[Part 1/4]

She knows. His wisdom. He maneuvered through schemes, protecting himself and her.

She knows. His strength. Despite having weak spiritual power, he relentlessly trained and used tricks to face countless monsters and demons.

She knows. His kindness. Even in overwhelming despair, he never had the luxury of composure, yet he continued to comfort ignorant and powerless girls.

And she knows. His suffering. His hatred. His conflicts. His decisions. She knows that sight.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. Please forgive me..."

His tearful voice echoes. Betraying his comrades, ensnaring them in traps, sacrificing them. Despite grieving, he did it. For himself, for his own sake. This is the aftermath. The culmination. The conclusion.

She couldn't care less about the fate of the lackeys who became tools of her father. It seemed like the natural outcome. How could she have any kindness for those who came to take away her dignity and life?

Nevertheless... And yet, that's why she gasps when she sees him wipe away her tears and turn towards her. All the swirling emotions in her heart are pushed aside, and she is simply relieved and happy that he's looking at her, the one who collapsed before him.

In a world akin to a hellish prison, it felt like being offered a spider's thread. She reaches out her small arms, grasping it tightly. She clings to her hero.

And she thought about it. What she can do for him. How she can protect his radiance. And then...




"Mmm...? Hnn..."

As she wakes up with a discomforting headache, her vision is filled with a white fox. A half-youkai girl with silver hair and clear blue eyes, peering down at her.

"...It's quite impolite to look down on your master. Know your place and behave."


Aoi retorts while still lying down, brushing her hair aside. She points out the impoliteness with a malicious tone, causing the white fox in front of her to immediately jump to her side. She sits in seiza and lowers her fox ears.

Although it may appear too cunning at first glance, Aoi neither sneers nor shows contempt towards this attitude. From their past interactions, she knew that this fox child was different from the daughters of merchant families, lacking such ulterior motives. She even thought it was pitiful for a youkai fox-blooded creature to be like this.

...Though she would never say it aloud.

"Anyway, it seems like I had quite a dream from a long time ago..."

Placing her hand on her forehead, the second princess of Onitsuki falls into silence. She continues to gaze at the ceiling, and then she realizes. That this is not her place. Because of that, her thoughts focus on unraveling the memories leading up to the moment of losing consciousness... and a moment later, Aoi's eyes widen.


'Wait, Aoi.'

With a leap, she quickly stood up, and at the same time, a crane with spread wings appeared before her. The crane spoke words of stillness as a hand blade was pointed at her neck.

"...What is it, Grandmother? Have you come to interfere with me as well?"

'It's your bad habit. You shouldn't act without thinking ahead.'

"But I'm still young. I have more vitality and passion than you, Grandmother."

'Envy is seeping out of you. How pitiful.'

Although their exchange seemed like a joke, their words carried thorns. The suffocating, chilling atmosphere filled the room. The little fox trembled in the corner, but no one paid attention to her.

"...I hardly believe it, but I suppose you haven't changed your mind at this late hour?"

Aoi's words were provocative, dripping with sarcasm. It was a taunt aimed at her grandmother, who had a past that resembled an ugly failure.

'I never expected that. It seems you're the one who can't let go of the past and change your mind... Just kidding. Don't get angry, please.'

The killing intent Aoi directed at the mention of her father was so intense that even Kochou's shikigami trembled, its form contorting. It was ominous.

"...It's not funny for a joke. That man, he's nothing compared to him. He doesn't even deserve it."

There's no point in comparing... Aoi recalls the dream she had just moments ago. It was a self-affirmation and, at the same time, her true feelings. Aoi had experienced those three days with him. She had been blessed by him. She had been saved by him. She even felt contempt for herself for harboring any shred of doubt.

'...Regardless, you should not go. Your position aside, with your current appearance, you cannot surpass your mother. Let alone trying to enter the "mansion" and rescue him.'


Kochou's comment made Aoi notice that she was still in her sleepwear. Before losing consciousness, she had equipped herself with exquisite curse tools all over her body. With her talent and abilities combined, it was an arsenal that could rival an entire army.

But now, she had none of it. Even her everyday folding fan was gone. She had painstakingly cursed it, making it impossible for anyone but herself to use or remove it!

"That woman...!! She's so despicable!!"

The second princess of Onitsuki transformed into a demon with Hannya face. There could only be one who had taken away her armor.

Not only had her equipment been forcibly taken away, but even Hina had her gear stripped off.

And Onitsuki Sumire, who had forcibly suppressing countless curses, dressed the two sisters in sleepwear and placed them side by side in separate ox carts, as if telling them to take a nap until the job was done.

'...I respect your feelings, but be cautious of reckless actions. It's fine if only you suffer, but it could have repercussions for him as well. Remember that your role is crucial to protecting him.'


Aoi didn't respond to Kochou's words. Nor did Kochou expect her to. It was a mutual understanding. Aoi was now struggling to contain the raging inferno of emotions within herself. She clenched her teeth, her body trembling...

"Rest assured. He is safe."

'....!? You have the shikigami with him?'

"More accurately, my shikigami managed to help him escape, I suppose."

The reasons were varied, and their exact numbers were unknown, as they operated covertly. But Kochou knew that multiple shiki were always surrounding him, and she knew that her granddaughter before her was also one of them.

However, Kochou was aware that many of the shikigami that were attached to him during the recent attack had been neutralized.

(It avoided it as quickly as it could... but that was a gust of wind)

Some kind of ability must have been at play. There was no hostility. The gust of wind that tore through the shikigami without harming him was a clear indication.

(That was probably... Oh dear, this is not good.)

Noticing her granddaughter's intense gaze, Kochou relaxed her shoulders. It wasn't just about him; her granddaughter's well-being was also at stake. Kochou didn't have much leeway either, but she understood her granddaughter's feelings. Moreover, she knew that her granddaughter's role and behavior would become necessary before long.

That's why Kochou imparted her knowledge. She conveyed the fate of him, the message.

'Prepare for his arrival. Prepare a welcoming reception for the hero' return, won't you?'

Kochou had a strong conviction that it would protect and reinforce his position...

* * *

The legend of "Kubinashi (headless horse)" had many variations. It was often described as a sacred beast, a vengeful spirit, or a monster. In the world of "Firefly of the Dark Night," these types of source legends were rarely interpreted in a positive light. And the legend of "Kubinashi" was no exception.

While there were some variations, it was generally depicted as a headless horse, quite literally a horse without a head. However, this was merely an appearance.

The legend said it brings misfortune to those who saw it, but in fact, it was the opposite. The subject was not "those who saw the horse," but rather "those whom the horse saw" who would befall misfortune.

The horse did have a head, albeit one that caused limited perception inhibition. Those who witnessed it could not recognize the horse's head. This also served to distort the perception of the horse's abilities.

With its unique power of a certain type of Mystic Eyes, "Kubinashi" manipulated and toyed with the fate of those it laid eyes upon. In extreme cases, it could astonish them and cause their hearts to stop, or make them stumble and suffer brain injuries, ultimately killing them. It would then mock those who met such an ignoble end.

The primary "Kubinashi" occupying this miniature realm in Mayoiga was no exception. It sat in the grassland to maintain a wide field of vision. It would use its ability to dispose of those who foolishly approached. Although, it had not encountered any humans venturing into this room for quite some time...

And now, with a look of utter boredom, this "Kubinashi" let out a low growl. And in that very moment...

Ring, ring—the pleasant sound of bells resounded.


It is an impossible sound in this place. So, the youkai looked around, sniffed the air, and detected a faint scent from a distance. There was something there. An intruder. A human. It moved toward them. It was drawn to the sound of the bells and the scent, like prey to its source.

...And just as abruptly as the sound of bells began, it ceased.


The hypnotic effect of the bells ended, and before it could feel any unease about its own hasty actions, the horse recognized something. A foreign object resting in the green grass. A black object like a pill.


At the moment of recognition, a torrent of saliva poured uncontrollably from its mouth. The reaction was involuntary, a reflex.

Oh no, this is bad—it knew it was a trap. Yet, the youkai could not defy its instinct. Without hesitation, it moved closer, opened its jaws wide, and took the pill. It crunched and chewed. It was sweet. Overwhelmingly sweet. It felt like eating rice. The taste of spiritual energy... The thoughts of the youkai horse dispersed, leaving it in a state of intoxication.


Then, moments later, the headless horse collapsed to the ground, as if its invisible eyes had popped out of their sockets...



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