[Part 4/4]

Ignoring the nonsensical words that crossed my mind, I surveyed my surroundings with a sense of unease. It was a moonlit rice field, the roadside of a scattered village, a country road... I quickly turned around. It was already evident, but the door I had entered earlier no longer existed. There was no escape.

And I immediately sensed their presence. Strange beings emerged from the depths of the dark rice field on both sides. Their red eyes glowed ominously in the pitch-black darkness. Laughter resounded. Their sadistic taunts filled the air.

"The smartest thing in a tight situation is to beat a retreat!"

I immediately started running. Although there were many exits in this room, half of them were worthless. I had to jump into the salt storage house, sake cellar, or at least the donation box of a shrine.

"D*mn it, I missed it!"

With the indescribable beast-like cries as my BGM, I ran with all my might through the 'Tatari-bito no Ma (Space of the Vengeful Spirits)'...

* * *


As Tamaki regained consciousness, the first sensation she felt was the scent of tatami mats. Confused, the girl sat up on the tatami floor.

"Where am I?"

Tamaki had collapsed in the center of a Japanese-style room. It was a study with high-quality tatami mats covering an area of about eight tatami mats. There were cushions, a writing desk, and a necessary hearth emitting white smoke by the side.

On the walls, hanging scrolls were displayed, and exquisite folding screens were set up. The various furnishings had an elegant and refined assortment.

No matter how she looked at it, this was a study. Moreover, it seemed to belong to someone of a certain high status.

She remained dumbfounded for a while, staring in disbelief. And then... she immediately remembered the misfortune that had befallen her. At the same time, she understood what this room was.

"Oh no...!? I need to escape quickly...!!"

Panicked, Tamaki opened the sliding doors of the room and stepped out into the corridor. The corridor branched out to the left and right, resembling a labyrinth. In fact, it was a maze designed to confuse and entangle its prey.


Her face paled, and Tamaki abruptly stopped in her tracks, as if sensing something ominous. In that moment, right before her eyes, a sword swung down.


A small scream escaped her lips. Her gaze turned to the suit of armor adorned with hanging scrolls and bonsai trees that decorated the long corridor.


Finally, Tamaki realized. What emerged from the gaps in the helmet was not armor but a skeleton adorned with armor.


Tamaki shouted. To be precise, it was a low-ranking Gashadokuro, meant to represent a single individual. Youkai like them grew stronger by assimilating with their fellow brethren. In that sense, the withered, flesh-encrusted creature before her could be considered a young youkai. They were considered insignificant cannon fodder by ordinary exorcists... But for Tamaki, the fact that they had a human form and were composed of human remains unsettled her.


The mummified figure wearing the dusty armor stared eerily at Tamaki and swung its second sword. However, due to its desiccated state, its movements were slow, and Tamaki managed to evade it in a fluster, with the blade passing through empty space. Tamaki drew her sword, pointing it at the skeletal figure. And then, she hesitated.

"D-Don't come...! Stay away!!"

Despite Tamaki's threatening words, the armored skeleton merely groaned. The undead being slowly and eerily approached. In a way, this type of youkai had far less intelligence compared to plant-based or animal-based youkai. It couldn't comprehend the fear or caution behind Tamaki's intimidation. It was just an external stimulus.

To the undead, her presence was nothing more than a stimulus proclaiming the existence of the living.



As the creepy creature lunged, Tamaki struck it with a single slash. The blade, swung in a swift motion, sliced through the arm holding the skeleton's sword, passing through the gap in the armor. Losing its balance, the creature fell to the ground. However... even with one arm severed, the dead figure twisted and rose again, attempting to attack Tamaki.



With its rotten teeth bared, the skeletal figure let out a scream, causing Tamaki to instinctively step back. She had the courage to fight against monsters, and she had the strength and training to do so. But facing someone who was once human, the turmoil within her was different.

Fortunately, her opponent was slow. If this was within 'Mayoiga,' she didn't have time to deal with such creatures. She could leave it behind and escape... as she half-heartedly made excuses to herself, Tamaki turned on her heel and tried to run, only to be sent flying.



Tamaki was thrown against the wall with great force. She quickly braced herself and managed to avoid serious injuries, but she still collided with the opposite wall, displaying an expression of anguish. Fighting back tears, she immediately faced forward again. And her gaze met three sets of eyes.

"Nu, 'Nurikabe'!?"

Before her stood a grotesque lion-like creature. It had a flabby, fat-covered body and moved on all fours. Its face resembled a pure white square, with a horizontal plane. Three eyeballs were embedded within, creating a triangular pattern. If a certain servant were to witness it, they might describe it as a failed Triceratops.

The youkai known as 'Nurikabe' emerged from the camouflage of the wall's texture. It let out a strange beastly cry, mocking Tamaki. As she hurriedly tried to stand up and prepare her sword, she suddenly felt her wrist being grabbed.

"Hii!? S-Stop... it hurts!"

The skeletal figure, which had closed in unnoticed, gripped Tamaki's arm with its decaying hands. Its nails dug into the tender flesh of the young girl. The indescribable stench of death filled her nostrils, and Tamaki trembled in fear. But such actions were futile against these monsters. Both the Gashadokuro and Nurikabe closed in on Tamaki, intent on devouring her. And then...


A shout echoed from the depths of the corridor. Immediately after, Tamaki witnessed the head of the skeletal figure being crushed. Its head shattered, and its body, still in mid-air, crashed to the floor. Desiccated flesh and bones scattered around, leaving Tamaki dumbfounded.

In the next moment, her field of vision was filled with a young girl dressed in attire resembling a Buddhist monk. She held a naginata and had a dignified presence. A comrade.



The Nurikabe roared in response to the intruder's entrance. The young girl unleashed her spiritually infused naginata, thrusting it into the Nurikabe. Yes, they got it. Tamaki was convinced. But...

"It's still shallow, huh?"

"What!? Unscathed!?"

Tamaki was shocked by the reality before her. The youkai power emanating from the Nurikabe was at most that of a medium-rank youkai, and considering the amount of spiritual energy infused in the naginata, it should have pierced through its skull. However, the reality was that the Nurikabe suffered only a minor injury... and Tamaki despaired at that fact.

"That's about right!"


However, it seemed that the girl, accustomed to fighting, was not shaken by such events. She immediately struck the Nurikabe's eye with her spiritually infused fist, crushing it. The Nurikabe staggered in shock and then writhed in pain.

...And an opportunity presented itself.

"Go away!!"

Seizing the opening in the Nurikabe's defenses, the girl swung her naginata. She struck its neck and side. This time, it had an effect. Organs spilled out as its head fell, followed by the body slumping to the floor. The formidable outer shell of the Nurikabe, surpassing that of a great youkai, unfortunately existed only on its face.

"Hmph, repulsive!"

The girl brushed away the blood clinging to her naginata. Sniffing, she turned around and stood tall before Tamaki. It was then that Tamaki noticed it. The pair of beast ears growing from her head. Distinctive lion ears peeked out from her lush, light-yellow hair.

"I am Shishimai Asami, a retainer (househould member) of the Igarashi family, the exorcist of the Northern Region. You can call me Shishimai. ...It seems we share a similar circumstances. Can you tell me which family you belong to?"

In a somewhat haughty tone, Shishimai introduced herself and demanded an answer from Tamaki...

Fan art:

Title: Onikuma (and Botan-chan). Onikuma is a sexy heroine...?

URL: here

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