'

Ignoring the condescending remarks of the spider, Sakuama's servant leader and the laborers replied. The latter's words, however, felt genuinely urgent. It seemed to be a pressing issue for the laborers who had little combat experience and relied on me as a shield. Of course, I couldn't complain since I dragged them out of the safe zone, but...

"I understand. Sorry about that."

"...Is this good?"

"Yeah, it's perfect... By the way, you're quite skilled, aren't you?"

After expressing gratitude, Izayoi, who had finished treating my wounds, asked. I affirmed it and simultaneously inquired about his proficiency. When a nail pierced my thigh, I realized that Izayoi was surprisingly dexterous and quick-witted.

(It's not solely due to his meticulous on-the-job training as servants...)

I knew that the training program wasn't good enough to warrant such self-praise. At least, it couldn't have been achieved with only a few months of education after being taken in by us. So, it must have been skills acquired before he joined us.

"Well, I used to do odd jobs in my previous place. I had some experience in treating injuries."

Izayoi answered with a slight hesitation. I understood the implications of his words.

In a situation where there were children in the bandit group, the possibilities were limited. Judging from their attitudes, it was further restricted to the likelihood that they all possessed spiritual powers.

It wasn't uncommon for women captured during attacks on villages or city roads to be treated as playthings. There must have been someone with spiritual powers among the bandits. Raising the child without selling them was not out of paternal instinct... It was evident just by looking at their eyes. The desire for revenge and hatred for having their family killed couldn't be seen in those eyes. Rather, there seemed to be more distrust and caution towards their surroundings.

Odd jobs or future combat potential, or perhaps being used as a decoy when attacked by youkai... That seemed to be the case.

"I see."

I didn't delve into it any further. It wouldn't have made a difference. For now, I needed to prioritize my physical recovery. I took out my water container from my waist pouch and took a sip. I tossed dried meat and dried persimmons into my mouth and chewed while keeping an eye on my surroundings. '( ´~`) And now, I will take a nap.'

"...Hey, what's wrong? What are you looking at?"

"Oh... I've been curious about it for a while. That mask."

Instead of returning to the group after finishing the treatment, Izayoi stayed beside me and continuously stared at a fixed point. I questioned Izayoi, or rather, the young one who had been staring at a fixed point. With a slight hesitation, Izayoi replied.

"...You didn't have that on your waist during the journey here, right?"

Izayoi remembered that I didn't have the old man's mask attached to my waist during the journey to Mount Hōraku and even during the subsequent mission. And it seemed that Izayoi had an idea of what it was.

"...It belongs to Kashiwagi. It's proof of his demise."

I chuckled wryly as I touched the old man's mask attached to my waist. It was part of the job. It wasn't uncommon for it to be difficult to retrieve corpses, not just Kashiwagi's. Nonetheless, we always made an effort to confirm deaths and collect personal belongings or locks of hair to bury. This time was no different.

"...Oh, yes. Can you take care of this mask for me? I need to be at the forefront, so I need someone to report any damages if something happens."

It would be unsettling to hand over locks of hair, and there was also the possibility of Izayoi being swallowed whole, so I couldn't give them both. I decided to hand over just the mask. When I offered the mask to Izayoi, his expression became indescribable.

"What's wrong? Don't you want it?"

I wondered if the mask made him uncomfortable, even if it wasn't as unsettling as the hair.

"No, it's not that... Are you sure it's okay for me to take care of it?"

"Why would you hesitate?"

"It's because of us that your subordinates died. Don't you have any thoughts or concerns about that?"

"What are you talking about?"

I was genuinely dumbfounded. It seemed that Izayoi had a significant misunderstanding.

"Kashiwagi's death was his own choice and judgment. It's not anyone's fault but his own."

If I had to pinpoint a responsibility, it would be mine for not training them to the level where they could protect themselves and get through such situations... But subordinates dying was a regular occurrence. It wasn't something worth pointing out at this point. Besides, it was a job where I would die despite saying things like "stay safe."

"But still..."

"You little brats, who are barely a quarter of a real deal, have no expectations from me. The same goes for Kashiwagi. He knew he couldn't hold them back, so he made the best judgment by staying behind. It's impolite to worry about him like that."

I declared nonchalantly and pressed the old man's mask into Izayoi's hands.

"Dealing with the dead is the job of those above. It's not for subordinates to meddle in. Just worry about yourselves. And..."

Suddenly, a phrase popped into my mind. With a smug smile and a mocking tone, I jeered.

"If you want to talk big, then aim for success. I hate to say it, but I'm living a better life than you guys, you know?"

I borrowed the words that made them feel ambitious. I repeated the exact words that person had said to me.

"...Are you bragging?"

"Yeah, I am."

"You're such a jerk!"

Izayoi spat out their reply with a disdainful expression, snatched the mask, and left to rejoin the others.

"...Maybe it's best to stop teasing your subordinates. If they haven't been properly trained, there's a possibility of rebellion."

The servant of Asakuma, who had observed the exchange between me and Izayoi, expressed his bewilderment. I chuckled and responded.

"That's our education policy... Is it unpleasant?"

"It was... an intrusive remark. Please forgive me."

"No, no, don't worry about it."

I lightly accepted Asakuma's servant's apology. In reality, it wasn't something that bothered me. If anything, deep down, I was rather impressed.

(This Asakuma's servant sure know how to speak up even though he is a servant. He also possesses the ability to make independent judgments. He hasn't survived just for show, it seems.)

...Even if it's rotting, he's still inside the belly of a calamity youkai. There may be an element of luck, but he seemed to possess strong self-awareness and judgment. Of course, it could be a result of his experiences since being stranded here... Well, it would be difficult to survive without any judgment or resourcefulness.

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